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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. I've admined multiple large forums, including one with 70K+ members, a moderator is a moderator, not actually really much to think about if they are just hear to help with the forums...moving threads is a pretty basic aspect of being a moderator at least. But, we seem to have gotten quite off topic
  2. lol, haven't you been a moderator for like a year now? /lightsfire
  3. lol, thought you were a moderator...I'd think you should be able to
  4. Having a strange issue, video below: http://screencast.com/t/FeQDBbzWZG I have to actually tick the remember me box to login When I try to update the admin information, it doesn't update/save Might have something to do with javascript, as I noticed that my support pro ticket count badge isn't showing again I've cleared cookies, cache (browser and blesta), reinstalled the plugin, etc...same effect. Not sure where to check but figured I'd see if you might have an idea of what could be the problem.
  5. You don't have to pick the Any option as long as you make sure you have your groups setup properly. Do you have your reseller server assigned to an actual group?
  6. can you move it to the bug forum?
  7. It would be nice if we could include tags in our pre-defined responses to add a bit more customization. As an example, I was working today on the auto-close response and wanted to simply put a named greeting (Hello Daniel) at the top, but since the pre-defined responses don't parse tags, I was not able to do this. I think allowing pre-defined responses to use the tags of whatever template they are being used in would be a nice addition.
  8. While showing it somewhere else will work, wouldn't it more more uniform if the status was also made available to the core and the plugins, that way in addition to showing it somewhere else, it would be added right next to all of the other services status's so the status of all services can be seen with a quick glance? Like adding a section for "In Review" right here:
  9. While that is useful, I don't think it would be best for this request. It doesn't add the totals up/etc. Being able to expand on that and then include it in an email would be nice (having the ability to pull those overdue balances, list them as line items, and then have a total would be awesome). Of course, it's a good start at least .
  10. Thanks, that makes more sense, must have just misread what it did when you mentioned it the first time .
  11. Allow the From Name in email templates to either parse tags, or be overridden by department specific settings. Right now the email can be overridden, but not the From Name. This can lead to things like From Sales: <support@email.com>, and there's no way to change that right now. Would be nice if we could just put {ticket.department_name} as an example.
  12. Then contact resellerclub to see if there is an issue with the API (or your API access) itself. if you are 100% sure the API information you are using is correct, then I don't think we can do anything for you sadly...if the API is working, then the module should work for you...which points towards an API issue and not a Blesta issue.
  13. My reseller account creation workes just fine. My offer from chat yesterday is still on the table if you'd like me to login and look at your settings, feel free to PM me (no charge)...or if you purchased directly from Blesta, open a support ticket to see if they can dig deeper for you.
  14. double check to make sure you didn't make a typo on the IP that you whitelisted with resellerclub. If the api and the IP whitelisted are correct (or like naja said, create a new API key and try that), then I would contact resellerclub support to see if they can help you...the error you are getting implies that the Blesta side of the system is working.
  15. Found a small bug while editing my reseller packages. The state of the shared/reseller radio button is not saved when editing a package. It looks like the correct settings are applied (I tested this and it does create the correct reseller package in Nodeworx), it just doesn't save the state in Blesta, so every time you edit the package you have to remember to reselect this. I decided to pull a page from Mike's book and include a video . http://screencast.com/t/BL4z1h388v0W
  16. Very true, didn't think about that truthfully (I'm still half thinking about cpanels methods while setting things up again....). Though, it would be neat if we could add a configurable option checkbox to reseller orders "Create related Siteworx Account?", then we could make a standard package that they could edit afterwards. Just as an option. I certainly see your point though, didn't think about that before.
  17. This sounds like an excellent way to include overdue balances in invoice emails. Though I just wanted to clarify before I add it... below code will calculate to sum total of all outstanding unpaid invoices? {% for invoice in invoices} When this invoice was created, this amount was still outstanding: {invoice.previous_due | currency_format invoice.currency}. {% endfor %} and this will only show what amount has been paid to a specific invoice? {% for invoice in invoices} This invoice already has already had {invoice.paid | currency_format invoice.currency} paid toward it. {% endfor %} I don't quite understand why one would apply to all invoices, and the other would only apply to the specific invoice, since they are both using {% for invoice in invoices}
  18. The ability to have the module automatically create a matching siteworx user along with the reseller user would be nice. Right now with Interworx, you have to create a reseller account as well as a separate siteworx user in order to have a website for that account. Having the module do them both at the same time would be nice if possible (and assign that siteworx user to the reseller).
  19. Yes, this is happening on Service Creation, it's a brand new order that does not exist in interworx. Require Manual Review is set on the order forms, so that does seem to be the issue I did some messing around, and if you mark the order as accepted, and then go to manage to provision the order, it seems to work correctly. (sorry for hijacking the thread a bit, thought it might be a similar issue )
  20. If you were using the 3rd party support pro plugin you could do it easily, if you are using the standard support plugin, you'll need to physically delete the ticket from the database in order to remove it. Backup the database or table before you delete anything below!!! Easiest way to do it would be to copy the credit card number, then search the database for it. I don't use the standard support plugin so not sure what the exact table is going to be. Once you find the table that holds the responses, you can simply delete that response (or edit out the number).
  21. can you post the content of the module log?
  22. I experienced a similar error creating a shared hosting account just now as well. Not sure if it's related or not, just wanted to update this though with that info. It's got some personal information in the new error, so I've opened a ticket rather than posting it here...I'll relay anything I find out from the ticket (unless of course the Devs want to do that themselves ).
  23. Thanks, didn't see that one , good to see it's on the list. Though I think adding them to the pending services number count would be a good thing to do as well, since they are techincally pending.
  24. This is something I noticed a while ago, and just ran into again while importing a bunch of existing accounts I have. After a client orders a service, the service only shows up as pending after the invoice is paid and the order is approved. While this is sometimes instant, there are many times when things need to be manually processed, so for these cases, there is nothing that shows the status of the actual order to the client via their panel. In my opinion, services that have been ordered should show up somewhere under their services tab...but right now, services that have not been paid, or that have not been approved just don't show up at all. This isn't a huge issue, but it does sometimes result in wasted work when the client emails/chats/opens a ticket to ask about the status...when it could easily just be displayed as pending. As an example, the below image shows what I just setup in my system. This client currently has 10 services (5 active, 4 pending payment, 1 paid awaiting approval), but in the client area...in only shows 5 services, rather than 5 active and 5 pending.
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