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Everything posted by Martwana

  1. How could I miss processPayment! Haha Sorry for time wasting. 'Ts was a stupid mistake haha. Thanks Martin
  2. $response = $api->get('payments', 'authorizePayment', array('client_id' => 24, 'type' => 'cc', 'amount' => 1.99, 'currency' => 'GBP', 'account_info' => array('first_name' => 'Test', 'last_name' => 'Card', 'card_number' => '4242424242424242', 'card_exp' => '201406', 'card_security_code' => '123' ) )); Can anyone explain why this doesn't work. I have the stripe module installed with the access key installed but it wont budge from array(1) { ["_empty_"]=> array(1) { ["unsupported"]=> string(41) "The gateway does not support that action." } }
  3. Apologies, there was an underlying issue with the server itself not being able to resolve the url. All API's I use onsite had broke, which was how i found the problem.
  4. $key = '02****************************92f'; $user = 'dev'; $url = 'http://ilcloudservices.co.uk/blesta/api/'; $api = new BlestaApi($url, $user, $key); $response = $api->get("users", "get", array('user_id' => 1)); var_dump($response); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- object(BlestaResponse)#2 (2) { ["raw":"BlestaResponse":private]=> bool(false) ["response_code":"BlestaResponse":private]=> int(0) } Why is it returning false? It was working fine the other day. Martin
  5. Martwana

    Api Issue

    Many thanks. I never thought about the parameters I was passing to it could return a not found error. Thanks for clearing that up for me! Many thanks again! Martin
  6. Martwana

    Api Issue

    Need some higher up help, someone more familiar with the code. Alex and myself have been unsuccessful so far
  7. Martwana

    Api Issue

    So, im using the SDK api from github. $response = $api->get("users", "get", array('user_id' => 1)); This returns the details for user number 1. Great! $response = $api->get("clientgroups", "getList", array(1)); This returns: object(BlestaResponse)#2 (2) { ["raw":"BlestaResponse":private]=> string(52) "{"message":"The requested resource does not exist."}" ["response_code":"BlestaResponse":private]=> int(404) } Only ever seems to be when the class name has multiple words in it. i have tried clientgroups, client_groups, client-groups, ClientGroups, Client-Groups etc. I'm lost. Any ideas? Martin p.s. Blesta Rocks!, but the api is confusing me haha.
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