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Everything posted by mauriez

  1. mauriez

    Variating Pricing

    Hi! As percentual discount is not supported yet, we are thinking about a solution using price variation. IE, one customer purchases a domain name for $5, the other for $7.50. Pricing is set in a package however and we do not wish to create a package for each price variation. Any idea how we can solve this? Thanks! -- Maurice
  2. Thanks, Is there a timeline for it somewhere?
  3. Hi! Hmm.. I was more thinking about giving clients a specific discount percentage.. as in this client a 20% discount, client b 30% etc.. Is something like that possible?
  4. Hi! I'd like to be able to give discount to our clients. Can I do this? And if so, how?! Thanks in advance!
  5. Ah! You triggered me looking it up in the PHP source code.. and I found it! http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Transactions.html#_getTotalCredit Nice thanks!
  6. Thanks.. But is there no getTotal() or getCredit() yet? I do see the total shown in the Admin panel, but maybe thats built using the same getList()?
  7. Hi! I just read this: However, I have not found any documentation regarding this. Is the feature implemented in V3.0.2? Or is it still planned? thanks!
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