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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Could you provide more information as described in How to Report a Bug?
  2. Are you running any third-party code, plugins, modules, or anything else? What timezone are you using? Could you create a quick list of the tasks that work correctly and those that don't? And have you tried changing the time that some tasks run to see if they will run at the new time rather than at midnight? Yes, if the task runs once daily, it wouldn't run more than once that day whether you run it manually or not. Any charge (failed/success) messages in the cron log from the autodebit task? There are several settings related to autodebit that need to be setup for a client to be autodebited, i.e. the client must have a payment account and that payment account must be set as their autodebit account; the client must have autodebit enabled on their account; the invoice and charge option settings (or client group settings) for autodebit days before due date and autodebit attempts need to be valid for the given invoice(s) being charged; and the currency of the invoice(s) needs to be accepted by the payment gateway. You could try to install v3.1.2 rather than v3.1.3 to see if you continue to have this problem. This would at least tell us at which version the problem began.
  3. In v3.2, clients that aren't logged in will be directed to the support department page after they submit a ticket. The {ticket} tag is a reference to an object, and {ticket} itself is not a usable tag. You would want to use an attribute from the ticket, like {ticket.summary}. You can take a look at the documentation for a complete list of available tags to each email template.
  4. That's strange. How often do you have the cron running? Do you have any cron tasks that have failed to complete? You can check the company Automation page for the list of tasks, and they'll be highlighted if they are still running, or errored out. Looking at the fixes completed for v3.1.2 and v3.1.3 I see no changes that would have affected the cron or invoices. I wonder if the files you downloaded were corrupted either when you downloaded them, or uploaded them over your current installation. Have you tried upgrading to v3.1.2 to see if you experience the same issue?
  5. I didn't find any reason why we couldn't add this, so it will be in v3.2.
  6. I believe an invoice should still be created for a zero-cost service, and it will simply be marked as paid when the cron runs, and then the service will be activated. I'm not sure what's going on with your server group, but the error seems to indicate that it was not able to choose a server (module row) to provision the service on. Based on the OP's similar issue, it may be a simple configuration problem that a reinstall of cPanel resolves as Licensecart pointed out. Unless you can provide steps to duplicate this problem consistently (i.e. what module rows you have, how you have your packages setup, etc.), we wouldn't have enough to go on to determine whether it's actually a bug with the module.
  7. Tyson

    Api On Interworx

    Could be. If the https://billing.licensecart.com/api/ doesn't resolve, then that is a problem. I see that URL returns 404 as opposed to https://billing.cubicwebs.com/api
  8. Tyson

    Api On Interworx

    So no response and no errors. Something else must be preventing it from connecting. What changes have you made recently that caused that to stop working?
  9. Has the invoice attached to the service been paid? Only paid pending services are provisioned automatically, based on your settings.
  10. Nav items are not removed based on whether certain features within them are disabled. It may be necessary for some plugins to tie into those nav items anyway. So this wouldn't be a bug. I'll move this thread to the Support forum.
  11. Tyson

    Api On Interworx

    Sounds like there is a connection problem then. You can try checking whether any errors are being set from the response: function getPackagePrice($api, $package_id, $period, $term) { $package = $api->get("packages", "get", array('package_id' => $package_id)); var_dump($package->response()); var_dump($package->errors()); $package = $package->response(); if (!$package) { echo "missing package id: " . $package_id; return false; } $package_price = null; foreach ($package->pricing as $price) { // Get monthly term if ($price->period == $period && $price->term == $term) { return $price; } } return false; }
  12. Tyson

    Api On Interworx

    What's a "white price"? You shouldn't continue to experience the same error, so double check whether that is the case. But like I mentioned above, the reason you receive an error at all is because there is no package found with the given package ID, which is one of: 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24. If you want to debug, take a look at the response from the API when fetching a package: function getPackagePrice($api, $package_id, $period, $term) { $package = $api->get("packages", "get", array('package_id' => $package_id))->response(); var_dump($package); if (!$package) { echo "missing package id: " . $package_id; return false; } $package_price = null; foreach ($package->pricing as $price) { // Get monthly term if ($price->period == $period && $price->term == $term) { return $price; } } return false; }
  13. Tyson

    Api On Interworx

    You're making the assumption that $package always exists and contains pricing, which may not be so. This may fix it, but it sounds like the package you're trying to get pricing for does not exist. function getPackagePrice($api, $package_id, $period, $term) { $package = $api->get("packages", "get", array('package_id' => $package_id))->response(); if (!$package) return false; $package_price = null; foreach ($package->pricing as $price) { // Get monthly term if ($price->period == $period && $price->term == $term) { return $price; } } return false; }
  14. The ability to change the virtual server ID has already been added for v3.2.0 in CORE-1083. The IP address is already shown when you click on the service row as an admin or client. As for displaying a login, not every SolusVM service could know the password since it belongs to the SolusVM client, so the login may not be known. See why here.
  15. Good to hear! I wouldn't have suspected it was because of SOAP. But that reminds me that we need CORE-1122.
  16. Like I mentioned, no module row could be determined, which is why no data is being displayed. You may have a module row setup with the hostname "s1.myhostname.eu", but for whatever reason information from that module row could not be fetched. This could be because of the package you have setup. Make sure your package is set to use the correct Server under "Module Options". If you have multiple module rows (multiple servers) setup for Interworx, try creating a service using the first server, and then check whether the service displays service information properly.
  17. If there is no hostname, the module row to use could not be determined. Make sure you have an Interworx server setup under [settings] -> [Company] -> [Modules] -> [Manage Interworx], and that your services' associated package is setup to use that server.
  18. As the error suggests, you cannot have more than one client with the same username. I suspect you're trying to use the client's email address as their username, in which case you should specify a separate username for the second client. You can keep the email address the same.
  19. There may be a legitimate reason it currently doesn't/can't log in the customer, such as the possible requirement of a CSRF token on the Interworx login page. If that's the case, there may not be a whole lot we can do about it.
  20. The PayPal gateway pulls in the payment button to display from here, or if recurring, from here instead. Make sure you can load that resource. And as Paul mentioned, PayPal needs to be setup in Blesta with the HUF currency selected as an accepted currency. The order form you're using also needs to accept that currency and allow PayPal as a payment option. Each payment gateway has its own language, so you'll need to update (or add) the language definitions in your language. For example, the PayPal language can be found in /components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/language/en_us/payment_payments_standard.php Other language can be found in the client language files. The "Use Payment Account" language is found under /components/language/en_us/client_pay.php
  21. Tyson

    Uninstall Module Bug

    We're aware of this and have created CORE-209 and CORE-771 to improve upon how uninstalling modules works in v3.3.0 of Blesta.
  22. Hi Mario, Only a couple minor tweaks needed to be made, but you can replace what I have above with the following: private function drawAddress() { $address = $this->invoice->billing->first_name . " " . $this->invoice->billing->last_name . "\n"; if (strlen($this->invoice->billing->company) > 0) $address .= $this->invoice->billing->company . "\n"; $address .= $this->invoice->billing->address1 . "\n"; if (strlen($this->invoice->billing->address2) > 0) $address .= $this->invoice->billing->address2 . "\n"; $address .= $this->invoice->billing->city . ", " . $this->invoice->billing->state . " " . $this->invoice->billing->zip . " " . $this->invoice->billing->country->alpha3; // Set my custom fields $cf_data = array(); if (property_exists($this->invoice->client, "id")) { Loader::loadModels($this, array("Clients")); $field_ids = array(6, 10, 15); $values = $this->Clients->getCustomFieldValues($this->invoice->client->id); foreach ($values as $value) { if (in_array($value->id, $field_ids)) { $cf_data[] = $value->name . ": " . $value->value; } } unset($values, $value); } $data = array( array($address) ); // Include my custom field data below the address if (!empty($cf_data)) { foreach ($cf_data as $cf_value) $data[] = array($cf_value); } $options = array( 'font_size'=>self::$font_size, 'x_pos'=>44, 'y_pos'=>157, 'col'=> array( array('width'=>210) ) ); $this->drawTable($data, $options); }
  23. How are your taxes defined? Blesta supports tax rules on customer region/location, not on a per-product basis. For example, if you had a universal country tax, and also a province tax, you could setup two tax rules. One of the rules would apply to the country, and be a Level 1 tax rule. The province tax would be a Level 2 tax rule applying to the province in that country.
  24. That sounds like an error from SolusVM. Anything in the module log contain more details on that error? You may want to check that your package has a node group setup (maybe try re-saving it) and that it's being passed along to SolusVM.
  25. It seems like your product is missing service meta rules for some reason. Make sure that the Universal Module has been upgraded to its latest version in your system. Look under [settings] -> [Company] -> [Modules]. If it's currently the latest version, you'll see a Manage button instead of an Upgrade button. You can also re-save the product in the Universal Module that you're trying to add as a service, which should save the service rules that you're missing.
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