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Everything posted by dait

  1. Yes, the license was sold. Thank you
  2. user marcel sent me PM that he wanted to buy for 110 USD I agreed
  3. Offer is still valid, price lowered to 120 USD.
  4. Selling Blesta Owned Branded license for 120 USD via PayPal. + This includes 1 developer license. Ownership of the license can be verified with Blesta staff. Please PM me if interested or just reply here and I will contact you. Sorry for starting new topic, made a mistake previously to fix the price in the title, which can not be changed.
  5. Thanks for info, I was not aware of this, hence it seems logical for me to change the price to 140 USD.
  6. Thanks for the offer. Current price is 150 USD, allowing the buyer to save 14 % of the common price. At the moment, 100 USD bid is not interesting for us.
  7. Thanks, moved there.
  8. Selling Blesta Owned Branded license for 150 USD 140 USD (edit, see below) via PayPal. + This includes 1 developer license. Ownership of the license can be verified with Blesta staff. Please PM me if interested or just reply here and I will contact you.
  9. Thank you Paul very much for locking my thread trying to selling Blesta license - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1912-selling-blesta-owned-branded-for-150-usd-paypal/. Could you please point me to a right forum where to put this topic? Or could you just move it there please?
  10. Could you guys please stop commenting off topic here? Would really appreciate if you could do at least this for me.
  11. Yes, Blesta Owned Branded.
  12. We are selling because were running it on our Windows Server 2012. Blesta is not tested properly on Windows and we run into many problems that other people simply did not experience. It seemed like we were the first real customer of Blesta on Windows. We tried hard and help fixed several issues in Blesta but we were still hitting too many issues and so we decided to leave it. If you are Windows user, I would suggest not to take the shot with Blesta. If you are Linux user, you might find it OK.
  13. Selling Blesta Owned Branded license for 150 USD via PayPal. + This includes 1 developer license. Ownership of the license can be verified with Blesta staff. Please PM me if interested or just reply here and I will contact you.
  14. Nice, thanks
  15. I am very glad that the issue was fixed that quickly, thank you for that and no doubt about good active response here. Besides unit test, it would be nice if Blesta did not silently overcome failures. This is not the only case. There are many code parts in Blesta which look like this: result := functionCall(); if (result) { do the stuff } instead of like this: result := functionCall(); if (result) { do the stuff } ELSE TELL ADMIN WE HAVE A PROBLEM So even if the issue is missed by devs, which can happen, the users (admins) will know just after the problem occurred and can report to devs and/or act otherwise. But if we do not know that some part is broken, we could run into hard troubles, depending on the character of the issue. Not knowing is the worst evil. You expect everything works as it should, but it does not. This could cost us a lot if circumstances were extraordinary bad.
  16. So, it is not Blesta's fault that part of their SW did not work for unknown period of time and possibly affected its users even if using common development practices would allow to reveal and fix this the same day the problem occurred? You must be joking
  17. Sorry, not a good argument for me, or I do not understand your point. Unit testing is common practice and it seems especially important to automatically and periodically execute tests that verify whether third party components that one has no control of work properly. It is not a good idea to write a working code once and not to check it again in case it relies on third parties. Not only these and similar practices allows developers to quickly react to new problems it also makes the whole project easier to maintain and faster to develop. Things like unit tests, debug modes, logging etc.
  18. How is that Blesta devs do not have any code that alerts them in case something like this stops working? This is not a good style of software development guys.
  19. Blesta 3.0.5 on Windows 2008 R2 The default temporary directory on Windows is selected by this function: private function tmpDir() { $dir = "/tmp/"; $os = $this->getOs(); if ($os == "WIN") $dir = "C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\"; // If PHP_VERSION > 5.2.1, use sys_get_temp_dir() function if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) $dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $dir; } This has several major flaws. 1) C:\Windows\TEMP might not even exist and there is no check if it does. 2) sys_get_temp_dir is not a suitable pick either for Windows as described in this topic. Sending emails with attachment to Blesta ticket system causes the attachment to have invalid access rights because instead of using temporary directory for temporary files only, in this case it is being used for permanent files - the attachment files. The files are simply moved from the temporary directory into Blesta's upload directory, which does preserve rights of temporary files that are intended for temporary files only and not for permanent files. Blesta's default value of Temp Directory seems right to the user but will not work as expected and it is a hard task to find the cause (unless user Google's out the original topic where I analyzed this). Since http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/System+%3E+General is empty, the user has no information about Temp Directory setting and could not easily figure out that on Windows he should change the default value in order to make things working as expected. This is a problem because using the default settings and by following the official documentation the installation does not work properly. However, even if the user changes the value of Temp Directory and thus fixes the email attachment problem he newly has a Temp Directory setting pointed to a directory that should not be used for temporary files. If Blesta uses or will ever use this directory for temporary files (as its name suggests), the configuration will not be ideal. I have revealed that Blesta 3.0.5 comes with this code update: public function getAttachments(MimeMailParser $email, $tmp_dir = null) { $files = array(); if (!$tmp_dir) { $tmp_dir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); if (!$tmp_dir && function_exists("sys_get_temp_dir")) $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); } However, it seems that by default this is always called with non null $tmp_dir argument (from processTicketFromEmail function): if (!$this->tmp_dir) { $tmp_dir = $this->Settings->getSetting("temp_dir"); if ($tmp_dir) $this->tmp_dir = $tmp_dir->value; } ... // Fetch the references to all files uploaded for this ticket $files = $this->EmailParser->getAttachments($email, $this->tmp_dir); Not sure if interpreted correctly, but it seems to be that there is no how for the $tmp_dir to be empty unless a user intentionally sets the value to an empty string in the settings. Such a move is undocumented and it is unknown whether it could not cause problems in different part of Blesta. QUESTION: In getAttachments code, in which scenario gets this line executed: $tmp_dir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); In our environment it does not get executed and by reading the code I could not see any suitable option. Did I miss something? There are two possible solutions to this: 1) The ideal solution is that Blesta would introduce Upload Temp Directory setting - an analogy of PHP's ini_get("upload_tmp_dir") and set its default value to ini_get("upload_tmp_dir") and use this setting instead of Temp Directory setting. This would fix all the problems and it would be consistent with common practices of working with temporary directories. 2) The Temp Directory would be perfectly documented, informing Windows users about this problem. QUICKFIX: Change line 152 in plugins\support_manager\components\ticket_manager\ticket_manager.php from this $files = $this->EmailParser->getAttachments($email, $this->tmp_dir); to this $files = $this->EmailParser->getAttachments($email); This will force Blesta to execute this line $tmp_dir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); in the getAttachments code and everything will work as expected if your PHP installation has upload_tmp_dir correctly set. Now, I can not stress this out enough: PLEASE DO NOT ARGUMENT THAT THIS IS NOT A BLESTA BUG BECAUSE IT IS YOUR DECISION ON HOW YOUR DEFAULT TEMP FOLDER IN YOUR SYSTEM IS CONFIGURED. Such an argument is not valid because: If you install your Windows system and leave it as is, you will run into these problems. If you install your Windows system by the book, using best practices and secure your box perfectly, you will run into these problems. No common application (unlike some critical, very specific, kernel or security related applications) should require tweaks and hacks in operating system. No common application should require changing a system setting that other applications may rely on. Changing the default rights for Windows temporary folder just because of Blesta is crazy and should not be done. An easy-to-implement solution is available and is perfectly consistent with how PHP deals with a similar issue.
  20. Thanks, I understand it now.
  21. Nice, thanks!
  22. I would find it handy if I could customize the order of packages in Menu > Packages > Browse list. And of course this customized order would be then reflected in the order form. As for how to do it in GUI, it would be enough for me to have two arrows for each list item - "Move up" and "Move down" in the list. Thanks for considering.
  23. Works perfectly! Thank you. I was just confused with this statement "You will need to ensure you don't define any other package currency manually, else they won't convert." but somehow it just worked regardless settings of other packages.
  24. Not sure I understand that perfectly, but will try playing with it. Thank you.
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