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Everything posted by alexistkd

  1. Hi i can get the reply using email working i dont see any error, i configured the department email handling as imap with correct settings but when i send email as client to the support email doesnt appears in support manager. thank you
  2. alexistkd

    Wrong Email

    check the email templates one by one go to /admin/settings/company/emails/templates/ in your admin panel u will see From Email: *@something.com it happened to me i installed blesta in a subdomain i have to edit all emails one by one tu @domain.com check the picture:
  3. +1 for this cant wait for the official announcement, thank you
  4. +1 for this give us a tutorial would be awesome thanks
  5. Hi i would like to know what does this number #8 means
  6. Hi it would be awesome to see the default invoice of blesta more colorful like the PAID NOT PAID tag etc, using colors, so it looks more nice i know invoice can be customized but im saying to put more colors more life to current default blesta invoice thank you.
  7. awesome i didnt saw that
  8. Hi i cant see a button to clear my cart completely would be awesome to add a button to clear all items in cart. thank you.
  9. +1 for this
  10. Hi im trying to select multiple domains as client to buy but when i select all domains like this image: it should add all domains to the cart right when i click order selected but it just gave me the first option Configure exampledomain21.biz i cant order multiple domains or selected domains.
  11. this have some issues with firefox i cant scroll using firefox the options in the live chat
  12. i sent u a PM
  13. wait that code should i put it in html or text section
  14. Hi i think for blest this will be a great feature to be able to add more items to the invoice when placing the order so we can add hosting and domain in one invoice order. thank you.
  15. no sir yeah its strange
  16. monthly for hosting cpanel, and domain yearly
  17. Blesta latest version Installed Version 3.1.2 code: Dear {client.first_name} {client.last_name}, PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS Thank you for your order from us! Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account. If you have requested a domain name during sign up, please keep in mind that your domain name will not be visible on the internet instantly. This process is called propagation and can take up to 48 hours. Until your domain has propagated, your website and email will not function, we have provided a temporary url which you may use to view your website and upload files in the meantime. New Account Information Hosting Package: {package.package} Domain: {service.cpanel_domain} Package Price: {pricing.price} Package Period: {pricing.period} Cancellation Fee after 10 days of your first product with us: {pricing.cancel_fee} Login Details Username: {service.cpanel_username} Password: **** [Password Hidden for security reasons] Control Panel URL: http://{module.host_name}:2082/ Once your domain has propogated, you may also use http://www.{service.cpanel_domain}:2082/'>http://www.{service.cpanel_domain}:2082/ Server Information Server IP: {module.host_name} If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below. {% for name_server in module.name_servers %} Name server: {name_server}{% endfor %} Uploading Your Website Temporarily you may use one of the addresses given below to manage your web site: Temporary FTP Hostname: {module.host_name} Temporary FTP Username: {service.cpanel_username} Temporary FTP Password: cPanel Password And once your domain has propagated you may use the details below: FTP Hostname: {service.cpanel_domain} Webpage URL: http://www.{service.cpanel_domain} Email Settings For email accounts that you setup, you should use the following connection details in your email program: POP3 Host Address: mail.{service.cpanel_domain} SMTP Host Address: mail.{service.cpanel_domain} Username: The email address you are checking email for. Password: As specified in your control panel. Thank you for choosing us. cpanel module and namecheap module
  18. thats good, thank you very much
  19. yeah but what about the admin side? if i want to create an order for a client do i need to do it one by one right first domain then hosting theres no all in one option? thanks
  20. hi bro im getting an issue with this template something like: Oh noes! unexpected character in filters : "/" at 136 on line 233 in /home/streamin/public_html/portal/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(114): ArgumentLexer->parse() #1 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(75): H2o_Parser::parseArguments(' #2 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(106): H2o_Parser->parse() #3 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(142): H2o->parse(' ??? #4 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/models/emails.php(806): H2o::parseString(' ??? #5 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/models/emails.php(512): Emails->buildEmail('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', Array) #6 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/models/services.php(1191): Emails->send('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', 'gaitan_tkd@hotm...', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array) #7 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/models/services.php(849): Services->sendNotificationEmail(Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), '1') #8 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3989): Services->add(Array, Array, true) #9 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3900): AdminClients->createService(Array, Array) #10 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3397): AdminClients->processServiceStep('confirm', Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass)) #11 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->addService() #12 /home/streamin/public_html/portal/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/clients/...') #13 {main}
  21. Hi im trying to create an order for a example client, i dont see the option to register the domain + create hosting for that domain at the same time i have to do it one by one? thank you.
  22. hi there i just installed i saw one thing when i open admin settings i cant see the scroll bar in the browser im using Firefox i cant go down to click save settings. i also cant see the Live Chat complete word in the admin panel see the attached picture
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