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Everything posted by BeZazz

  1. Thank you for the update.
  2. I think you are right.
  3. Depending upon how your server is setup, permissions of 777 may be too permissive.
  4. Have you tried installing it? If not what PHP version, OS and Control Panel?
  5. Shouldn't you be discussing this with https://scriptinstallation.ca ? They may still be working on it and reverting the changes you made.
  6. I assume you mean https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-ForcingHTTPS If so I noticed it states
  7. There is a lot I would like to say about that but I ill just say. Generally when you open a PayPal dispute, the provider will suspend whatever account you have and only deal with you via PayPal. Creating a dispute like that (without giving provider a chance to refund) will often get you listed on FraudRecord.
  8. Looks like I am a bit behind the times lol
  9. Currently the page https://www.whmcs.com/price-change-faq/ states Yet email went out (accidentally) to some resellers informing them of a price rise as of today's date. Due to the email that was accidentally sent out to some resellers, WHMCS has now stated reseller pricing will rise as of July 1st. From what I have read the resellers buying price will be based on the amount of clients their clients have.
  10. Did you send the exact same message?
  11. I think you may be right. I hard refreshed the link a lot of times and never saw the "G".
  12. I have never used them on any of my sites for the same reason you mention.
  13. Some may find this interesting. https://blog.cloudflare.com/incident...re-parser-bug/ https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2017/0...o-is-affected/ List of some of the sites that could be affected by this. https://github.com/pirate/sites-using-cloudflare
  14. Maybe there is a php.ini over riding the setting? Possibly in the same directory or back a bit or the main php.ini.
  15. This may not be of any help but is it possible there was a network issue that cause this? Possibly your firewall blocked access to where the gravatar is stored?
  16. I am half asleep so maybe I am wrong but I can not see why you could not use a cPanel hook to call up the Softaculous API to do this?
  17. Just an observation. I just read 2 threads and it stuck me that in the threads no one says please or thank you. The posts I read were basically demanding xyz be added to Blesta. Maybe I am getting old and out of touch but what happened to being polite, especially when you are expecting someone to do something for you. Just because you paid for a piece of software does not mean you can be rude when asking for something. My 2c
  18. Is the discount recurring or a one off?
  19. Please note: I mean the bellow as constructive criticism. Personally I could not design anything like you do. 30days <---- Should be a gap there IMO Server Location Us <---- Us should be US your visitors' sensitive <---- ' typo? 30-day Money-back Guarantee* <----- Generally if you have a *, somewhere on the page you explain * Unlike other providers no matter what is happening on the server, each and every hosting account is guaranteed the resources stated. <---- Everyone I know uses CloudLinux. Bagging out the competition especially when what you are stating is incorrect. Is not a good look IMO. LiteSpeed is a high performance webserver. It is 9 times faster than Apache <---- This hasn't been true for a long time. Some of the content appears to be copied and pasted from other sites.
  20. Thanks for the update
  21. Thank you I worked out the issue. I am on the couch using webmail on my netbook. My desktop is set to filter emails and place them into the correct folders. I kept checking "Inbox" I should have been checking the "Blesta" sub folder of Inbox. EDIT: Yes I feel like a dill lol
  22. Thanks for the reply. It is not in spam, it could be related to grey listing on the server at my end. EDIT: I can see the emails made it to my server.
  23. I have been unable to signup as I am not receiving any emails from requests.blesta.com. Anyone else have this issue or is it just me?
  24. He was last on 19 minutes ago. He also has recent posts here at the forum.
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