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Everything posted by alexistkd

  1. yeah but when i write http://mydomain.com it doesnt redirect instead is showing a 404 error
  2. Hi im trying to configure ssl with blesta but in my browser stills shows like: the connection to this website is not fully secure what do u guys recommend me to make fully secure my blesta installation i have already a rapidssl certificate for my domain. thank you.
  3. sounds good bro
  4. woh i didnt saw that sorry +1 for sure
  5. Hi there would be awesome to see blesta having a language changer so we can translate order forms too because in my case my main lang is spanish but my website have some english speaking clients so i need both lang. thank you.
  6. i just did it but how do i configure example i put like <li > <a href="/portal/client/plugin/client_documents/client_main/index/"> <i class=""></i> Order New Services </a> </li> how i put that Order New services multilanguage as my website will be spanish and english. thank you. pd: i just go it reading the documentation thank you
  7. yeah but would be cool to have it default so client may order a new service easily when they clock order new service they will see all categories, hosting, domains, etc and then they can order
  8. Hi, would be good to have a basic quote system in blesta as core or plugin, thats the only thing i like from whm.. i know blesta have draft, but would be cool a quote system and then if client accepts we can convert quote to invoice and/or split as needed just like this post i made in the past http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1274-blesta-have-option-to-create-quoteestimates/ i dont know what u guys think about this idea thank you
  9. Hi, would be good to have a menu in client dashboard named Order New Services, so client may order new services directly from their dashboard without going back to portal or some other place to order a new service. thank you.
  10. but i saw it changes cpanel.php [CORE-1309] - cPanel: Cannot update service information only locally doesnt matters? thank you
  11. ey bro would u update the code to use the latest changes on blesta 3.2.1? thank you
  12. Hi how i can change the colors of the Make Payment on Invoices widget in client dashboard? i just see this: <?php } $link_buttons = array( array('name'=>$this->_("ClientInvoices.index.categorylink_make_payment", true), 'attributes'=>array("href"=>$this->base_uri . "pay/")) ); on client_invoices.pdt instead of the default button btn btn-sm btn-default i would like to use btn btn-sm btn-success but i cant find where to change it thank you. edit: i just figure it out by changing the line to: $link_buttons = array( array('name'=>$this->_("ClientInvoices.index.categorylink_make_payment", true), 'attributes'=>array("href"=>$this->base_uri . "pay/", 'class' => "btn btn-sm btn-success"))
  13. alexistkd

    Release 3.2.1

    perfect great update thank you
  14. alexistkd

    Release 3.2.1

    great , this will affect the default bootstrap client template? as i already make a integration i dont know if i need to change something in client template thank you.
  15. would be great to have that field editable by us in case we need to change service creation date before
  16. well could be useful that the only thing i like from whm... lol why? because when i already created a service i can change the Registration Date in the case of whm... but...yeah i agree totally with your idea Tyson, of having the field of creation date before creating the service that makes even more sense so in my case i dont want to import clients from whm.. instead im recreating every client manually because i like that way, but when im adding service for each client i cant set the date whm.. have as registration date. thank you
  17. +1 for this, we cant modify the creation date manually, example for me i have clients on whmcs i would like to recreate them in blesta without import them but i need to set the service creation date manually
  18. +1 for this very useful
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