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Everything posted by netwise
Thanks.. but I must say thats a VERY messy way to handle tings.. If I WANT to delete something i SHOULD have the RIGHT to.
I want to delete a couple Packages and when I di I get the following message. " The package could not be deleted because a service is currently using it ". I have gone through and made sure all services were in a canceled state, I can find NO WAY to delete services.. Anyone help?
there MUST be a way to dump data.. its based on a sql database...
Is there a way to wipe everyting from my install with the exception of customers?? I want to wipe all transactions .. everything but customers... and honestly they can go too if necessary...
Guys, as always ya'll are great.. It is beginning to make sense to me a little at a time now :-) My next post I will try to explain my exepectations in greater detail, I believe this will give you a better picture and be able to better assist me. Thank you again.
The fog is beginning to lift LOL Some times Im just dense LOL... When I am ready to set up maybe I could PM you in more detail to ensure I am doing things correct? Like my actual details etc. Bob
Well I kind of assumed that, or some kind of redirect component, but there is still a LOT of in formation missing. Still zero idea on HOW to make this happen. Any specific server requirements etc. I just dont want to spend the $$ on something unless I am confident I can set up, and with the information currently available I do not feel confident that I could.
Thanks again for trying, but I am sorry I simply dont get it. I'll have to look fir a solution I can wrap my brain around. Thank you...
Thanks for your response. I watched the video and it was hlpful from a visualation stand point. What I still dont get is the seperate domain thing. If my install is at ab.com/support and I activate a 2nd company at def.com where is the set up dont so that customers of def.com got to the def.com/support url but the actual system resides at the abc.com domain. The video did not cover that aspect oher than to say it does it. The dicumentation kinda of tries to explain it but not very well LOL
I’m contemplating purchasing an add on license to create a second company. I am the founder of a nonprofit that will be heavily member based so I am looking to utilize the knowledge base as well as the ticketing system. The need for billing will be limited to advertisers and sponsors. I would like to understand better how the multi company system works… us it completely contained on my original domain? A new install on the 2’nd companies domain? What does the client portal look like or are they separate? I have read the user manual on the topic & seem to be more confused than before I stared... (Likely because the 80’s were hard on my brain cells)… Do you have a simple service where I can buy the additional company, give you a login & you do the initial set up & I customize from there? Or anyone else capable interested?
I double checked to be sure service creation email was turned on. I did get the service activated email, I expected the package welcome email to replace this. Should it have over wridden the default creatiuon email? Guess i likely did something wrong again? or maybe its because of the inital use of an erronious tag?
i found it! i was using the {package.*} which I dont think is an available tag when using the general Module maybe? However, it does not appear the welcome emaiul was ever sent after removing the offending tag. I expected it would have been when the service was accepted/activated. I dide check and the service IS activated.
Well, I have bnnot edited any email templates yet, So I will go look at the welcome email it's self. Will let ya know... thanks.
In preparing to offer some new products and make everything live on my Blesta install I have been creating packages and order forms etc. Previously I have only been using Blesta for the ticket system and manually generated invoices so this area is a bit new to me. I wanted to test the purchase process from end to end to evaluate the customer experience as well as the required admin steps. I have an order form set up with a product assigned to it: http://laplantesolutionsllc.com/support/plugin/order/main/index/tcbdm I visited this order form after making sure I logged out of admin and clearing cookies/cache… I went through the purchasing process selecting Check/Mooney order as my payment method created a user account and everything went as I expected. I logged out of the user account and proceeded to log back into admin. (I have it set up to require human verification/approval) I went to Billing/Invoices and marked the invoice as paid, I then went to services/pending clicked manage Send Conformation Email & Use Module boxes were checked and I then clicked Activate. I then was displayed the following error: Oh noes! unexpected character in filters : "." at 290 on line 233 in /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(114): ArgumentLexer->parse() #1 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(75): H2o_Parser::parseArguments('package.*', 283) #2 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(106): H2o_Parser->parse() #3 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(142): H2o->parse(' ???Hi {conta...') #4 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/emails.php(806): H2o::parseString(' ???Hi {conta...', Array) #5 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/emails.php(512): Emails->buildEmail('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', Array) #6 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/services.php(1189): Emails->send('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', 'laplanteent@gma...', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array) #7 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/services.php(982): Services->sendNotificationEmail(Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), '20') #8 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3473): Services->edit('6', Array, false, true) #9 /home/netwise/public_html/support/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->editService() #10 /home/netwise/public_html/support/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/support/admin/...') #11 {main} I then thought maybe the Use Module should not be checked, so I tried it with that BNOT checked and got: Oh noes!unexpected character in filters : "." at 290 on line 233 in /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(114): ArgumentLexer->parse() #1 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(75): H2o_Parser::parseArguments('package.*', 283) #2 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(106): H2o_Parser->parse() #3 /home/netwise/public_html/support/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(142): H2o->parse(' ???Hi {conta...') #4 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/emails.php(806): H2o::parseString(' ???Hi {conta...', Array) #5 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/emails.php(512): Emails->buildEmail('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', Array) #6 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/services.php(1189): Emails->send('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', 'laplanteent@gma...', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array) #7 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/models/services.php(982): Services->sendNotificationEmail(Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), '20') #8 /home/netwise/public_html/support/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3473): Services->edit('6', Array, false, true) #9 /home/netwise/public_html/support/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->editService() #10 /home/netwise/public_html/support/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/support/admin/...') #11 {main} Obviously “something” wrong, and may be something I have mis configured, but I am definitely stuck! Any assistance is most appreciated! Bob
i am running 3.13 and in a previous post it was suggested I downloaded blesta-3.3.2.zip and FTP'd all the files to my server. I then ran the ~/admin/upgrade utility. I get this message: Upgrade can not continue without valid support and updates, visit www.blesta.com/support-and-updates So does this mean I eed to purchase the 39$ updates Pkg before I can exicute the upgrade? Bob
DOH! I feel a bit less than brilliant LOL Currency was not selected! Selecting USD fixed it, thak you!
I have 2 order forms recently created. Onedisplays extra 00's on prices, the other does not & Im stumped as to why Extra 00's - http://laplantesolutionsllc.com/support/plugin/order/main/index/tcbd No extra oo's - http://laplantesolutionsllc.com/support/plugin/order/main/index/promotions Thoughts, solutions and ideas welcome LOL
Order Form Orders Will "complete" Order Minus Out Of Stock Items
netwise replied to ExelionLLC's topic in Bugs
is there any more information on this? I updated to 3.13 and If I have a package with Quantity of 0 It still displays on the prder form and can be purchased. Ive read through the forums about this and there is no clear answer? I agree the out of stock Item should appear but marked as out of stock and not able to be added to the cart. Any further info would be appreciated. -
Thank you for the reply. It looks like the right solution, but developing a plugin uis far beyond my capibilities :-) I will have my developer friend take a look at it and see where it goes. I can almost see the benefit of a plugin solution but cant quite envision the end result yet ... Bob
I am setting up to begin selling some digital advertising and want to use the Blesta products/order forms to manage the sales, invoicing etc. What I am lacking is the customers ability to upload their ad image. I suspect that I need to develop a custom form/process to accomplish this and that is OK, but I thought I would ask the community to make sure I didn't overlook the obvious :-) If developing a custom form is my best option, my next question is: is there an example file or anything I can look at to see how to create a custom page to house the form, and add it as a link to the client area when they are logged in? I am far from a programmer, but I have a very capable developer friend and I am searching for the right information so I can point him in the right direction. I envision the flow to work like this; 1. Customer purchases an add from a standard order form. 2. I approve the order and they receive a welcome email with directions to log into their account and click on the upload image link (link to custom form page). 3. I get notification that the image has been uploaded and take the necessary steps to activate their ad on my ad server. I am open to suggestions... Thank you, Bob
Poor support, Poor server reliability, poor response. No Blesta related problems .. Hosting Provider problems
I am having some real problems with my current reseller hosting provider. Does team Blesta have any thought on where I might look for a new provider? Provicded that is I ever see my system again long enough to move it to a new home LOL Thanks, Bob