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Everything posted by m0hamedessam

  1. yes very nice idea we need it badly
  2. i agree with you we need that
  3. i think we need Newsletter Plugin for email our clients especially new version doesn't have email clients feature like old one
  4. old version was work fine and so fast and more effect
  5. please add feature to delete invoice and active service so we can delete clients there's many fake clients could made orders so we can't delete them
  6. i think advanced search is required because smrt search not quite effect so we need more options when we search like second contact email (noway to find it by search) fax phone company name etc... check my thread with pics prove smart search need to be more effect or adding advanced search to improve search prifx http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/814-smart-search/
  7. pics show i added new contact and country is italy and when you try to open it see back to default country uk so adding or modifying new contact didn't help to change country or states hope you got it
  8. country and State/Province doesn't change when you add new contact back to default check pics
  9. you must give feature to do that espcailly to make order there's no email verifcation so many fake accounts and also law not the same on all countries and old version can do this normally you must give option to do thats and every one as he want
  10. m0hamedessam

    Smart Search

    Smart search not work fine for example : 1- when you search for service you must use service search to get result if you use smart search no result out..check pic1,pic2 2- when you add new contact for client with anther email noway to find on search by this secondery email.. check pic3,pic4 honsetly old version search better and more flixable hope solve this problem
  11. The client you are trying to delete has invoice, service, or transaction data. Deleting the client will cause a data anomaly. You may wish to mark the client as inactive instead. how can i delete client if he already has invoice and i can't delete invoice only voided it ?? and anther question how to delete invioce or service (service delete in pending mode only)????
  12. ok please let me know where offline payment plugin files inside script
  13. i mean for example can i copy plugin and rename it to be offline payment 2 and use different Instructions for anther form like old version i can use different Instructions for each order form
  14. i need to add multi offline payment gateway so for each order form use one so how can i add more than one offline payment gateway
  15. problem only if you check Uses Language Definition check pic i think you must define it on language file
  16. we need help so hard to start over again i have more than 5000 clients
  17. when i go Tools > Logs > User Logins afte enable log Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /account/vendors/maxmind/geoip/geoipcity.inc on line 126 Oh noes!Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() on line 126 in /account/vendors/maxmind/geoip/geoipcity.inc Fatal error: Call to private method Session::sessionWrite() from context '' in Unknown on line 0 Fatal error: Call to private method Session::sessionClose() from context '' in Unknown on line 0
  18. after enable geoip when i go Tools > Logs > User Logins not work also blank page after disable geoip all back ok
  19. system overview plugin disapper from dashboard when enble geoip i don't know if this bug or not but how can fix this issue to use both in same time?
  20. problem when adding Payment Types payment type name set blank after added any fix ??
  21. i confirm report bug also defult theme canot selected again after change for staff or client
  22. i didn't face any error massage when i import its done normally but without services or transcations only usd transcation imported eur not (because in first used we use usd currency but after while change to eur) otherwise i get error when i try manually add service to imported clients (this error in topic) http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/688-adding-service-to-existing-client/http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/688-adding-service-to-existing-client/ but before importing adding service work fine with no problem by the way i contact support and they ask me if i do any manual changes in database by phpmyadmin (i didn't do any change)
  23. After Migrating From v2.5 clients & packages imported normally but services not imported why ??? i have more than 3000 services i can't added manually any solution
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