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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. I knew I should have saved it...but, +Bacon should always give at least some sort of advantage, that's like a natural law or something...so maybe I'll try again later
  2. Slip the closest Datacenter Network Engineer a Benjamin, offer him lunch, and politely ask him to take a ride with you?
  3. thought we were talking about the root web directory, not the cron...
  4. well Naja, now we know how to get anything implemented! lol @Paul can we just shorten it to +3 in the future? Or maybe +2 +1?
  5. Yup, he's already checked that and said it was set correctly (this is what I initially thought of as well).
  6. the initial auto reply is the one I'm talking about. Sometimes I like to have emails setup in my system (I'd love to be able to put my "personal" work email in the support module, as well as the email I use for accounts (paypal, etc)...but both of those would require no initial auto reply...the latter in order to prevent autoreply loops (Hi paypal, I got your ticket. Hi Daniel I got your ticket. Hi paypal, I got your ticket, ... )
  7. best unit of time ever lol
  8. most certainly, I just came across it while looking through some old posts and realized it never got any big traction and that was almost a year ago So figured I might as well bump it to see what newer Blesta users think and get more support
  9. Almost since the day I started using Blesta, I have been manually editing a core file to remove the option for clients to register with a username (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3178-remove-option-to-register-with-custom-username/) Adding a setting to the admin side of things to allow us to select if we want to allow usernames would be much appreciated. Personally, I prefer to have client information be uniform, so having some clients with custom username and other with emails as usernames just bugs me (and for a billing system, I just prefer emails anyway).
  10. I totally agree, would be nice if there was an option to disable it. I'll put in a feature request .
  11. which is why I asked, 3.3 might be on a feature freeze since it's so close so figured I'd ask
  12. good to know, any idea if it's going to make it into 3.3 as projected? /me removes conditional from template
  13. never got a dev response on this suggestion, so figured I'd throw a bump out there as I would still really like to have the option to disable auto-replies.
  14. I've posted this a few times in different threads, so I figured it might be beneficial to have it's own thread for those who might go looking for it in the future. Currently, it is not possible to merge accounts in Blesta which can sometimes cause an issue with the same client registering twice (once using their email and again using a custom username). A quick fix for this (which will likely need to be redone after Blesta updates) is to remove the option to register with a custom username. ============================== Edit this file: /plugins/order/views/templates/standard/types/registration/signup.pdt Find and [either remove or comment out]: <div class="radio"> <label> <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio("username_type", "username", ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->username_type) == "username"), array("id"=>"username_type_username")); $this->_("Signup.index.field_username_type_username"); ?> </label> </div> The result will look like this on the registration form:
  15. What I did a while ago (and thanks for reminding me to redo this on my new install) is just to remove the option of selecting a username. That way it forces people to use their email as their username...and would then catch this issue if it happens again. Remember though, you'll have to redo this edit for any update that replaces this file since it's editing a core file. Edit this file: /plugins/order/views/templates/standard/types/registration/signup.pdt Find and [either remove or comment out]: <div class="radio"> <label> <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio("username_type", "username", ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->username_type) == "username"), array("id"=>"username_type_username")); $this->_("Signup.index.field_username_type_username"); ?> </label> </div>
  16. what is the wrong part of the link? Is it just missing the billing directory in the link? (site.com/clients instead of site.com/billing/clients?) If this is the case, check to make sure you have your installation path correct at settings > system > general > root web directory
  17. Would this be something good to just add into the core code of the plugin itself, or is there a negative side effect to having to add that line?
  18. That's pretty awesome, I don't think I'd have had the guts to attempt this on my own (nor would my wife even let me most likely...). Very nice job...can you come do mine now?
  19. +1 as an optional feature. Not everyone is going to want it, but I don't see a problem with having the option for those that do .
  20. I was referring to the Support Pro badge as well, neither of them are showing up right now. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled (mentioned that in my initial post), didn't have any effect. It will not even let me create a new user in the chat system.
  21. I just moved the site over from a cpanel server to a brand new interworx server, no caching or anything has been installed (yet). I've tried it in Chrome, Firefox, IE to the same effect. Nothing should be caching anywhere. Could javascript have anything to do with this? Only reason I ask is because as I mentioned earlier, the badge for new tickets isn't showing up either (in any of the 3 browsers).
  22. pretty sure he's asking how to access that list of emails/information via the API, as it seems he's already aware how to get to it in the admin panel.
  23. +1
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