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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. I'm working on setting up my new blesta install, using only the Cpanel Extended Module right now for account creation. I made a test account, signed up and purchased a plan (free plan for testing purposes). Then I enter the AdminCP to activate the order. 1. There is no password entered into the details (though I did put one in when I filled out the order form). Is this normal? I've tried leaving it blank as well as putting in a password...#2 below happens either way. 2. When I click "activate" the following error occurs: Oh noes! unexpected character in filters : "/" at 1974 on line 233 in /home/staxweb/public_html/my/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(114): ArgumentLexer->parse() #1 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(75): H2o_Parser::parseArguments('pricing.cancel_...', 1955) #2 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(106): H2o_Parser->parse() #3 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(142): H2o->parse(' ???Hi {conta...') #4 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/app/models/emails.php(796): H2o::parseString(' ???Hi {conta...', Array) #5 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/app/models/emails.php(514): Emails->buildEmail('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', Array) #6 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/app/models/services.php(1135): Emails->send('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', 'daniel.b.barr@g...', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array) #7 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/app/models/services.php(932): Services->sendNotificationEmail(Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), '1') #8 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3396): Services->edit('2', Array, false, true) #9 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->editService() #10 /home/staxweb/public_html/my/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/clients/...') #11 {main}
  2. Ignore this, I'm an idiot and I'm tired...
  3. Am I missing this option somewhere? There is a rather large jump from paying monthly, to paying annual...I would like to allow clients to pay quarterly or semi-annually as well. Does this option not exist? (shocked I never noticed this in beta...should how much I actually got to mess around in beta )
  4. I posted a thread earlier today and Tyson mentioned it would probalby make a good feature request poll...so here it is . Hopefully I'm not the only person around that likes to use my ticket system to store pertinent information related to my business, uptime monitors, corporate account information, paypal payment emails, etc...all sorts of stuff that I don't want to send "Thanks, we've received your email" replies to every time an email comes in. Right now, there is no way to do this...every email that comes into the system gets an autoresponse sent. Having the ability to toggle this option on/off per department would be nice in my opinion. ---------- Also, while I'm at it...separate templates for the autoresponders would be nice as well .
  5. That would work perfectly. I bet a feature request poll would get quite a few votes http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1306-department-level-ticket-auto-replies/ I just made it
  6. I like to have all of my emails in one place, rather than using it as "just" a support desk, I like to have my administrative emails in the system as well so I can keep track of them. For example, I have an account email address that I use with paypal. I want this to be in the system. However, when someone pays via paypal, it will send a paid notification...which then gets an auto-response, which in turn makes paypal send another email, etc...luckily paypal is smart about this and stops the loops, however I have in the past had hundreds of emails bouncing back and forth from something like this. That's just one example, but there are plenty of reasons why sometimes you wouldn't want certain email address sending out a notification.
  7. gotcha, thanks
  8. yeah, two boxes would be a simple solution as well, then don't have to worry about selecting which option in the settings anywhere.
  9. I don't see anything in My Info dealing with ticket auto-replies. Not sure why it would be there anyway as that should be a per department setting, not a personal setting.
  10. I know either works, but what I'm saying is the area in the actual admin panel that says "copy and paste this line into cpanel/etc". Having that actually update itself depending on which option you want would be nice
  11. Is there a way to disable the auto-response that is sent when a ticket is received? I have some departments I want to setup to view within the system, but I don't want them to send out auto-responses (accounting purposes, personal employee emails, etc).
  12. This is a very small request and won't bother me in the slightest if you say no, but it's just one of those "gee, this would be nice" things I thought of. Right now, Blesta defaults to using the pipe.php file to pipe emails to the support module. While I guess this works for some people, it doesn't work for me so I have to manually edit the fowarding line that is provided when setting up a support department. While this is simple, and doesn't take long...sometimes I forgot to do it and have to go back in to redo the fowarder after realizing it's broken. An option in the settings of the support module to use either index.php or pipe.php that would change the provider fowarder would be awesome
  13. Just curious about this, not a big deal if not but figured I'd ask. Is there a simple way to import the servers that have already been setup in the standard cPanel module into this one?
  14. What does this setting do exactly? It's not documented at all so wanted to be sure before I check/uncheck it.
  15. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    yeah, I think it's their own special version that they've modified to automatically install whm/cpanel with about a trillion security features enabled. Every time I got one thing fixed, there were two more things preventing things from working. Was going on two days of messing with it and still wasn't working. Reinstall myself and 30 minutes later I'm up and running
  16. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    Finally got everything working, I ended up just reinstalling the server, OS, WHM, etc, all myself. Apparently the "securecpanel" version of Centos that they were using for default vps provisioning is a little "too" secure.
  17. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    That's awefully nice of you, and I might just take you up on that. I want to play around with it a bit more on this end though as I really want to figure out why it's doing this on my new VPS...driving me crazy, lol.
  18. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    I don't have the option onf installing on another server Is there a way to fix the key? Redownload and Reinstall? I've tried that once already, but can do it again.
  19. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    until he disappeared after the last ticket update...darn people and their sleeping! lol
  20. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    gotcha. Well I've got paul helping in a ticket now. So far I've determined it's not a firewall issue as I turned csf off completely and still happening. The search continues
  21. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    Yup, that's what I've always done, but it doesn't seem to be actually reissuing the license when I try to do it. Page just saves and says "The data was successfully updated.", and if I go back to the license details, it still shows the domain it's assigned to.
  22. Daniel B

    Invalid License

    I've got a ticket open, but figured I'd see if anyone else experienced the same thing and how it was fixed (if there is a way to do so without dev assistance). I reinstalled blesta on the same domain (moved to a different server), and now when I try to activate it, it is saying license invalid. I have tried to reissue the license, but it doesn't seem like it's actually going through with the reissue, as the details still say the domain in it (though it's the same domain, so that shouldn't be a problem?). I've even tried to install blesta somewhere else to use the license with a reissue, but nothing seems to work...just says license invalid every time, even though the license is active. Any ideas, or do I just need to have the devs reissue for me?
  23. [Tools] -> [Clear Nav Cache], would be a much more obvious solution .../featurerequest
  24. that fixed it, thanks I knew it would be simple! lol now I just gotta get my cron working...I forgot how "fun" shared hosting can be at times...(and they fixed it while I was posting this...lol )
  25. quick update on this, it actually looks like it's only the navbar links. The actual menu links on the different pages seem to be working as intended (without the index.php)
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