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Everything posted by alexistkd

  1. i already sent u a msg if u still have the license and can be checked with blesta staff
  2. you can also buy it bro licensecart for less good luck
  3. reason of selling?
  4. still no news? this will be a great feature
  5. great thank you
  6. hello any chance to get a free trial of the new version to test it out before buy? thank you.
  7. any news on this feature? thank you
  8. i talked to cast control staff they told me this: we did send all our module documentation to the developers so they would be capable of doing this if they desired. We can provide the source files for Blesta 2.5 Module & WHMCS Module if you submit a support ticket. Hi Alexis, unfortunately there just is not enough people using blesta. I think we have had maybe 2 or 3 requests in the last 2 years. Version 3 is actually quite complex to integrate as well, it will take a lot of work from what we looked at.
  9. thats great, thank u so much ill buy blesta to test it out
  10. Hi i would like to know if Blesta have the possibility to custom the billing cycle example i have some clients that pays every 2 months or every 3 months the service, its possible to configure to send the invoice every 2 or 3 months? thank you
  11. yeah i sent an email few days ago to sales@blesta.com about it, or how do i contact u guys to talk about it?
  12. and it could be made maybe as paid custom development?
  13. im going to ask them for sure and let you know thank u so much, and for whmsonic? they didnt make a module yet right? thank you.
  14. Hi i cant see in the blesta demo a section to create quote or estimates for future clients thank you very much.
  15. any news on this im really interested in migrating but i need plugin for cast control and whmsonic would be awesome thank you
  16. awesome for some reason the blesta.php is not updated with the db information but editing manually worked, thank so much for all the help guys appreciate it thank you again.
  17. my db config blesta.php Configure::set("Blesta.database_info", array( 'driver' => "mysql", 'host' => "{database_host}", //'port' => "8889", 'database' => "{database_name}", 'user' => "{database_user}", 'pass' => "{database_password}", 'persistent' => false, 'charset_query' => "SET NAMES 'utf8'", 'options' => array() ) that should not show my db real info? where is stored the real info
  18. also i saw others websites with same issue http://www.hosting.spiderwebdesign.ca/ http://www.redcontrol.com.ar/ im concerned if this could be a bug or its our server config.
  19. sorry to ask too much its because im trying to test blesta to buy it sorry
  20. my info: PHP version 5.1.3 or greater is required. Your version: 5.4.17. PASS The PDO extension is required. PASS The pdo_mysql extension is required. PASS The curl extension with a minimum version of 7.10.5 is required. Your version: 7.24.0 PASS The openssl extension with a minimum version of 0.9.6 is required. Your version: 1.0.0 PASS The ionCube Loader extension is required. PASS The config file (/home/compraya/public_html/config/blesta-new.php) and directory (/home/compraya/public_html/config/) must be writable by the webserver (you can change these back after installation is complete). PASS Recommended Requirements: PASS For best results, PHP 5.2 or greater is recommended. PASS The mcrypt extension is recommended for better performance. PASS The gmp extension is highly recommended for better performance. PASS The json extension is recommended for better performance. PASS For better performance ensure that /home/compraya/public_html/cache/ is writable by the webserver. PASS For best results a memory limit of at least 32M is recommended. Your setting: 512M PASS For added security, 'register_globals' should be disabled. PASS The imap extension is required to send and receive mail via SMTP and IMAP. PASS The simplexml and libxml extensions are highly recommended as they may be required to interface with some systems. PASS The zlib extension is highly recommend for better performance. PASS
  21. u think before install i should chmod 777 blesta-new.php?
  22. when i create blesta-new.php it removes automatically
  23. theres no blesta-config.php
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