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  1. When, when!? I keep having to edit Blesta manually, and it really stinks.
  2. Just update the ETA. Communication is all customers want. (But eventually, yes, you need to deliver.) I'd like to be kept abreast of new developments myself. It's why I even bother coming to the forum.
  3. The "E" in ETA is "estimated". For business to say "I don't know" doesn't fly in the real world. They can estimate. ie Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 of 2016. You're just a forum mod, not one the Blesta devs. Perhaps let them answer.
  4. Softaculous refuses to install Blesta unless the DNS for the FQDN (subdomain or domain) is already pointed at the server. So you can't dev it privately, then launch when ready. That's a problem. I've never seen this with any other installer, so I'm more likely to believe it's a Blesta issue, and not a Softaculous issue.
  5. How hard is it to edit this theme to add custom menu items? Is it any different from the default theme in this regard? Does your theme "phone home" (as I'm no longer using themes that do this; too many security issues). Where can I see a live demo of this -- I'm not paying $50 based on images alone.
  6. kpmedia

    New En_Us Language?

    According to what I'm reading in that thread, not anymore: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1078-vqmod-for-blesta-now-available/?p=36147
  7. From a business standpoint, that's not acceptable.
  8. Cody claimed it was "not a bug". While that may be true from a purely coding stance, it's still a bug from a common sense stance.
  9. Seems like an oxymoron to me. You: "Oh, you don't need a module? Okay, great. ... Use this module!" Me: "WTF?" Thanks for the info. It still doesn't make 100% sense, but I just won't worry about it. I'll mentally file this in the "WTF" file, along with what women are thinking, why people believe 9/11 is a hoax, etc.
  10. This was a 100% new install. Clear caches does nothing. It's a bug.
  11. I'm not sure what you want a screenshot of. I did something like that years ago, but I don't remember when, or even what language (ASP? PHP?). When the code is being parsed, the plugin says "no you don't!" and replaces it. I vaguely remember it being vBulletin, back in 2009. Yeah, I think that's it. I took the basic function that was started, and edited it to do what was needed. Anyway, it's replaced on-the-fly with this other code, thanks to a plugin that acts first. That one plugin could be made to do everything I want! - What a better menu? Replace it! - Want to add a page? Replace code (to add it)! * - Want a better image? Replace it! * I needed a simple news page. I'm currently recycling "payment accounts" (useless for me) to make it. All it needs is fields to store the code in the db. You can add as many replacements as desired. All it does is seek out X and replace with Y. I remember that aspect of the replacement. But it's been so long that I don't remember how I did it. I wanted to start easy. A simple replacement just for this bit of code. Does this all make more sense?
  12. I'm sure it seems like a basic question, but I've not found the answer. - You can't make a new package with out the "universal module". Why? - If you add a service for a client, one of the screens allows unchecking "Provision using the __ module". But unchecking it isn't doing anything that I can tell. If I hit BACK in the browser, it's now checked again. I assume this means it will be checked no matter what you do. I read this: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module But I'm still having a hard time understanding why it NEEDED for basic adding of services and invoicing. I see the docs start out by saying "The Universal Module is the module to use when no other module will do." But why does it need one at all? The email aspect is especially confusing, and doesn't make any sense. I'd like a clearer explanation, please.
  13. If I have a service ($10) that's prorated for 28 days, then it's $1.33 If I want to override that price -- let's say a 50% discount for the first month, as haggled via email -- I override is to $5 instead. If I override the price, now it shows $-0.67 Uh.... I owe them money.
  14. Found a bug... If I add a client, and create a recurring invoice, then subscriptions do not work. Only one-time payment can be made. If I go through the hassle of making a module (what is that for, anyway?), then create a service, then add a client to the service, only then does it allow subscriptions. For a custom customer -- let's say somebody that hired you for 3 months of special coding -- you'd have to go through the nuisance of creating all this extra stuff. Furthermore, would it be visible on a front-end via the order form? It's supposed to be a "billing panel". At the base level, it should do at least that, and extra steps should not be needed.
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