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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. Yup, I thought that was the issue and I checked before I posted...just double checked and I looked at the wrong darn order form, lol . Fixed that and am getting an error as well (not the same one), so I guess we can at least confirm it as a bug An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request.
  2. I was trying to duplicate this, and when I order a new service and don't pay for it as a client, all it does is generate an invoice...it doesn't even create a service to cancel yet. Are they trying to cancel the invoice, or is yours actually generating a pending service that they can see client side? (I can see the pending service in admin, but not on the client side)
  3. Daniel B

    Release 3.6.1

    You can follow the general status of v4 on jira: https://dev.blesta.com/projects/CORE/versions/10603 Or a condenses list of Patch Notes so far: https://dev.blesta.com/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10000&version=10603
  4. Gotcha, that's what I was thinking but just wanted to make sure... Hmm...now to figure out if it's worth the hassle of doing that...lol
  5. Does the module support purchasing extra SANs for certificates that allow them? I don't see that type of option anywhere so was just wondering about how that would work.
  6. Chrome (on Mac), but looks like that's the problem...works fine on my windows machine.
  7. Daniel B


    I've been following it for a while, and I'd say it's going to be more of an "Encrypt Everything" tool, they aren't planning on doing anything more than low level single domain certs, debating wildcard (but leaning towards not), no EV certs, etc. I'm going to use it everywhere I normally would have spent 6 bucks on a cheap cert, but anything else I'll probably keep using the higher level certificates. Truthfully, I could see plugins for cpanel/interworx/etc set to automatically generate and install certs and renew them for every single domain on the server...really no reason not to now.
  8. Just installed on a fresh install and I'm not getting any options when I click the checkbox next to tickets (used to pop up the modal window to move to trash, etc). Think I'm just missing a file? (Can't reupload at the moment, on an hour bus ride home or I'd would just try that).
  9. Daniel B


    I'm going to, just thought is was strange that they spent the time to create a module for letencrypt...and didn't allow it to work for service certs...
  10. Daniel B


    Yeah, I thought it was interesting getting back into my server and updating things...adding the new Interworx LetsEncrypt module...but it only works for Siteworx accounts, doesn't allow Nodeworx to use it to create certs for services
  11. Daniel B


    hopefully this isn't the beginning of security lapses with interworx...
  12. Daniel B

    Sqlstate Errors

    I didn't do a backup since there wasn't really any information in the database, only a few minor things... I'll just do a full reinstall and give it another shot. I went from 3.4.3 to 3.6.1.
  13. Daniel B

    Modern Theme

    much better!
  14. Daniel B

    Sqlstate Errors

    So, I tried to upgrade the other day after forgetting my support and upgrades weren't current, so it failed. I then got that activated and upgraded, the upgrade page looked like it only took a few seconds to run...so I thought that was awesome. Now here I am trying to set things up again and getting some errors...did I screw my database up with the failed upgrade? SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'allow_upgrades' in 'field list' on line 124 in /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.com/html/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.com/html/lib/model.php(124): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.com/html/components/record/record.php(225): Model->query('INSERT INTO `pa...', Array) #2 /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.com/html/app/models/package_groups.php(162): Record->insert('package_groups', Array, Array) #3 /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.com/html/app/controllers/admin_packages.php(517): PackageGroups->add(Array) #4 /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.com/html/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminPackages->addGroup() #5 /chroot/home/onetwotw/domain.om/html/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/packages...') #6 {main}
  15. I am just going to sit here and ignore the fact that I've been using Blesta for almost 3 years and never thought to actually click on that star...just thought it was part of the design...lol
  16. +1 (if it hasn't been added yet since this is so old and I didn't check yet) Also...any plans to eventually have the ability to load plugins directly from the marketplace within Admin?
  17. just a random thought as I get caught up on tons of stuff I missed over the past few months...regarding the submenu discussion. How about a "add to favorites" option, the pages that you use a lot you can set to favorites and then there could just be a favorites dropdown with those. Good/Bad/Ugly...just a thought I had while reading .
  18. Daniel B

    Modern Theme

    I'm looking forward to it, getting back into the design business main stream so I think I'll be doing Blesta themes regularly.
  19. Daniel B


    Working on setting up a new install, interworx module, Centos7, php 5.6. I already have libxml2 as well as php-soap installed, so not sure why it's popping up now. Anyone have any ideas? First time I've installed on Centos7 so didn't know if there is a new requirement I am missing? [ctrl_name] => /nodeworx/users [action] => listWorkingUser [input] => Array ( [perms] => Array ( [0] => NODEWORXUSER ) ) ) getResponse Results (Line: 304) stdClass Object ( [status] => error [response] => soap_error2 [log] => )
  20. Daniel B

    Modern Theme

    You oughta put some images of each one on that page
  21. +1, as one of those people that would rather pay from the email than logging in, I prefer to have a pdf invoices attached
  22. I'm not Canadian, but I'm all for helping out my neighbors +1
  23. That error means that your open_basedir restrictions are too strict. It's not allowing php modules to run in the directory, I haven't used cpanel in a while, but there should be a setting in WHM that controls open_basedir (look for security settings) though seeing this "ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so" in that error message is telling me that php is still trying to use ioncube for php 5.3
  24. have you upgraded ioncube to the php 5.5 version as well? Can you look in your logs and see what error it's giving exactly? Tons of things could cause a 500 error. And just in case, what control panel are you using?
  25. Daniel B

    Release 3.5.0

    This makes me happy mini all the things!
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