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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. This suggestion has nothing to do with the order of the packages...it's about adding monthly prices to all of them.
  2. that's what I was thinking, but I'm not finding the top bit Find: Can't find the text "private function getCountriesList()"
  3. Can you add a bit more information to your post for those who might be new to modifying things...like where this needs to be added, what file, etc?
  4. just getting back (permanently, finally...) from a bit of a hiatus. I was using this before, and while setting up a new Blesta install I wanted to see if this plugin is still needed (not sure if it's been added to the core module yet).
  5. well now that I'm finally back and things are starting to pickup for me again...figured I'd bump this to see if there is any more interest, because I'd still really love to see it
  6. Security Questions and Chipless Debit/Credit cards...while I love living in America...I sure wish we would catch up with the rest of the world on Security...
  7. +1 as well, I could see this being very useful for resellers. Client Groups would be an awesome way to do it as well.
  8. If only they didn't have compatability issues with a few of the programs and games I use, I'd run linux all the time.../sad
  9. this would be an excellent addition +1
  10. The fine would come from the credit networks...most likely it would be levied on the payment processor for allowing you to use them without being PCI compliant, which I would guess would inturn be passed on to you. The fine wouldn't be the biggest issue, very true...but the inability to ever get another merchant account again would be a bit difficult to swallow. (of course, this is all "worst case" stuff...not like they actually due complience checks on the "little fish").
  11. While they may not be federal laws (yet...though they already are in some states), PCI is required by all major credit cards networks (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express)...and if you are found in breach of them you can face hefty fines and expulsion from said credit networks. Not complying with PCI Standards and being caught could easily mean that you'll never be able to accept credit cards or get approved for a merchant (or non-merchant) account again. If you get blacklisted by the credit networks you are screwed as a business. It's not something that many sole proprietor's or small business think about, but PCI Compliance is a serious issue and should be viewed as such.
  12. true, I wasn't thinking about unlimited for X amount of time. +won
  13. What's the purpose of having an unlimited coupon? If you have a coupon to provide a discount, and it can be used an unlimited amount of times...why not just lower the price of the item...? (I know, marketing purpose...not everyone will know about the coupon, etc...just playing devil's advocate here )
  14. I was a bit confused by all the stuff happening in that thread as well, but the way I understood it was that in it's current state, the Stripe Module leaves the onus of PCI compliance on you, because it sends card information to the server to be tokenized before passing it along to stripe (since it doesn't use stripe.js). There is a fix/workaround item in progress, looks like it's assigned to 3.5. Core-1085 Blesta does not store the credit card details, but it does send them to the server to be tokenized on the initial charge. The fact that it has to send the card details to the server to tokenize them is the step that requires your server to be PCI Compliant, whereas if we could use stripe.js, you wouldn't have to worry about PCI compliance because stripe would be responsible for it since the card info would never touch the Blesta server. So, once the above task is completed, using stripe.js will be possible.
  15. +1 would love to see this
  16. What kind of update are you looking for? As mentioned earlier in the thread, it's already been assigned as a future feature: Core-1387, looks like it's scheduled for version 3.5, but that could always change.
  17. If you look at the status in the issue itself, it shows that it was resolved (completed) on 29 Sep and will be in version 3.4
  18. not too fond of the outer glow around the main content boxes, but other than that it's looking really nice (they just seem to make the edges of the boxes look blurry, whereas the rest of the theme is very crisp).
  19. Did you purchase it through Blesta, or through a reseller? If Blesta, login to your account and re-issue the license. If a reseller, contact the reseller and tell them they need to re-issue your license.
  20. 1 Invite left
  21. 4 left
  22. Not sure how that's "ahead" of us since you made the request after it was mentioned lol
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