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Everything posted by m0hamedessam

  1. hello we complain before on old version about this issue and first release on blesta v3.0 was ok and you can't register with same email address many times. But not after upgrade to 3.0 to 3.0.3 now any client can have more than one account with same email and this makes many problems (rest password and sending emails) please fix this issue or add unique email address option so every one can choose open this feature or not. Thanks
  2. i agree to add more gateways even paypal is the best but still not available in some countries like middle east for example (business account).
  3. yes that's what i mean it will be nice
  4. very nice but it will be good also if you make tutorial thread with blesta theme mobil integration
  5. very nice but it think you have problem with titles check it out
  6. nice work my friend
  7. so what about expert clients ??
  8. that's true but im sure if blesta dev team do it many people will be attend to move to blesta (that's my opinion)
  9. vb and many others this what im talking about.
  10. almost websites use wordpress as cms so if blesta dev team could make this plugin i think will be powerfull for blesta. here is example of plugin for whmcs http://wordpress.org/plugins/whmcs-bridge/ so you don't need anymore theme modification its very simple and powerfull. i know this job could be out source doors but i think something like that will make many clients more interest to blesta because integration is a big deal for customers.
  11. For more secure and avoid junk and spammer and fake clients i think we need to added this option on blesta (whmc already has it).
  12. thats right but we talk about repair itself database and many scripts do that and also not hosting scripts anyway its was idea but ithink export clients is necessary
  13. sounds good anyway finally we got it whatever where it is. maintenance database for optimise and fix database tables same on cpanel and many scripts offer this quick option inside like vb.
  14. when you click on service i get This service has no details. how to add service details if i use universal module to show up to clients
  15. also Add Maintenance Database will be good idea either
  16. What about if we can add more option on backup funcation like export clients (csv file) maybe we need to use it on newsletter marketing compains and also backup setting so we can restore setting if we missed it up without restore whole database.
  17. i do http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/856-universal-module-after-upgrading-to-v301-not-work/
  18. why not i use helpdesk script beside blesta and this feature include it and very useful otherwise when you use email client (not support tickets) its necessary especially if you send login data or information on txt files
  19. i think will be nice to add file attach feature when you email client and also on support tickets (even for support only for secure) with ajax and multi files upload and we can set max upload size and ext. from setting. hope could be possible to be added in the future.
  20. any body try this to confirm its bug ???????????
  21. not work either try your self make test order as client and try to write any thing when you active service will not save it i think this bug because before upgrading module was work fine
  22. check pic on 3.0.0 was work fine with same setting after upgrading when you check use module details not saved (only if order made by client) as pic above shown
  23. note : if you uncheck use module save work normally
  24. Universal Module after upgrading to v3.0.1 not work Product Label not saved when client make order but work only if you add service manually from admin area check pics old module was work fine
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