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Everything posted by eversmile_host

  1. i already informed. hope developers working on fixes. ccavenue updated their API. this is the problem for this error. blesta ccavenue module is using old api
  2. Domain Name for Sale: Website: www.BlestaExtras.com - [ Blesta Extras ] Registered @ Godaddy and Free Push to Buyer. Escrow Available - Escrow fee 50% - 50% Domain is Registered to start dedicated website for blesta extras like themes, plugins like whm**extras, but unable to focus on this project due to some time issues. previously listed in various forums but not getting decent price. this is perfect domain name for who are all involved in blesta themes, plugins development. Live website is not yet tested fully, because we stopped to work in middle. so Domain alone is for sale. Top 10 Google Results for the below Hot keywords: blesta themes - Top 5 blesta addons - 9th Place blesta modules - 13th Place blesta extensions - 13th Place blesta gateways - 7th Place PM your Final BIN price,so we can close this deal. if not getting fair price, will planning to sell it on flippa.com (or) hold for future development. Thanks for reading
  3. they allow test accounts on live merchants account. if you want to test, i will provide my live login details for testing purpose.
  4. they have php integration kit but it's not available in public. do i send in private, if you want.
  5. Ccavenue API has changed and latest Blesta version(Ccavenue module version 1.0.1) is outdated and not supported. I request developers to check on this and update the module as soon as possible. Thanks
  6. PM sent mate, Thanks for your support
  7. i also found few other minor bugs in ccavenue settings page. tooltip is showing wrongly. http://prntscr.com/48f5ef http://prntscr.com/48f61z and last is order page alignment issue, http://prntscr.com/48f6cg anyone using ccavenue payment with blesta? please PM your url,so i can test it.
  8. Sorry for the late reply, i just return from my official trip. http://prntscr.com/48f3ru i updated "Merchant ID" & "Working Key (API KEY)" from ccavenue panel. I submitted ticket to them, they informed, once i tried, i redirected to the url of If any one want to test in live, please PM me, so i can send test account details.
  9. It's not automatically changed If i switch to usd to inr price field is empty.
  10. i just created thread for different price for every tld's and found this thread. Looking for their release
  11. Hello, I have successfully configured logicboxes . How to configure different prices for different tld's? Ex: .com = $9.99 .in = $5.99 .net = $4.99 i'm using reseller club. Is this Possible? Thanks in advance
  12. looking great
  13. Anyone using CCavenue with blesta? i just tested in sandbox mode and it's not working any live sites using this combination(CCavenue + Blesta)?
  14. i will contact them regarding this request. however, if they received mail from blesta team, they will consider this request in high priority manner.
  15. Hello Team, Blesta have plguin for CCavenue gateway. I'm here to request Plugin/module for the next leading payment gateway provider PayZippy. They released plugin for whm**. Payzippy available plugins Why Payzippy Module required? Their Transaction fee is small & No Annual Fees. They have awesome in support & they are Flipkart's owned company.
  16. anyone tried this with 3.2.0?
  17. very useful, thanks mate
  18. Domain 1 Sold. Some Graphics ideas
  19. Domains Sold. Please delete this thread
  20. Sad News: 48 football fans watching World Cup slaughtered by jihadists in Kenya resortRead more: http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/48-football-fans-watching-world-3702646
  21. Hi, Glad to see Indian in Blesta Forum @Licensecart will help you soon
  22. I'm planned to start Blesta marketplace(via BlestaExtras.com), but unfortunately i'm busy with some long term projects.i don't have time to give my work for blesta team hope i will comeback,once i complete my current projects.
  23. you did hard work man. Awesome. Congrats.
  24. i just submit ticket to Softaculous. Let see what will happen?
  25. Hello Mate, Thanks for your quick response. Screenshot attached. i got this error once i clicked "Install" button.
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