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Everything posted by S.H.

  1. Blesta v4.3.0 Suspended services that have NOT been paid are automatically unsuspended when the related invoice has been voided. Services should only be unsuspended if the invoice is paid. I prefer to void invoices and suspend services instead of cancel.
  2. For the old Blesta installation: Enable "Maintenance Mode" and delete the cron task.
  3. Just an update for interested persons, I suggest downloading the final update to the GeoLite Legacy database, file dated: Tuesday, ‎March ‎27, ‎2018, ‏‎8:05:35 AM. Source: https://blog.maxmind.com/2018/01/02/discontinuation-of-the-geolite-legacy-databases/
  4. This has worked, Audit Domains button no longer leads to blank white page. However neither of the problems mentioned in my first post seem to have been affected. Nobody else has mentioned similar issues so I wonder if others have these issues or just me? It's never too soon for a feature tease.
  5. The upgrade from v1.8.0 to v1.8.1 went smoothly. However, the problem with the registrant email verification still exists, and the Audit Domains button leads to a blank white page. This is the error from the logs, I removed my file path but the rest is unedited: [2018-04-10 15:24:22] general.ALERT: Fatal Error (E_ERROR): Call to undefined function getnamesilorow() {"code":1,"message":"Call to undefined function getnamesilorow()","file":"/~blestapath/components/modules/namesilo/namesilo.php","line":653}
  6. I can certainly give it a try. PM sent.
  7. Hi Jonathan, Excellent work on this Namesilo module. I was able to upgrade from v1.7 beta to v1.8.0. I have noticed 2 problems for which I need your guidance. 1. Manage Service -> Settings Tab: A message pops up saying "Registrant email verification status for : NOT VERIFIED!". So I tried to get it sorted but when I went to the Email Verification Manager page at Namesilo everything was already green and verified. Also is the domain name supposed to show up after the word "for" in the error message? I've attached a screenshot. 2. Audit Domains: The audit results all say "No corresponding billing record in Blesta". I did click to manage the Namesilo module then clicked "edit account" and finally "update account" to save the module settings but still no luck. What do you suggest? Do you think any of these are related to missing data in my database? Can you indicate what tables in the database are related to these errors and I can check if the data is there. I only have one row in the service_fields table for Namesilo services called "domain", are others required since the upgrade?
  8. It is my understanding that ">/dev/null 2>&1" only redirects the output of the script to /dev/null which means you just won't see an error if there was one, not that the script is working as it should. I can suggest running a phpinfo page from the same folder as your blesta install to investigate the location of the php it is using. I'm using Cpanel as well and my php is located at "/opt/alt/php56/usr/bin/php" which I was able to discover after using phpinfo.
  9. Hi NETLINK, The payment_id parameter allows the api request to charge a credit card stored on namesilo instead of prepaid funds. Hopefully I used the correct words to describe it. What I want to achieve is when the order for domain register/transfer is placed through the order form in Blesta, then Namesilo should charge my stored credit card instead of trying to use prepaid funds.
  10. Hi, is this module still actively developed? How can I add the feature to set "payment_id" in the module options? Thanks.
  11. I agree with this as I believe the issue can be resolved satisfactorily without over-thinking. Simply adding a column on the receipt/invoice template with the date received to the left side of the date applied column is sufficient. This is a valid solution since we can already manually enter the date received and the applied date should not be altered as a general principle. I don't believe there is a need to alter the inner working of Blesta because the information is already available in the database, it's just a matter of showing the information on the invoice that the customer receives.
  12. I asked for this since Feb 06, 2015. Good luck to you.
  13. Thanks guys. Looks like it was mod_security related, the host took care of it so things are working again. I feel as though I've had this issue in the past... thankfully this thread is here so I will find it the next time and remind myself of the solution.
  14. Hi everyone, If I create an invoice without notes there is no issue. If I try to add public notes to an invoice I get a 403 forbidden error when I click the button to save the modified invoice. I also tried creating a draft invoice with notes and the same issue persists. I have forced https using .htaccess and the webserver is LiteSpeed. My Blesta version is 3.6.1 running on php 5.5. Any clue as to what may be causing this?
  15. Why bother posting a useless unhelpful reply? You can defend his actions all you want but in the real world you both are trying to justify unprofessional business practices. Don't bother trying to help me, keep it to yourself, same as he did. The rest of us who were victims will find our way. This topic is about the rest of us trying to recover and make a living from our hosting business that Tasty module destroyed but our survival clearly does not seem as important as Tasty developer. If you are a guest at someone's house you do not shit on their dinner table on your way out, you atleast leave gracefully and leave things as they were; Tasty module had no intention of a graceful uninstall or a reversal script. So you can go on with your attitude problem and defend his actions, it clearly didn't affect you so you would not understand. Just because my opinion and experience is different from yours does not mean you should force your beliefs on me.
  16. I think I got it. I used these crude sql queries to set correct the keys field of service_fields table; UPDATE service_fields SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, "username", "cpanel_username"); UPDATE service_fields SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, "password", "cpanel_password"); UPDATE service_fields SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, "domain_name", "cpanel_domain"); Caution if you have other modules that use key named "domain_name". Maybe someone more skilled could make a better and more comprehensive reversal script. Once those are changed, these remaining keys per the same service_id can be dropped: dedicated_ip custom_quota custom_bwlimit cpanel_confirm_password I believe those keys were solely used by Tasty, not 100% sure about the cpanel_confirm_password key but so far things work without it.
  17. I edited packages and changed them to use Cpanel instead of Tasty Cpanel. The login button for existing services did not work at all so I thought maybe I should investigate the MB Importer script to see what exactly it changed only to realise the bastard encoded the importer script with ion cube just to make sure the screwing we received from buying his module was of royal proportions. Yes thank you so much bro for allowing me to pay you to destroy my hosting company, it's like just what I wanted for Christmas. Anyway I decided to investigate the database to see what I could figure out, so far I changed the "module_row_id" values for all applicable services in the "services" table from Tasty values to Cpanel values, this fixed the login button problem. So now when I click the login link under a service it actually loads the cpanel page for the server but there is no username or password and Cpanel gives an error "You must specify a username to login.". I've tried managing the service and adding the username, domain, and password, and it says it's successfully saved but I don't see it. I would like for someone with the stock Cpanel module to check the db table named "service_fields" and list the "keys" for a Cpanel service. The keys I currently have are these: username password domain_name dedicated_ip custom_quota custom_bwlimit cpanel_confirm_password Are those correct? Any ideas? I would appreciate any help I could get since that bastard took down his support website and didn't even have the courtesy to leave a faq on the website to I dunno... help all the people he scammed get their billing platform back to stock.
  18. Was only a matter of time. I don't even know how to revert to the stock Blesta Cpanel module, hopefully the process won't be too complicated. What I do know is that this is the last time I'm going through this nonsense, I now consider the marketplace to be a pipe dream. I won't be buying anymore third party addons for Blesta because this cycle will continue forever and I really just want things to stay working.
  19. Thanks Tyson Back to my first issue "when I manually record a payment it sends an email to the customer without attaching the paid invoice(s)." I was waiting for v3.6.0 before giving feedback and I noticed the problem persists. I would like for this email to include the paid invoice as a pdf attachment but it does not. Is it a feature to be added?
  20. I am using v3.5.3 and I just realised that when I manually record a payment it sends an email to the customer without attaching the paid invoice(s). Why does this happen? Is there any way to change this behaviour? I checked the email template for "Payment Received (Manual Entry)" and yes the "Include Any Attachments" option was checked. I need to know if this is normal operation that others have experienced or is this a fault with my setup? I have another weird issue, not sure if it will happen a second time but I recorded a payment and on the invoice it showed the amount applied as twice the value I entered along with a balance that was negative. So for example say the customer had an unpaid invoice owing $100, I record $100 payment, pdf invoice shows amount applied = $200 and balance = -$100. So I unapplied the payment and ended up with a loose credit of $100 and Due $100, 5 mins later cron ran and applied the loose credits and all of a sudden the pdf invoice is correct.
  21. S.H.

    Change Paypal Button?

    I don't think there is another way other than to change the line of code each time you update. I use these buttons: $button_url = $recurring ? "https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/btn/btn_subscribe_113x26.png" : "https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/btn/btn_paynow_107x26.png";
  22. Hi everyone, today I received an email with some unfortunate news that ModulesBakery is going to close their business by the end of October. I don't know what this will mean for me and other customers. They are saying that they will send us the source code for the module we purchased but I am not a developer so there isn't much I can do with it. I must admit I was skeptical about buying Cpanel Extended and look what happened to them, then ModulesBakery came alone with Tasty Cpanel module and it looked promising and so this time I decided to make the investment. And I am calling it an investment because it's not just the money spent but also the time to change settings and edit email templates and test and so on. I feel like the best way forward would be for me to return to the stock Blesta Cpanel module but I am not even sure whether simply back tracking my steps would work or result in catastrophic failure. I would like to know your opinions, expecially from others who are affected I would like to know what you intend to do. Thank you
  23. It will be better to use the status "expired" instead of "dead", so that it's less ambigious. No need for "reject" button or "reject" status. It should be understood by clients that closing a quote means "close without accepting" which is the same as rejecting. I agree with Adam, I don't think it's a good idea to create quotes for non clients. Every quote has to be addressed to someone so you will need all the same information from the person as if they were to be a client. So for a comprehensive approach this person to get the quote should be added to Blesta as if they were a client. If the person is not a client and they have a quote, then when they click accept and it converts to an invoice it would mean they have to now be a client not so? I think there may still be a way for you to issue quotes to non clients but I believe it would be best to have something in place to drop these quotes from the database once they become expired. Ok i disagree with myself on this line so strike
  24. +1 I also need a quote system for Blesta.
  25. Just wanted to reaffirm my interest in a quote system for Blesta. I think it is vital. I don't like having to use a separate software to make quotes that isn't linked back to the invoices or customer database. Maybe Modules Bakery could have a go at it.
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