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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. put that in as a feature request and I'm sure you'll get some +1s
  2. Blesta already uses JIRA for bug tracking and planning purposes...doesn't JIRA have feature request functionality as well?...
  3. If anyone is interested in getting into the Google Domains Beta, let me know, I've got 5 invites available. PM me your email and I'll send one out to you.
  4. This has been sold, no longer available. Thanks!
  5. What do they have a recurring invoice for if they don't have a service?
  6. Kinda suprised no one has shown interest in this. Final price down to $125, which after you renew support makes this cheaper than a new license from the cheapest reseller around (LicenseCart)...plus a free v2 license to go along with it. Also, don't forget all funds are going towards the funding of a charitable non-profit formation.
  7. Any reason you can't just invoice them for the $6,000 job, and tell them to pay half now, half when complete? Or is it simply that the $6,000 job doesn't exist yet and this is just a prepayment for possible future work? If that's the case...why accept a payment at all...that's going to open you up to tax liabilities isn't it? If this is something you've already agreed upon, just invoice them for $6,000 and they can pay half. That way that payment is recorded and applied to the invoice (to be used as a receipt if needed) and then the rest can be paid upon completion. For your specific question, you can either have them just send you payment and record it yourself (go to client > Account Actions > Record Payments...from here you can input $3,000 and check the box to send a receipt. This will add the credit to their account and send a receipt to them). or you can have them login to their billing area and click on "Make Payment"...this will allow them to make a payment even if there is no existing invoice. Using whatever payment method's you have activated (doesn't required a stored credit card if you don't want it to).
  8. +WON I could see this being useful to clear clutter from the admin side of things so we don't see clients that have no services, if they don't have any services they can automatically be marked as inactive by the cron, and make active when they purchase new services. Maybe changing the current use of inactive to something like "restricted" or "limited", and then using active/inactive for the suggested purpose.
  9. The purpose of this is for accounting purposes in most instances. Even if it's voided, you still don't want to delete it as it could raise questions down the road if you are ever audited/etc. Having a valid record of every transaction should be preferable in every situation.
  10. you can reissue your license from the Blesta account page (at blesta.com) or from your reseller if you purchased it via a reseller.
  11. already a request for it, throw your +1 over there that way it's easier for the devs to see how many people are interested http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1453-braintree-gateway/?hl=braintree
  12. I don't think it's a bug, I just think they haven't implemented the full functionality of contacts yet.
  13. I don't think the invoice itself is what should be categorized...this should be done based off the line items themselves in my opinion. Your line items should already categorize what the item being billed is for right?
  14. +1, would love to see this added Personal, Company, or Both options.
  15. +won I can see this being pretty useful when you start getting into selling subscription services or other types of paid access to content/websites. Maybe even for downloads, automatically directing someone to the correct download after purchase.
  16. Yup, which is show in #1, however, when the connection drops it is not fully completing the process (as shown in #2 and #3). Sadly nothing shows in the Softaculous error log so it's a bit hard to track down "why" the connection is dropping, don't see anything in apache or server logs either.
  17. I just tested this 3 times. Test 1: Said connection lost after 95% complete, but install still fully functional Test 2: Said connection lost after 27% complete, install goes to license input screen (so softaculous installed, but didn't finish registering admin user info/free license) Test 3: Said connection lost after 95% complete, install goes to license input screen Looks like somethings going on with the connection dropping out during setup...seems like this would probably be more of a softaculous problem than a Blesta problem.
  18. the above CORE listed by Naja is enough for me, and should resolve these issues when it comes around to it. Until then, I'll just stick with the code modification to remove the username option. I'm all for letting the customer choose certain things, but I don't feel the option of what type of username to use really needs to be something they have to worry about picking. I require all my clients to use their email...just makes things simple.
  19. What do you use? I've been thinking about using a local only manager...but how do you manage on your mobile devices?
  20. Either a plain HTML website, or wordpress for me. Though, whatever you are used to would be pretty simple to use truthfully.
  21. Yeah, after only using it for a day I'm probably not going to keep using it for much more than a few more days to continue testing. Syncing seems to be a bit iffy...and the mobile support is a bit annoying, requiring use of it's built in browser rather than other ones on the phone. More of a useability issue for me than a security issue...because from everything I've read, and I've read all the indepth nitty gritty details myself...the security isn't "miles behind" any of the other ones (other than lack of 2 factor auth...which is actually a pretty big issue though).
  22. The system just seems more userfriendly to me, looks a bit sleeker. The devs seemed a bit more responsive to requests in the community from what I saw. It doesn't have all of the features that LastPass has (be then it does have a few that LastPass doesn't). They are still working on adding 2 Factor auth which is a bit of a downfall at the momemt...but hopefully that will be soon. I already use LastPass, and just saw PasswordBox today so figured I'd check it out. One reason was it seems to interface with mobile easier than lastpass (and once I get 5 referrals it's unlimited passwords for free and free mobile app is nice). Though...even with out that they are both only $12 a year for all that...so not really a price factor to speak of.
  23. I already use LastPass, and am switching from it to PasswordBox as I think it's going to be a pretty nice competitor to LastPass....dev team seems very responsive from what I've seen. Problem with using the USB options completely defeat the entire reason I'm going with this solution. Ease of use, on multiple platforms, including mobile (I don't have a USB slot on my mobile...)
  24. Suit yourselves, I feel perfectly safe with it. All passwords are encrypted client-side using AES 256...that's secure enough for me . Not to mention the other levels of encryption on their end of things as well. Once they get 2 Factor Auth completed, it'll be even better. (though I must admit, I thought they had it already). However, I have to say...even if you don't want to use it...feel free to sign up real quick even if you never sign in again .
  25. memorizing 300+ 18 character randomized passwords...or putting them into a usb pen is a lot less secure than using a system like this in my opinion. It's got a master password + 2 factor authenication (soon)...so the security is fine in my eyes. And makes it easy to then have random passwords for EVERYTHING . Some information if you feel like taking the time to read: https://www.passwordbox.com/media/Security-White-Paper-v1.8.pdf Shorter version: https://www.passwordbox.com/security
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