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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Thanks! This will be fixed in CORE-3040 for v4.5.0.
  2. If I were adding that myself, I would set an embed code for that specific order page from Blesta under Packages > Order Forms > (Settings tab). Refer to the docs for an example.
  3. Calling ::outputAsJson sets the content-type header to JSON for the response. It really depends on what you're using it for, but I would expect in a controller method that returns an AJAX response, you use ::outputAsJson: $data = [...]; $this->outputAsJson($data); return false;
  4. The terms you included from the Support Manager are actually logged to the database as written. The language term is used when the action occurs (e.g. assigning the ticket), but when you come back to look at it later, you'll see the log entry in whatever language it was saved in.
  5. Most of the language you highlighted is in the Support Manager plugin and Order plugin. Look under /plugins/support_manager/language/ and /plugins/order/language/, respectively, for terms. The "Work Phone" language is currently not using language definitions, but we can add that pretty easily in the next version. Also included in the next version will be translated navigation links from plugins as you've highlighted in your screenshot.
  6. Tyson


    That sounds like there may be an issue with the database file since the error stems from an attempt to fetch information from it. Have you tried updating the GeoIP database file? The last file they had released is working for me. v4.5 of Blesta will support the new GeoIP2 database instead.
  7. Tyson

    ticket error

    Is this for all tickets or only some? And are you using the Support Manager plugin included with Blesta or a custom plugin? It seems like there is some invalid text in one of the ticket reply messages, but I haven't encountered that error before. It would be useful to take a look at the ticket replies for that ticket in the database (i.e. `support_replies` table) to see if there are any invalid characters. I'd be curious to know if there are.
  8. The logger is going to log exceptions to file that are caused from an invalid route that the Dispatcher cannot direct to (i.e. 404 errors). It may be that there are invalid links somewhere in your system or perhaps someone is getting a 404 error from typing in an invalid URL.
  9. Hello, You shouldn't call ::validate or ::success yourself. Those are called on your gateway automatically by Blesta if you have your callback/return URL set correctly. Take a look at the documentation for reference. You may want to also look at the PayPal Payments Standard gateway included with Blesta for a working example. Both ::success and ::validate should return the appropriate array data (e.g. client ID, status, invoices, etc.). You should also validate the payment in ::validate instead of ::success.
  10. No, they're called separately, depending on what the gateway supports. If the gateway sends a notification to Blesta directly, it will trigger ::validate. If the gateway returns the customer back to Blesta, it will trigger ::success.
  11. You can use the client ID to fetch the billing contacts, e.g. <?php public function buildProcess(array $contact_info, ...) { Loader::loadModels($this, ['Contacts']); if ($this->ifSet($contact_info['client_id'])) { // Fetch all billing contacts for this client $billing_contacts = $this->Contacts->getAll($contact_info['client_id'], 'billing'); } }
  12. Your gateway code should process the payment notification from the gateway via ::validate. It should process the user's return to your website via ::success. You've only implemented ::success to return the expected response data, so you should ensure ::validate does as well. If no invoices are provided, Blesta cannot mark the invoices paid.
  13. When a client upgrades a service they won't receive an invoice delivery email since they are taken to pay the invoice as apart of the upgrade process.
  14. The last time I looked, TCPDF was too limited to support that type of heading rendering. I thought you may have known some alternative way to accomplish it. Perhaps TCPDF is more flexible now.
  15. How you choose to serialize invoices sent to the gateway is up to you and the gateway requirements. Each gateway is different. If you want invoices to be marked as paid in Blesta, you'll have to unserialize them when the gateway responds via the ::validate and ::success methods. If you want to display an image as a button to pay with, I suggest taking a look at the PayPal Payments Standard gateway for reference. Simply create an image using the Form helper (i.e. Form::fieldImage()) to use as the submit button.
  16. I'm not a fan either. If you know of a way to show the headings on multiple pages, but only if there are line items to be rendered on the page, then I would be happy to update the invoice PDFs to work that way.
  17. Tyson


    As changes are made to Blesta, there comes a time where some old data and functionality are no longer useful and need to be removed. These removals can adversely affect your custom development or source code changes, such as through plugins or API calls. We make as much effort as possible to maintain backward-compatibility for deprecated functionality, but you should keep up-to-date with these changes to prepare and update your custom source code accordingly. To keep you apprised of things we intend to remove, please refer to the Deprecated Functionality documentation.
  18. Take a look at order embed codes. You can also look at CORE-2583, which implemented this feature for additional details that may not appear in the documentation yet. You should go to Packages > Order Forms > Settings (tab) in Blesta and paste in your Google Analytics to the Embed Code section. You can specify what pages of the order process it should appear on if that's relevant to you.
  19. I think we'd need to know more about the payment flow for Rave in order to be of more help. Blesta non-merchant gateways typically set a form in a view (e.g. /rave/views/default/process.pdt), which is what your code snippet fetches. Assuming the Form helper is being used, which defaults the method to POST, you can override the form method by updating the view as such: <?php $this->Form->create($post_to, ['method' => 'GET']); ...
  20. I see. What we would like to do is display the table header on every page that has line items. Because of this, the table header has to be apart of the TCPDF header.
  21. You have a template that only shows the invoice line items on pages that list the line items table, but not totals/other content?
  22. The table headings appear on every page because they're apart of the header. That's how TCPDF handles display of the header on multiple pages. I don't think it detracts from the table layout if just the totals appear on the next page without other line items though.
  23. Thanks, this is fixed in CORE-2989. As mentioned, this bug causes no ramifications in the system because it is unnecessary to load that file.
  24. You can refer to the documentation on cPanel in Blesta. You retrieve that API token from within WHM.
  25. Blesta uses the minified version of that file, i.e. "application.min.css". The other file, "application.css", is not necessary to keep in your installation. Both contain all compiled CSS as Paul mentioned.
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