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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Tyson

    Email Handler

    Could you be more specific as to what you're referring to? If you want to have use PHP to deliver your mail, set the company mail settings delivery method to PHP instead of SMTP.
  2. I always like to hear about plugins coming together for Blesta, especially when developed by third parties. So I'm happy to hear you're working on something to integrate with Wordpress. I'm sure there are several people that would jump at the opportunity to use it.
  3. Tyson

    Proxmox Module

    Is the node assigned to the correct type (KVM or OpenVZ)? If that's correct and it still doesn't appear, then it must not be able to connect via the API to fetch that information. Double-check your module details are correct. For example, if your username is "root", you may need to include the realm in your username field, e.g. "root@pam". Make sure there there isn't a firewall blocking communication either.
  4. Tyson

    Proxmox Module

    You setup nodes in your Proxmox account, then they will be available via the API, and selectable when you create a package in Blesta.
  5. Excellent. I'll close this thread as 'not a bug'.
  6. Tyson

    Proxmox Module

    You can get the Proxmox module from my other thread.
  7. Attached is the Proxmox module for Blesta. Special thanks to Alex at Full Ambit Networks for creating the module and giving us rights to it. We'll be officially including it in v3.1 of Blesta. For now, we'll be considering it a beta module, and would appreciate any feedback you can provide. You can upload the contents of the attached zip to your Blesta installation directory, and then head into Blesta's admin interface to install the module under [settings] -> [Modules] -> [Available]. proxmox.zip
  8. There is dummy code for each module method and some getting started with modules documentation. What other information would you like to see? It's always good to start from scratch, otherwise you'll need to go through the module later to remove extraneous functionality, views, language definitions, etc. that are specific to the other module you copied from, but not to your new one.
  9. Why do you need to change a password from the manage module section? Isn't that what the Module::manageAddRow() and Module::manageEditRow() methods are for? Nonetheless, if you wanted to have custom tabs, you would need to use GET parameters, and handle them in your Module::manageModule() method. So: may link to: $link_buttons = array( array('name' => $this->_("Test.add_module_change_password", true), 'attributes' => array('href' => $this->base_uri . "settings/company/modules/manage/" . $module->id . "/changepassword/")) ); and then you would update your module: public function manageModule($module, array &$vars) { // Load the view into this object, so helpers can be automatically added to the view if (isset($_GET[1]) && $_GET[1] == "changepassword") { $this->view = new View("change_password", "default"); # # TODO: to whatever else you need to do # } else { $this->view = new View("manage", "default"); } $this->view->base_uri = $this->base_uri; $this->view->setDefaultView("components" . DS . "modules" . DS . "test" . DS); // Load the helpers required for this view Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Form", "Html", "Widget")); $this->view->set("module", $module); return $this->view->fetch(); } I haven't tested this, but that should be pretty close to getting it to work.
  10. The mail log shows only the text version of the email sent. However, when you click to resend, your can edit both the HTML and Text versions of the email, of which your screenshot shows you're looking at the HTML version. Since the text and HTML versions of the email can be different, that's probably what you're seeing.
  11. Personally, I find Magento a pain in many instances, both from a user and developer perspective. It is enterprise software, so it is loaded with all kinds of things that you may never use or work with, but the basic stuff like creating products, managing orders, etc. are pretty easy. You could also look into Opencart. Fewer features, but a little easier to use.
  12. Tyson

    Language Files

    Yes, terms will change, be removed, and new ones may be added, and they will get updated on the Blesta Translator for that particular version. Since the translator is crowd-sourced, you don't necessarily have to translate everything by yourself, which should hopefully speed things up a bit. If the language you translate for is 100% complete in one version (let's say v3.0.0), then a new version comes out (say v3.1.0), you only need to translate the differences, and re-download the updated translations. This assumes you're translating terms by using the translator. However, if you decide to translate the files directly, then you will need to manage your translations yourself, and merge changes as necessary with new versions.
  13. Confirmed, added as CORE-847 for v3.0.6.
  14. Looks good. 1 minor improvement that could be made is to remove the redundant last three order plugin endif and if-statements: {% endif %}{% if plugins.order %}
  15. Confirmed and added as CORE-846 for v3.0.6.
  16. I've confirmed it as a bug. Pagination there is using an invalid URL, and will be fixed in CORE-845 for v3.0.6.
  17. Tyson

    Language Files

    You may also need to translate gateways/modules/plugins, since they have language that appears in the client interface as well.
  18. Deleting a server/module row that references packages and services starts to get a little complicated, as you have to ask what will happen to those child packages/services. We have scheduled CORE-209 for v3.2 that will determine how what you described gets handled, but it's currently not designated a bug; instead, an improvement. Based on your example canceled service--even if you didn't have a service, you couldn't delete the server because it has a package associated with it. Uninstalling the module works (for now), but opens up problems with packages being undeletable. The solution we're leaning toward seems to be to unlink packages/services from a module upon uninstallation.
  19. Interesting. Before this happened, what were the client numbers? 1500, 1501, 1502...etc.? Then suddenly just 15? Which client was the last one not to be given an ID value of 15?
  20. The settings look correct. What value is returned from the following query?: SELECT CAST( LPAD( IFNULL( GREATEST( MAX( t1.id_value ) , '1500' ) + '1', '1500' ) , GREATEST( CHAR_LENGTH( IFNULL( MAX( t1.id_value ) + '1', '1500' ) ) , '0' ) , '0' ) AS CHAR( 10000 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 ) FROM `clients` AS `t1` INNER JOIN `client_groups` ON `client_groups`.`id` = `t1`.`client_group_id` WHERE `client_groups`.`company_id` = '1' AND `t1`.`id_format` = '{num}' LIMIT 0 , 30; If your clients use the format {num} as your settings suggest (see `clients`.`id_format`), then the result of that query should be the next value to use for the client ID value. Considering yours is not working correctly, the result is probably 15. But it sounds like something else had happened on or before October 19 that is causing this issue. Has anything else changed besides a few clients signing up?
  21. What are the values of your company settings related to client start, format and increment values? i.e. "clients_start", "clients_format", and "clients_increment" You can run the following query to check the values: SELECT * FROM `company_settings` WHERE `key` LIKE 'clients_%' AND `company_id` =1 LIMIT 0 , 30 And when did this issue start?
  22. Maybe some tooltips would help?
  23. How about only requiring hostname, and everything else is auto-generated?
  24. Those tags don't exist. You can use {% debug %} in the email template to see what tags are available, but make sure not to do so in a live environment, since there may be some sensitive information shown. Are you sure that neither the HTML nor text versions of the email templates have a forward slash somewhere within a tag, e.g. {client.first_name/}? Or maybe the password had a forward slash in it? I haven't reviewed how the module works in any great detail, but it sounds like either an email template problem, or a bug with the module. The counters for various modules are not working. There are tasks for adding them, but it's been rather low priority.
  25. What do your service creation and package welcome email templates look like?
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