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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. hmm, I've never actually used the extra client fields, I sort of just assumed they would automatically be added like they are to the order form. I'll have to dig into that a little more a little later unless someone else can come along that already knows the answer .
  2. which was not what he originally said , all you sneaky tricksters trying to change what was first said to make it work out like you want it too...pssh lol
  3. you guys keep switching it up to make it work... he didn't say -(-1), he said -1(-)
  4. Core-547 should help deal with this by allowing to hide/require certain fields, but in the mean time...this should work for you. In /plugins/order/views/templates/standard/types/registration/signup.pdt Find: <hr> <div class="row panel-fix"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4><?php $this->_("Signup.index.heading_billing");?></h4> <div class="form-group"> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true), "tax_id"); $this->Form->fieldText("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id", 'class' => "form-control", 'placeholder' => $this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true))); ?> </div> </div> </div> Replace with: <!-- <hr> <div class="row panel-fix"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4><?php $this->_("Signup.index.heading_billing");?></h4> <div class="form-group"> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true), "tax_id"); $this->Form->fieldText("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id", 'class' => "form-control", 'placeholder' => $this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true))); ?> </div> </div> </div> --> <?php $this->Form->fieldHidden("tax_id", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tax_id), array('id' => "tax_id", 'class' => "form-control", 'placeholder' => $this->_("Signup.index.field_taxid", true))); ?>
  5. widgets are drag and drop, so can be put in any order the client wants, or are they only drag and drop in the admin panel?
  6. +WON
  7. If it is implemented, I would say for each payment gateway simply due to the fact that gateways have different fees themselves, so just having one overall number might not work for everyone.
  8. but you didn't say -(-1), you said -1(-) which is nothing really..
  9. It's also something you have to be careful with, as passing on your cost to your users is against some companies policies (paypal for example). I think it would be a nice feature to add though.
  10. -1 minus = 0 right?
  11. Glad I'm not the only one that was thinking that after watching Mike's video. Having to click on the "Status: Active" in order to upgrade/downgrade doesn't seem that intuitive.
  12. Settings > Currencies > "Automatically Update Exchange Rates" check that box, and then uncheck "Use Package Pricing for New Services Only"
  13. I'm still installing my dev instance so haven't had a chance to check out this feature yet to see if it's working for me. But, do you have to associate packages with each other in order to allow one to be up/downgraded to another? If so, have you done that?
  14. I agree that if there is enough credit to cover the invoice, having to also select another payment method is confusing. Using credit IS a payment method, shouldn't have to select both unless the credit won't cover the full invoice.
  15. Daniel B

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    Woohoo, installing a dev instance now
  16. I was just getting ready to start working on that Mike, thanks for the time saver
  17. It is a little bit different, but I think the original one if completed would allow your request to work . It's a paradox, they are the same but different. Do you wanna be the square or the rectangle?
  18. The good thing about Blesta is that the patches only change the files that need to be changed. So if an update doesn't involve changes to the templates at all, as long as you use the upgrade patch instead of the full install to upgrade...you shouldn't have to redo the changes. Of course keep details on everything you have changed though so you can verify after each update. The only files that are encrypted in Blesta are the licensing files, so all of the template files can be modified.
  19. Yup, sounds like the feature request (that's been around for almost a year now...wtb traction! lol) above would work well for this type of thing . Core-1358 has already been added and is related to this, but I think could be fleshed out a bit more to allow the use of specific templates per department. +3^Bacon
  20. Wow...you made this fast! So fast I didn't even get a chance to respond to your initial feature ideas thread (though, I did delay a bit in my reply). Having annoucements pop up as alerts under the navbar on the portal or in the client area (setting per annoucement?) would be pretty awesome as well, with an option to close them if you'd like (so once someone sees it once they can close it and not see it again).
  21. Take screenshots of all the UI areas you think need to be improved and open feature requests threads about it...the devs are very responsive to these things . In the mean time, every single page of the UI can be modified. Blesta is almost completely open source.
  22. I don't think any of the Devs really replied if they see this as a possible feature for the future, as right now it is possible to use configurable options to get the same effect. However, like Naja, I'd like to see this added as a feature. Having it in the term length itself rather than a configurable option would be nice, specially for those companies who offer buydown options on all of their packages (dedicated servers come to mind). +1
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