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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. where do you see that price at internetbs?
  2. Design is ok, though truthfully it looks like many other sites out there, not really that unique. Very simple and streamlined though, which is always good . You might want to create your own favicon though, as it's currently using the drupal one.
  3. This is different than dedicated IPs though, the dedicated IPs ordered by a client are going to be different every time. The hostname/nameserver IPs are specific to the server they are provisioned on.
  4. and hostname.ip tag . I explained all that in a very roundabout way didn't I?...I may overthink things every now and then...lol
  5. Well yeah, but I'm just talking about on the hosts end of things. Having them register the nameservers with their domain registrar is part of the process, and another reason why having the ability to list the IPs in the email template would be nice.
  6. DNS is remotely clustered, all they have to do is add an A record for theirdesiredns.theirsite.com pointing to the correct IP. It's not a huge issue, at the moment it can easily be handled by requiring them to submit a ticket requesting their custom nameservers, but anything to remove an extra step is always a plus
  7. It would allow you to actually be able to provision reseller accounts on different servers with different IPs. For example: I have two reseller servers, server 1 has DNS IPs of and, server 3 has 333.333.333.333 and 444.444.444.444. In blesta, I have 1 reseller hosting package created, that can be provisioned on either server. While email templates right now can pull the specific nameservers and send it in the email...it can't pull the specific IPs (I.E. I want to provide the IPs to the reseller so they can create their own nameserver records, so in order to do that I have to send a separate email or manually edit the email during the provisioning process depending on which server they are provisioned on). If we could list the IPs along with the nameserver/hostname names...we could use {name_server} {name_server_ip} to give resellers their nameservers, or {module.ip} instead of {name_server} so we can list the hostname as well as the IP if we want to for any reason.
  8. Kinda sad no one replied to this, I personally thought it was an excellent suggestion
  9. Daniel B


    You can get a free reseller account with netearthone (and maybe a few others, I only use netearthone at the moment though so they are the only one I can recommend) (http://reseller.netearthone.com/) NetEarthOne uses the logicboxes module.
  10. Daniel B


    I've never done it before, but I can see if I can take a crack at it when I get home. However, you did notice when I said that you will not be able to have a whois lookup done via the Universal Module right? The only thing this is going to do is allow the client to put in their requested domain name...which will then send you an email to register it...whether it is available or not. Why not just create a free reseller account and have things processed automatically? If it's the need to prepay them, you can use netearthone and not have to worry about that. When someone orders, it will process the domain but not actually purchase it until you put the needed funds into the netearthone account. It's a lot easier and automated method to do what you are trying to do...there really is no need to manually process domains...
  11. Daniel B


    You need to have a domain reseller account before you can offer domains for sale via blesta. Do you have one? From your original post it sounds like what boxbilling did was search to see if the domain was available, and if it was...it just let them fill out the information and then you would manually register the domain and provide them the info? You could use the universal module to create a domain order package that you could manually enter...but it would not be able to do a whois search for the domain. You'll be a lot better off just getting a domain reseller account from one of the supported registrars and using the specific module for said registrar.
  12. So right now, using cpanel as an example, when I setup a server, I either use the hostname or the IP...it would be nice to have a field for both (more for templating issues than anything). Same would be nice for nameservers, being able to put the nameserver as well as the IP. This would make it easier to add the IP of nameservers into a welcome email for resellers for example, when you have multiple servers in the reseller group. At the moment, if you have one package that has the possibility of provisioning on separate servers there is no way to display different IPs in the welcome email. (unless I'm missing this ability somewhere that I can't see).
  13. Not at the moment, just for accounting purposes and out of blesta invoices right now. Don't have a need for payroll services yet. I switched from Quickbooks online and Wave is just a heck of a lot easier to use, not bulky. I wish it had a budgetting feature...but other than that I love it.
  14. sorry, this is completely off topic...but as a current user of Wave, I was curious why you are an ex-user?
  15. While I don't really see a huge problem with random usernames...if you want to implement random usernames because your users are creating insecure passwords...I'd say that requiring secure passwords would be a much better option than randomizing their username.
  16. This isn't possible with Blesta as far as I know, and truthfully I'm glad it's not. Having a random username doesn't really increase security at all. In order for someone to get into the account, they need to know the username and the password. Already having the username does not make it any easier for them to get the password. So as long as you have a secure password, the username really isn't all the vital. You also come across the issue of having randomly generated names that are hard to remember...which means people are going to need to write them down and save them somewhere...which would decrease security...not increase it.
  17. Permission Denied means that the information that is currently saved in the cpanel module does not match what is actually on the cpanel account on the server. (or that your whm login credentials/remote key are not working) Update it manually on the server via WHM to match what you saved in Blesta and then it should work.
  18. If you are going to spin up something other than cPanel, go Interworx all the way. It's a beauty of a control panel. (note: I have zero experience with Plesk)
  19. I'm a little late to the part on this one...but I'm with Mike on this one, would love to see this as a plugin rather than file edits. Not having to remember to redo file edits after updates is always a plus... Awesome job though .
  20. Daniel B

    Html E-Mail

    Very nice design, finally convinced me to actually start working on mine...
  21. you don't happen to have an estimate on when this might be ready for release do you? I'm looking forward to it
  22. +1 this would be nice. Have a company account, and then be able to add specific contact people to it possibly.
  23. And I derped, it was me...as I was making the video to report the strange bug, I realized that I had Domains set as a package group on the order form...which explains the image above, and the infinite loop using the wizard templates....
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