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Everything posted by gutterboy

  1. Who else would I be invoicing? haha
  2. Not from my experience..... I don't have any services setup and I have been sending out invoices just fine via the API.
  3. So I don't have to setup any services then?
  4. Just wondering with services, are these so like you are able to bill the user for different things? Like they may be subscribed to abc service and xyz service? If so, do these have to be used or are recommend to be used even if you only have the one service? Also, I assume transactions are payments the user makes which keeps a record of them all? Thanks!
  5. Excellent - thank you!
  6. Does Blesta use some kind of theme files somewhere that controls the client area? I'm wanting to change the header and also play with the CSS. I mean I know you can fiddle around with the colors in admin, but that's obviously just simple stuff. How can I do this? Cheers!
  7. TY very much for that - will have to try it out!
  8. At the moment we will just be using Paypal.
  9. Well went through admin and can't see anything so I guess the answer is no!?
  10. Alright - thanks!
  11. We want to send our users monthly invoices no matter the amount owed, so they get used to always getting an invoice from us; however, we don't actually want the user to be able to pay the invoice unless it is say for example, at least $1.00 - we don't want users paying invoices that are for $0.03 and losing money via transactions fees. I notice users can also make partial payments via their accounts, so it would obviously need to apply to this as well. Can this be set anywhere? Thanks!
  12. Hi, I'm just wondering if for example the user is actually in "credit" for a particular month, can you make the software send out an "account statement" rather than an invoice? Thanks!
  13. Worked out a way to do it I think.. We check their balance and see if they owe anything... If so, we then check to see if they have any outstanding invoices via blesta and if so we take that amount from their outstanding balance and then we get the correct amount to invoice them for.
  14. No, we have disabled the software from sending out the invoices automatically - they should only be sent when they are triggered to be sent via the API (or possibly for reminders etc). Additionally, we don't have recurring costs...... we invoice our users monthly, but some months they may incur fees, some they won't; it depends how active they have been on the site and if they sold anything etc
  15. Currently our site uses an invoicing system that invoices the user for their outstanding balance each month; so if they rack up $35 of fees in month #1 they will be sent an invoice for $35; if they don't pay it and rack up another $35 in month two their next invoice will be for $70.00. We purchased Blesta recently and I am using the API to help build it into our site and send out invoices via it. However, Blesta seems to prefer you to send out invoices for that particular months fees; so in the above example the user would get two separate invoices for $35. So, I'm trying to change our system to work that way, but I'm having trouble coming up with a way to correctly do it. We have a field in our users table that holds their outstanding balance and we also have a table that holds all their associated fees for they get, tracked separately, including any refunds / credit adjustments. I've thought of just calculating up the fees from that table for the particular month to get the invoice amount, but it won't really work because: Consider this situation.. Say they got a $30 credit in month one, so we didn't send them an invoice for that month........ then in month #2 they spent $5...... but if we just calculate by the month we would be sending them an invoice for $5 when they still have $25 credit remaining Then to counter that, say we only send them an invoice if their outstanding balance is in debit..... that won't work either because: Consider this situation.. Month #1 they got $30 credit so no invoice is sent, month #2 they spent $35........ they have a balance due, so we should invoice them for $5, but their monthly spend came up to $35 so it would end up invoicing them for $35 instead I thought of another method as well but that also had a flaw. Our table that tracks all the fees/refunds structure looks like this: Any ideas here!?
  16. Oh ok.. thanks!
  17. Having trouble finding the "Invoice Template" section? I click on "Invoice Customization" but don't see any further options open up after I click that.
  18. Ok, thanks! Where do I go about finding the invoice templates in admin? Also, I assume I will need to change our system so that it doesn't just send out the overdue balance via Blesta as stated above? (as this will end up with multiple invoices for the overdue balance); I will need to make it so it only sends out new charges each billing period correct?
  19. I'm just trying to work out the best way to use Blesta with our current system. Currently we keep a record of all user debits and also a "balance"; when we send invoices out at the moment they are just for the users outstanding balance. So if for January they are owing $55.00 we will send them an invoice for $55.00; if they didn't pay this and tallied up another $15.00 for February then the next invoice they receive will be for $70.00. From what I can understand with Blesta so far it works by sending the user invoices for a specified period only; so in the situation above they would receive two separate invoices for $55.00 and $15.00 respectively. My question is...... does the $15.00 one in the example above contain any kind of "overdue" note for the $55.00 overdue one? Is this the only way it can be done? If so, I would have to make some changes to our system so we are only sending out invoices for new costs incurred in the most previous billing period and not their total outstanding.
  20. Shouldn't it default to your default country as set in admin?
  21. In the settings in admin I have my default country set as "Australia" but when I create a client via the API and don't pass a country their country is set to "US" by default. Is there any way to change this? Thanks!
  22. Oh ok - thanks!
  23. Hmmmmmm...... well that domain is valid. http://who.is/whois/7tags.com
  24. Is there any reason why Blesta reports this "pdnfs@7tags.com" as an invalid email address? I am using the API and I got that error on creating a test client. Is it because it's a "disposable email"? If so, is there a setting to allow these as it needs to match up against our main system which currently doesn't check for these type of emails.
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