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Everything posted by alexistkd

  1. yeah i did that but with ajax template doesnt works good because when client select the domain and click continue then template try to show the hosting packages but now will be empty
  2. Hi i would like to know how exactly i configure my system to sell domains without hosting correctly. thank you.
  3. also i forgot when logged as client this field In Server: is empty, maybe it should be removed isnt usefull imo
  4. when the plugin is installed and i click unblock menu as client the logo of blesta dissapears shows this in the html: <div class="container"> <div class="logo"> <a href="/portal/client/"> <img src="/portal/plugins/cpanel_csf/views/client/bootstrap/images/logo.png" alt="Blesta" /> </a> </div> that path doesnt exists cpanel_csf/views/client/bootstrap/images/logo.png you should add in plugins/cpanel_csf/cpanel_csf_controller.php public function preAction() { this: $this->structure->setDefaultView(APPDIR); with this the logo will be rendered propertly
  5. +1 this is another same request for this http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2440-client-profile-sticky-notes/
  6. awesome addon perfect +1 should be by default on blesta
  7. +1 for this
  8. +1 for this feature
  9. yeah i would like a module for cast control in blesta, maybe some developer is interested in this work so i can pay for it i think will be great for few people that use cast control
  10. any ideas to create a good integration header footer using wordpress and blesta latest version bootstrap?
  11. sounds great looking forward to test this release looks awesome thank you Paul
  12. awesome work looks clean, as suggestion the order pages should be different between each other in that way we can have more options right out of the box without too much customization. Will be awesome to have one order page template more colorful that could impact more the client just a suggestion. Can we see the wizard boxes and slider? thank you for this great work
  13. sounds great, thank you very much
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