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Everything posted by gutterboy

  1. Didn't see one named that, just downloaded the one from this link: http://www.blesta.com/2014/07/30/blesta-3-2-2-patch-released/
  2. I'm running on 3.2 at the moment and want to upgrade to 3.2.2; do I need to install the 3.2.1 patch first or can I go straight to the 3.2.2 patch? Thanks!
  3. Haha........ guess I missed that bit. Thanks!
  4. Where do you see that? This is the docs I see for that method: http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Clients.html
  5. Well yeah........ country is only required if state is sent.
  6. When I create clients via the API via the clients::create method and then go to edit them via the admin panel by default it seems they have "Use email as username" selected under the "Authentication" section even though I passed in a username and password - and if I check the users table in the database it shows the username I passed in the username field. How can I get it to use the "specify a username" by default? Thanks!
  7. Though testing I answered my own question........ seems Blesta treats blank values are still being passed in.
  8. Ahhhh.... makes sense, thanks!
  9. I am passing the client data via the below array to the clients::create() method: $data = array ( 'vars' => array ( 'username' => $user_data['username'], 'new_password' => $password, 'confirm_password' => $password, 'client_group_id' => 1, 'first_name' => $user_data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $user_data['last_name'], 'company' => $company_name, 'address1' => $user_data['address'], 'city' => $user_data['city'], 'state' => $user_data['state_iso'], 'zip' => $user_data['zip_code'], 'country' => $user_data['country_iso'], 'email' => $user_data['email'], 'numbers' => array ( 'number' => $user_data['phone'] ), 'settings' => array ( 'send_registration_email' => false ) ) ); Everything gets stored correctly other than the phone - am I doing something wrong there? Thanks!
  10. I'm just wondering when you're using the API and you're creating a client for example....... according to the docs, if you pass in a state you must also pass in a country. So if I passed in for example a blank state, would it still require the country or is it treated the same as not passing in anything for the state? Thanks!
  11. Ok, looks like timeout was the issue. Increased it to 240 and from the tests I have done when running the cron manually it now fully completes. Though it would be good if the script flushed the output buffer along the way as each task is done rather than spit it all out at completion.
  12. Well I was just asking what the correct script to do it in was...... seems like it runs off of the index.php file in the root dir?
  13. No you can, I do it with scripts all the time.
  14. If I wanted to set a larger time out for the cron only, what script do I need to edit to do that? index.php?
  15. Hmmmmm...... ok. Just wondering as I thought Blesta may have done some trickery to get around it.
  16. Hmmmmm........ been doing some more testing now. Only adding new invoices via the API but it still seeems to stall a lot of the time. I had 3 invoices due for delivery and it only delivered one of them and then continue with the other tasks (but the loading icon was still showing for that task in admin). I ran it a few mins later to attempt to deliver the other two invoices, it delivered both of them but stalled and didn't continue onto the other tasks (and is showing the loading icon again). So not really sure if this is Blesta itself or something to do with our customizations done. Nothing in the error logs about it. Do you think this has anything to do with PHP's "max_execution_time"?
  17. Ok, it seems I was right. Problem was caused by incorrect creation of the invoices. The plugin / customization we had done makes it so we can only create invoices via the API as creating them via the admin doesn't supply them with all the info needed. I have run a number of tests runs via the API and all seems fine now.
  18. Btw....... yes, it did look like it ran fully...... however, I ran it again after that and it stalled again.
  19. I will try that out...... but I think this problem actually may have been caused by a customization we had done to the creating of invoices perhaps; though that was via the API only, so not sure why it would affect anything else. I have PM'ed the developer that did it for us and will update when I know more.
  20. Ok, this is the error I got after I enabled errors and ran it manually: Unable to deliver 2 invoices to client #1502 via Email due to error: Undefined offset: 1
  21. Yep, sorry, got services confused with scheduled tasks. Will give that a go and try again. When I am ready to run it can I just click the run manual button? As it still seems to be stuck on "Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery." and the loading image is still showing.
  22. I want to note this is in a windows environment; pretty sure Windows doesn't use cron, but "services" - though since I am running it manually it shouldn't matter!? FTR....... it's still stalled and no link has shown to kill it.
  23. Ok, I just ran it manually again and it is stuck on "Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery." and when I go to the Automation page I see that loading image again. It has been doing this for about the last 30 minutes now. I did receive an invoice but the status of those invoices show as Unsent. Not seeing any errors output nor in the error logs.
  24. There was only 2 unsent; so likely it has stalled for some reason. Will an apache reset fix it?
  25. Think it's frozen as not receiving the unsent invoices. How do I fix it?
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