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Everything posted by Artis

  1. Artis

    Import users

    Hi there, I have an issue with users as I have it with another system and I want to move them into blesta. The easiest way should be using API (as still, I'm getting some users daily using an old system that I've used in the past). My question is, will blesta support any of the popular methods LDAP or active directory? What is the easiest way to register users using API or PHP in this case, any documentation part that can help with new user registration?
  2. @BlestaStore what version of blesta do you have and what is fraudlabs plugin version?
  3. Hi, I notice that from version 4.2 there is no additional data about payment report. As you can see from this picture http://prntscr.com/i69phc there is no additional info about this client. I tried to use fraudlabs and maxmind and they have the same issue. How I can change the code and get old report page. Sometimes is important that I can check values from clients instantly instead log in and searching for that client inside frauldlabs or maxmind. I don't see a reason why this info disappears from fraud report. Any hint or clue how I can fix it will help me
  4. Artis

    IP login logs

    Is there any option that I can see all client history login (IP address), at this moment I can see only last one from client profile. Is there any option from where I can check all IP address? This is important for me from security aspect as I want to check if they are using the same country for login and that I can prevent fraud
  5. Artis

    Active (open) tickets

    That fix this "issue" however why blesta is not updating this status automatically when I reply to the ticket? Is there any workaround that I don't need to choose this status each time I reply
  6. Hi, I have a question how to display indicator what tickets are currently open (without answer) as I don't want to click each time on tickets and see how many of them are not answered. Just for clarification https://prnt.sc/hv2gij how to show number of unanswered ticket and not ticket that I already answer and they are open?
  7. Artis

    MaxMind check

    Paul help me with this one, I should use MaxMind Legacy and that is not possible by default so I contact them and they enabled it
  8. Artis

    [Theme] Cloud

    Just download theme and upload it at app/views/clients/ next step is to enable it for clients from blesta admin area
  9. Artis


    Did you check this page https://translate.blesta.com
  10. Artis

    MaxMind check

    I order MaxMind activate account and add details in Packages -> order forms -> settings. When client create order I can see this http://prntscr.com/htcucs From MaxMind side I can see that licence was used (last activity) so I'm sure that I did something wrong with Blesta, is there any log where I can see where is problem? Fraudlabs is working fine however maxmind is better in my solution
  11. Artis

    Issue with order form

    @Paul thanks for tips can you tell me how we can add something like this into default blesta version? For now, I code it like this http://prntscr.com/ht63xv do you have hint where is best to put it? (maybe under PayPal and other payment options?)
  12. Artis

    Issue with order form

    Thanks Paul a lot, finally nice payment page http://prntscr.com/ht5hje still a lot to code
  13. Artis

    Issue with order form

    I already did that however path update only text from admin area and I'm searching this text for client view.
  14. Artis

    Issue with order form

    @Paul you were right I disable it Thanks for fast fixing Can you maybe know where I can manage this text http://prntscr.com/ht3t6y I try to update translation file for payment gateway however that only update name for admin area and not client side It will be great if I can add picture instead text
  15. I have problem with PayPal payment. Everything is ok with order page however when client open confirmation page he is not able to see any payment option (here is picture with problem http://prntscr.com/ht3fg5) Any hint where can be problem with this order page and PayPal (other payment options are working perfectly).
  16. Also I recommend you to use CLI upgrade process specially if you have a lot of invoices
  17. @Paul any news about this?
  18. Yes clients are ordering 99$ hosting plan for subdomain I just want to stop this can you tell me any hint where do I need to code this future in order form or with module? I think that this is easy to check with regular expression and I can exclude .co.uk domain name as I sell only that domain name for hosting plans, all other domains like com.in I'm not selling so I can add if statement and process it
  19. Hi, I have one quick question, is it possible to prevent clients to register subdomains as hosting plan? I'm using Blesta 4.1 and DirectAdmin module and I notice that many clients are using subdomain for registration and that is causing me problems so I want to prevent this. Any hint where this option is located or how I can prevent this in Blesta?
  20. Any hint how I can do this if I can provide domain name to link that client can open? I can only consider new plugin that will check ID from database and auto login client into blesta, but this is to much of work to do for this simple task.
  21. Hi I'm searching for solution where I can offer link to the client that he can upgrade his hosting plan. I'm promoting upgrade for my clients in newsletter and I want to offer direct link where they can chose what hosting plan they want to use. How did you solve this problem, is it possible to provide direct link for upgrade that client can click on it and then choose what plan he want to use and process is using cart?
  22. Hi I'm using DirectAdmin and in order form for when I'm creating new hosting plan I need to input: - Domain - Username - Password - E-mail I'm wondering how can I replace "e-mail" filed with email from client profile (I don't want to allow clients to use different email for creating hosting plan). I assume that I need to edit DirectAdmin component or I need to update order form with this value? Any hint/direction for solving this will help me
  23. Reminder function is not related with design. It is not working on default template also. From client profile username = email so everything should be working ok Email logs for client are empty, what could be reason for that ? What is best way to troubleshoot this problem ?
  24. 1. Not working with Firefox, Chrom, Safari 2. mail log is empty I didn't test this function before redesign but as login form and registration from are working I don't see reason that password reset form will not work. But I'll try to test it
  25. Hello, I'm using blesta 3.6.2 and password reset function is not working. My clients use email as username and when they try to reset password there is no email. I check logs but there is no entries. Any hint what can be wrong ?
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