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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. I probably won't use it, but I think it's good to have...+1
  2. I don't have a WHMCS install at the moment so I'm not sure what the actual table/column is so you will need to change those to the correct name...but this should work: update tablename set clientemailcolumn = your@email.com of course test this on the test database, and not the live database and this isn't always an issue, but depending on your database/phpmyadmin settings...if it doesn't allow you to use that (some settings prevent using a query to change all records in a column), use the one below that will make it think it's not affecting everything even though it actually is update tablename set clientemailcolumn = your@email.com where 1 = 1
  3. Which panel are you wanting development of? If enough people want it, it could move the priority up for the module development as well.
  4. This is not a feature request at all for Blesta...but figured this would be a good place to put it. Since Paul, Cody and Tyson are awesome and like to prioritize things by what the users want...wouldn't an actual "Suggested Feature Tracker" be a good addition to the site? Instead of people posting new suggestions on the forums (or they could still do that but have a dedicated team to take the best suggestions and add them to the tracker?), they could add their suggestions/features to this tracker where everyone else could vote yay/nay...which would make it a lot easier for the devs to see what people want most...instead of counting +1s in a thread. Just an idea
  5. very good points that I didn't think about . Maybe when you click to deactivate a client it could pop up a menu/page that lists all of their active services/invoices and you can select which ones to leave as is or to cancel/suspend. That might be a good way to do it as well (for those like the op that didn't realize they should do so manually). Certainly not a high priority since it can already be done manually...but would be a good bonus for low priority addition
  6. When I do this sort of stuff manually, I simply add a new line at the bottom of all the other line items for a negative amount, and list it as a credit/partial payment/etc; that is my preferred place for it to go. Though having a separate area for credits/partial payments (maybe a "charges" line item area and a separate "credits" line item area below it) would be nice as well.
  7. Magento is free if you host it yourself... there is also dozens (maybe hundreds) of free ecommerce software out there.
  8. It's not a miscommunication, it's their official stance. I don't think it's specifically stated on their website anywhere at the moment...but if you give them a call they will tell you it's not allowed.
  9. there is no module for shipping options (at the moment), Blesta is more of a billing software...not really meant to be an all-inclusive ecommerce solution...while I certainly don't want to say don't use Blesta...if you want to run a storefront with physical items...an ecommerce script would probably work out better for you...
  10. That's what I do as well...but, mindlash does have a point... what is the purpose of even bothering to set a client to inactive if it doesn't automatically set all of the services/invoices to inactive/cancelled as well?...why do 3 steps instead of 1?
  11. the issue I see with this is most of the card readers you can get only work with their specific apps (like the paypal card reader only sends the card info to the paypal app, there would be no way for it to send the info to blesta unless it could interface with the app somehow).
  12. I can do the 20% off for life, it's the "or 75% off the first 3 months" that I was implying I couldn't do...there are plenty of services I wouldn't want to give lifetime discounts for.
  13. now if only I could get the dedicated server reseller program I want to use to integrate with Blesta instead of those other people...lol
  14. Yeah, Blesta does have a bit of a learning curve to start with, but once you get it...it's pretty simple . Maybe be a little extra work, but it's pretty customizable
  15. I checked around and didn't see another feature request about this so I wanted to bump it. I've been a strong proponent of Blesta since the v3 Beta, love lots of things about it...however, I can't say that I love the coupon system. It needs to be WAY more robust...and hopefully soon. I know for me personally, coupons are a major factor in the hosting industry (as well as other industry's/services that could use Blesta)...and only being able to give permanent discounts, or single term discounts is a huge killer for me. At the moment, during my relauch, I'd love to be able to give 75% off the first 3 months, or 20% off for life...something like that...but as the system stands...I can't do that. CubicWebs idea is pretty much spot on as a start, but having even more than that...an awesome, robust coupon system would be nice. ---------- Coupons should be able to have one, some, or all of the below options, the admin can choose...and of course put settings for each one Percentage/Amount/term discount (buy 3 months get one month free...etc) Single Time Period or recurring Uses Coupons restricted to term length, not just specific package (have 2 coupons for the same package, one works for 1-3 months terms, other works for 6-12 month terms as an example) While I don't think this should be #1 priority (though I do think the basic system Cubic mentioned should be very high on the priority list for the hosting industry), I think having such a robust coupon system would be "another" huge selling point for blesta.
  16. Since I use a paypal swiper to charge a few of my local clients, this is something that would actually interest me quite a bit. But since each payment processor is going to have it's own method/api for their card readers, and for the way they process the payments from those readers it would probably require a separate module for each payment provider (this is just a guess, haven't thought very deep into what actually would be required to accomplish this). The way I normally handle this for local clients, I use paypal to generate what they owe, they pay, and then I go into the system and manually add them, credit the payment, etc. Having this process be automated directly from Blesta would indeed be awesome...and would put Blesta lightyears ahead of other billing software...though I have to say it should probably be low on the priority list for now .
  17. It's a good thing Blesta can be used for more than just billing for hosting services
  18. The "From:" email is set on a per email basis, so you will need to open each individual email template to update the address. Settings > Company > Email Templates (or just throw this on the end of your blesta domain: /admin/settings/company/emails/templates/)
  19. You need to make sure you have coupons enabled for each order form as well: Packages > Order Forms It shows as a link on the order form 1st and 2nd page, once you get to the 3rd step it won't show anymore and you'll need to go back to enter it. It's under the total/subtotal on the right hand side, when you click the link it will open up the field for entering the code.
  20. it's running cpanel and apache...just becaues that was the default install and there was plenty of resources to not care. I am planning on adding/switching to nginx when I get around to it though...it's not high on the priority list though since the only thing that's on there is my main site and it's working excellently as is anyway.
  21. Mine's just on a 120gb SSD cached HDD, 2gb ram vps...way overkill...but, it was an awesome price. I still haven't optimized it yet since it's so much overkill...I need to get around to doing that.
  22. well I don't want to uninstlal the module, because there are packages/servers that still need to use the module. The issue is I had a VPS that I cancelled...I moved the clients to another VPS, and I no longer need to have it in the blesta install...so just wanted to remove it to clear clutter. That seems like it should be a pretty standard thing that could happen. The only services/packages that are referenced are no longer needed. They are cancelled services. But I can't deactivate the package in order to remove the server, because the package sees the cancelled service as still assigned to it. Maybe someone sending cancelled services to a dummy package? It's easy enough to work around, I just edited everything to make it point to another VPS I had, but being able to delete them would still be good. As long as it's on the to-do list that's fine with me though, thanks!
  23. good point, copy/paste fail edited
  24. Updated to the version 3.2 Portal! I believe that Paul mentioned somewhere that they are currently working on a better method for allowing clients to place multiple orders (domain + hostng, etc) from one order page...but until then, I figured I would share my portal page edits with everyone. This rearranges things a little bit, and then adds a separate link for different order forms...to allow clients to pick which one they want directly from the portal page. (in this example, the Register link will be whatever you set as the default order form...so I would suggest creating a registration order form for this). You can of course add in as many order forms as you want, it should be fairly obvious how to do so if you read the code...however, if anyone has any trouble, I'm happy to help generate the needed code for your specific situation . End Result: In order to implement this: Go to Settings > Plugins > Manage Portal the replace the Index Page Content with the below: (you will need to edit the direct links to each of your order forums, the example below is for my site...you'll have different links) {% if plugins.order %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{blesta_url}order/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>Register</h4> <p>Don't have an account? Create one now. Or you can create one while ordering a package later.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}login/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>My Account</h4> <p>Have an account with us? Log in here to manage your account.</p> </div> </a> </div> {% if plugins.support_manager %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-ticket fa-4x"></i> <h4>Support</h4> <p>Looking for help? You can open a trouble ticket here.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} {% if plugins.download_manager %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/download_manager/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-download fa-4x"></i> <h4>Download</h4> <p>You may need to be logged in to access certain downloads here.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} {% if plugins.order %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{blesta_url}order/main/packages/shared/?group_id=1"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-4x"></i> <h4>Order Shared Hosting</h4> <p>Start your presence on the web, order a web hosting package today!</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{blesta_url}order/main/packages/reseller/?group_id=2"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-4x"></i> <h4>Order Reseller Hosting</h4> <p>Shared hosting not enough for you, need to host your own clients? A Reseller plan will be perfect.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{blesta_url}order/config/preconfig/domains"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-4x"></i> <h4>Order a Domain Name</h4> <p>It's always good to have your own place on the net...so get your domain before someone else does.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %}
  25. Going to download this and test it out tonight, and most likely send a donation your way soon. This looks awesome!
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