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Everything posted by Daniel B
I hadn't tested out my reseller packages yet, so I just did so, and I am having the same issue. It looks to me like it is trying to create the reseller in interworx with a reseller_id of 0, and interworx doesn't like that (unless I'm reading this wrong). Module Log Input: hostname.server.com|modifyReseller a:5:{s:8:"password";s:10:"XXXXXXXXXX";s:16:"confirm_password";s:10:"XXXXXXXXX";s:5:"email";s:23:"email@gmail.com";s:8:"nickname";s:8:"email";s:11:"reseller_id";s:1:"0";} Module Log Output: hostname.server.com|modifyReseller O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:8:"response";s:147:"reported_error There was a problem validating the form. Please see details below. reseller_id: "0" This is not a valid option Usage: reseller_id ";s:3:"log";s:2658:"DEBUG LOG: Array ( [parameters] => Array ( [apikey] => -----BEGIN INTERWORX API KEY----- SNIP -----END INTERWORX API KEY----- [ctrl_name] => /nodeworx/reseller [action] => edit [input] => Array ( [password] => xxxxxxxxxx [confirm_password] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [email] => email@gmail.com [nickname] => email [reseller_id] => 0 [perms] => Array ( [0] => RESELLER ) ) ) [response] => Array ( [status] => 11 [payload] => There was a problem validating the form. Please see details below. reseller_id: "0" This is not a valid option Usage: reseller_id ) ) ";}
you need to turn the service creation email back on. The welcome email in the package will override the default one.
you don't have a small account for testing purposes on your server?
I don't really think the fact that he's been a member so long is what makes it rude (I've banned people on my forums that have been members for 5+ years, rules are rules)...I think the rude part is just the bias and power-trips by the mods/admins of WHT. /shamelessplug - Feel free to checkout the new forum in my sig
Did you create the reseller packages in Interworx in the Reseller section? (Sometimes people accidentally create them in the normal package area instead of the reseller area) Figured I'd check this simple error before we need to get more indepth
Php Mailparse Extension Installed But Support Mail Handling Shows Error
Daniel B replied to hostingDifferent-Scott's question in Support
There is no reason to recompile the server, using EasyApache to enable the required module is all that is required. EasyApache will then automtically recompile php/apache and restart those services with no server downtime at all. -
I am working on adding a few existing accounts into Blesta both to get them in the system and to test out my email templates, so I am going through the entire creation process as client rather than from the admin panel. When I use a coupon to make the price $0.00, it still forces me to select a payment type, and then takes me to the gateway (in this case paypal, where paypal throws and error about needing a number greater than 0). After you then close paypal, there is no email notification or anything that the order went through until the cron runs up to 5 minutes later (not a huge issue...but this day and age...if I were to offer something free...a user is going to want instant notification that something worked). When the cron runs, it does automatically mark the invoice as paid, but anyone who logs into the system before the cron runs is going to see an unpaid invoice that they can't actually pay and it might confuse them. Is this a bug, feature request, or did I just do something wrong? I think a better way to handle a free invoice is to simply not require payment and instantly mark it paid.
I can't think of any reason why I would ever want to attach an additional document to an invoice. Do you have an example of why you would want to? Everything I could think of, I'd rather just add the document to the downloads module and include a link in the invoice maybe. I'd rather keep my invoice emails as small as possible.
I completely agree, even possibly to the point of an option per package maybe (maybe invoice package groups). Not really required, but I could see the benefit of being able to add past due balances of hosting services to the next hosting invoice, but possibly not including a web design service or something else that's past due. Might be too complicated, but just a random thought.
I think this is a very good point for having the option to either suspend, or continue sending invoices. If someone just has a one time invoice, there is nothing to suspend...so in those cases getting an email every month/week about it would be the better option since a suspension isn't going to do anything to them.
yeah, that's what I was referring to in a round about way .
now if only they'd actually work on the virtualizor module lol
Thanks for that fix Naja! I've taken the liberty of creating a feature request for this issue: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3097-convert-domain-searches-to-lowercase/
Currently, when using the logicboxes module (I haven't tested the others as the only other one I could use is enom, which I will test shortly) using a capital letter when searching for a domain name will cause the search to not find available domains. It would be a lot better if the module automatically changed all letters to lowercase before starting the search, that way valid domains will actually be found. Thread discussing this issue: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3093-logicboxes-module-domain-search-fails-from-mobile/ Example: Searching for Asdafljkdftlkjfsd.com will return "Not Available" when asdafijkdftlkjfsd.com is in fact available. This is a larger issue for mobile users since most mobile devices automatically capitilize the first letter, though the issue also exists for non-mobile.
Could always have sort of hidden default package that all forms use, kinda trick the AJAX into thinking there's something there. (I've never really gotten into AJAX though, so this could be a retarded idea and I just don't know it) and the idea for saving a cart, that does sound awesome
Well just because you like it how it is doesn't mean it's not a good suggestion Doesn't hurt to add more functionality, the change could easily involve an option on the order page "select default package", you leave it blank and it doesn't select one...then if you like the way it currently is, you pick the one you want to be default, and badabing...everyone is happy .
Since you'll be making the ones in this new template not pre-selected, will you guys be doing the same with the existing ones? I think this is a pretty good request, as the reasons for it have been spelled out rather nicely. Being able to sell domains only, but still be able to upsell hosting accounts if a client so wishes (but not be forced to) would be a really nice thing to add. And on a somewhat related note, direct links to order forms that have specific packages preselected would be nice as well, that way we don't have to make a separate order form for these purposes. Something like order/main/packages/shared/?group_id=1&package_id=1 would be very nice .
If you own a license, Blesta will give you a development license if you open a ticket requesting it, can only be used for development purposes of course.
The community would be greatly appreciative of a KB
Hey ServZoo, when did you start up that new board? I was actually in the process of setting one up as well...I haven't managed a forum in a while and wanted to get back into the game...did realize someone around here already started one.
I was watching that one as well, looks like they couldn't handle the heat again... "Daniel B, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:" i.e. deletion
Just a feature request if you ever get around to it (I know this would probably require a lot more work on this plugin to implement). Would be pretty nice if we could create shared notes between certain staff members (or maybe for staff groups). Being able to list certain login/passwords for all staff in the billing department for example. Just an idea