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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. v3.3 is feature frozen, so I'd bet 3.4 or later.
  2. Can't wait, I know we spoke before and you had mentioned planning the ability to save a shopping cart link for someone via the admin panel, hopefully that feature will be include in the quote system?
  3. I wouldn't mind getting one
  4. Daniel B


    do you still have the {package.email_html} in your service creation template? If you removed that it won't show anything you input into that package area.
  5. would you care to share the technique you used to do this (the hack you mentioned).
  6. have you already moved it and you are having issues, or are you just trying to figure out what you would need to do before you move it? I've never ran a local dev install as I don't really see a reason to with a dev license, so can't really provide much detail without knowing how it had to be set up originally.
  7. Daniel B


    Did you check SolusVM to make sure it's actually creating an account and not erroring out? Check the Blesta logs and see if anything is off? Screenshots of your package setup might help as well.
  8. If you move your dev install, you'll need to re-issue it to allow it to work again, can't imagine why they would tell you not to.
  9. lol, I liked the +1 - 1 too , of course...a +3 somewhere would have been excellent
  10. When you are creating the order form, you need to select the box that says "Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders"
  11. buck the trend and make Blesta your first available billing module, then work on WHMCS lol, there's my feedback (not interested in an integrated billing module at all though, so no feedback on that most likely).
  12. try to reupload all of your files to make sure they all uploaded. If that doesn't work, can you right click on the images that aren't displaying to see what the path is showing?
  13. I would (and did) it via the database method as well, doesn't hurt anything as a quick change. I still went through to some of the templates to update the actual email though (support, billing, etc), but at least the domain itself was correct.
  14. I did a quick search through the thread and didn't see anything, so if it's already been asked sorry about that. I have a feature request: custom status I would love to be able to add my own ticket status's. I have my contact email setup as a department, and would like to be able to mark certain emails as "information", etc. Would mark them as closed but be easy to find them later. Or maybe even a tag/label system instead?
  15. I saw this over on WHT a few days ago and following the thread there, it is looking very nice. I'm not planning on starting up my VPS operations for another few months, so I wouldn't really be much help in the Beta unless it lasts longer than that though, any idea on the timeline you are looking at for Beta/Launch?
  16. Daniel B


    I don't think you need to post a request on the forum about it, the nature of support tickets is that when they have time they will respond to it...usually pretty quickly.
  17. do you use SSLGuru Mike? I'm still in the process of figuring out who I want to reseller for.
  18. I posted it in my first post: admin_clients_view.pdt
  19. yeah, that's what I originally did when I told you how to do it. But that change was just adding the field back in after the commented area to simply hide the field rather than completely remove it.
  20. I'm trying to figure out how to add custom client field information into templates. I would like to display specific fields (so I'd need to use the ID of the field instead of displaying them all), and I would like to display the name, and value of the field. Simply just trying to add something like this to the admin_clients_view.pdt Client Custom Field Name Client Custom Field Value
  21. ok, I updated my original I edited my first post to fix the Tax Id. Instead of completely removing it, I just hid the field (and left the original code commented for ease of changing it back later)
  22. hmm, one way around that might be to just make the field hidden instead of removing it completely from the form.
  23. that sounds like an excellent feature.
  24. Don't be bringing your logic in here, I'm trying to base my argument off of the flaws in google and excel and them not doing the calculations correctly darn it!!! lol
  25. his original statement was "-1 MINUS!", not "-(-1)" googling -1 Minus! or (-1)- or -1(-) does not produce 1 and wow...we've gotten just tad bit off topic, lol
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