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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. Do you have an example/image? I don't see anything in the support area that shows a total number of tickets other than the number in parenthesis next to the categories
  2. I've submitted a pull request with PauloV's changes above, sitting here with nothing better to do lol (and while doing that accidentally made 3 of the changes to the Master branch itself, sorry about that...didn't realize anyone could edit it...)
  3. Are you running this on shared hosting? I'm just taking a shot in the dark here with the info provided, but a storage engine error is normally the result of either a corrupt database, a database that has been limited in either size or query count, or being out of disk space (which can all happen on shared hosting easy enough) Would also explain why it just started happening all of a sudden if you ran out of space.
  4. gotcha, that makes much more sense...as I searched every file I could think of . updated plugin_actions table in two spots, worked a charm.
  5. I had tried that, cleared cache, doesn't seem to have worked...still display's Support Pro.
  6. How can I change the link in the navbar on the client area to "Support" instead of "Support Pro"?
  7. So there is no reason to have them both installed then, just making sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks!
  8. so...I'm finally getting around to installing and setting up Support Manager Pro, and had a quick question. I see that it's possible to install this alongside the standard Support Manager...is there any reason to leave Support Manager activated after installing pro? Why would I want to have it enabled alongside the standard one?
  9. Guess I'm the lucky one that doesn't get in trouble. I comment in any Blesta thread I see, haven't gotten an infraction yet. But then again...it's normally from a clients point of view and not sales, resellers, etc.
  10. Daniel B

    Text Logo?

    Perhaps give us a link so we can see if it's just a caching issue on your end? (if you are comfortable with that).
  11. Before you give up (because you are the only one I've seen report these problems...it might be something they haven't seen before, or something wrong with your setup), I would open a support ticket with either the blesta team (if you are a direct customer) or with whoever you purchased your license from. The forums are not for "official" support even though the devs frequent the support section here, you might be better off receiving direct support via a ticket.
  12. +1, truthfully curious why it isn't on their already....pretty standard feature of an invoice to have line items on it
  13. I think that process would work just fine, though I think option 4 would certainly be useful. I know as a provider, and as a client, I would like to be able to respond via ticket that the cancellation has been approved/processed/refunded/etc. Maybe this could be added to the cancellations request area, just an "open ticket" button to start with if that'll be easier than attaching a specific cancellation ticket with a specific entry in the cancellation request queue.
  14. This would be awesome. And could even possibly be useful for a quotes feature as well...being able to do this from the admin panel, creating a custom quote with the ability to alter prices, etc and then provide the client a link to purchase it.
  15. I would say that if support manager (or support manager pro...can it distinguish between modules, that'll have to be considered) is enabled, it should just create a ticket. Where this ticket goes should be a backend setting (along with if this field is mandatory or not). If there is no support manager installed, it should simply send an email to a specified email address, or maybe a "Pending Cancellation Requests" area on the Billing Overview and Dashboard billing widget.
  16. and make this an optional feature please, because not everyone is going to want it. I do +1 the idea though
  17. While I certainly don't like the idea of trying to make a profit like this without disclosing that you based your work completely on a paid theme, I have to quickly point out that all themeforest theme purchases are made under their license agreement, which does allow the complete transfer/sale of your purchase to a client.
  18. I don't have an issue with it working for any of the other gateways. Since the client is paying us to provide the service, it just seems more professional (to me at least) for us to send a receipt/confirmation.
  19. have you added that option group to the actual package though? I don't see that in any of the attached screenshots.
  20. I think this is something that should be fully customizable on the quote itself. Could be implemented similarly to how terms are implemented in package creation. Invoice 50% now, 50% upon completion Invoice 50% now, rest x% per month for next 6 months 100% now etc...
  21. Have you made that request with PayZippy themselves? From the looks of the page you linked...they created all of those modules, so they might be willing to create one for Blesta (and might be able to do it quicker than the Blesta team since it would be higher on their priority list most likely).
  22. +1 for this as well While I don't see it as a must have feature, I can see it's usefulness I actually have one example where I would like to be able to do it right now. I have a vps client that I've had for quite some time and I have not added him into Blesta yet. It would be nice to be able to set his creation date into the past when he actually became a customer when I add him. Not important...just nice.
  23. Daniel B

    Release 3.2.1

    excellent, updating now...and as with everyone else...bring on 3.3
  24. +1 to this, always nice to have different options to provide...and I think that if Blesta had an awesome affiliate system with plenty of ability to customize it would put it well above the other offerings out there in yet another area. When I think of an affiliate sytem that I would LOVE to have, I think: - referral links that are obscure...not easy to tell they are referral links - ability for affiliates to create their own coupons (or use precreated coupons for affiliates) - ability to either give x% of initial purchase, recurring purchase, or a mixture of both...as well as maybe the ability to give that recurring payout for x amount of time...then either stop it or decrease it in steps of course these are all not really "needed"...but having a massive amount of flexibility in what you can offer your affiliates would be awesome and is something that the hosting market doesn't really have at the moment...
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