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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. oh, lol...derp...I was thinking of the actual PHPIDS php extension lol, but yeah...either way...neither is installed
  2. Hey Good to see you again, it's been a while...hoping to get back involved with the community again finally...been a crazy few months! I'm running this on a shared server (starting to wish I got a vps instead...) just to separate my billing from my main servers. I can't enable PHPIDS myself, and it's not showing up on a phpinfo page so I'm assuming it's not installed.
  3. For some reason when I uploaded the files before I installed, the .htaccess file got uploaded with 0 bytes. I noticed everything had the index.php still in the url so I reuploaded the htaccess and now links work without index.php in them. However, all of the links in the admin panel seems to have the index.php in them, so whenever you click on them...all of them take you to the portal page. Is there a setting somewhere I can't find...probably a really simple fix but I just woke up .
  4. Can't wait! Sadly I missed pretty much all of the beta process due to changes in my business and work...but can't wait to get this implemented and getting things off the ground!
  5. Daniel B


    Features and Options are useless when they are full of bugs and a team that cares only about money and not about their customers. So good luck with vb ...
  6. Daniel B


    So anyway, if anyone wants a cheap xenforo license, I've got 3 to sell for $100 each...gotta pay for my addon companies for Blesta somehow! (comes with a year of support too)
  7. that does suck . What two drives were involved? (what died, and what did you replace it with)?
  8. Daniel B

    New Design

    I don't really like the huge size of the slider image, but to each their own . Other than that it looks very nice and sleek.
  9. Luckily I don't have a huge number of clients at the moment (or unluckily I guess...lol), so I'll just be manually setting everything up. However, if I did have too much to manually transfer, I would probably just wait for the importer scripts to be done for v3 (which I'm going to assume won't be too long after release anyway, at least for the major competitors)
  10. excellent, thanks for verifying
  11. So I was just browsing around on WebHostingTalk and saw this thread about someone ripping a design for another billing system because the template folders weren't secured. http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1270557 I haven't looked at the template/design aspect of Blesta yet so just wanted to ask, are there security measures included by default to prevent something like this? I know it would be up to the designer if they are creating a theme from scratch, but since most themes are just integrations copied from an existing theme...as long as it's included by default it should hopefully make it into integrations as well.
  12. I would love to have the ability to create custom statuses for my tickets. The way I invision this working would allow a few settings for each status Status Name: (self explanatory) Color: Having a color/markup (simply a hex code would be fine...or possible html markup?) Open/Closed/Client Reply: For example, if I want to create an 'informational only' status, I could set it as closed here, so it shows up in it's own category, but doesn't clog the ticket inbox. Or I could create an 'escalated' status that would send the ticket to management, and leave it open.
  13. one step closer to Interworx for me then....
  14. bah, have to wait until I get home to watch it...6 hours... is there anything about IPv6 support in there?
  15. Xenforo forum account is "Staxed", I don't post over there much right now though .
  16. I'll go ahead and tell you the easiest way to do it When you are ready to open the forum to the public, simply create the new usergroup with the new title, and transfer everyone in the registered usergroup to it...that way new people will go to the standard group, and all the beta testers will have been moved to a new beta group. Or you could just rename the current group and create a new default group after the forums go public . (I've run a dozen rather large forums in my time...forums are my thing ...never used IPB (I prefer xenforo at the moment), but that's normally the easiest way to do something like this)
  17. Please excuse me, but I'm bored at work waiting for the last 30 mins of my shift to end with nothing to do...too bad I can't test blesta better from work... Anyway, I was perusing the members list for no apparent reason and saw that the Alpha Developers got a nifty "Alpha Developer" title. I love vain things that add absolutely nothing to anything but make me feel a little special inside...any chance beta testers are going to get a "Beta Tester" title?
  18. Daniel B


    Neither did I until I started reading the documentation on how to setup clustering, lol. It's ok, I don't really need clustering right now, good to know it'll be there when I start getting a larger infrastructure setup.
  19. Daniel B


    though sadly you can't do clustering with vps licenses /sadpanda
  20. Daniel B


    Found what I was looking for, in case anyone else needs VPS licenses http://www.licensecube.com/control-panels/interworx-license.php
  21. Daniel B


    They don't sell VPS licenses directly, only dedicated licenses, vps licences have to be ordered through resellers. I have a trial license right now that I'm messing around with, need to find some vps licenses though if I plan on offering a line of interworx vpses .
  22. Daniel B


    Figured I'd ask here since I know Paul at least likes Interworx...anyone happen to know where I can get VPS licenses for Interworx? (without signing up for new VPSes...trying to find some to use on my current servers...)
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