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Everything posted by medfordite

  1. medfordite

    Suspend Error

    The module (cPanel) does take the suspension fine though which is odd. Also unsuspends fine. Just throws that oddball error. I am doing this on a test account I have (Personal one I host), and for my live customer, it says it can't find their account which is odd as everything matches up module vs. server. Here's the kicker too - I didn't use the Module checkbox (to use it) and did a Suspension and got the same error, so it isn't a module call. I ended up suspending them from WHM anyway, but kind of wierd to say the least.
  2. medfordite

    Suspend Error

    Upon manually suspending a user I get: Not sure what is going on there...There is no input box or anything to give a reason for supsension so that may be it?
  3. I manualy edited a language key's text for the domain ordering checker on line 1361 in en-us.php under /language. I overwrote the file on the server with the updated one, cleared the cache (I am using Cloudflare until next week which is actually Paused right now). I am using the namecheap module as eNom isn't present anymore. (I prefer Namecheap anyway), but am in Sandbox mode for testing. When querying a domain name which I have verified as being available, it returns it is not available. This is where I placed a changed text to call my company as right now, I don't have enough funds to run a full API with Namecheap (yet). Anyway, when forcing this check the text still shows up as the old text of "Sorry, that domain is not available.". When it should be my new text. I have tried in several browsers to make sure nothing is cached, including "Epic browser" which doesn't cache anything (think perma-incognito mode). Is there a different place to edit the language that I am not seeing or is there a solution to this?
  4. What is going on that people are all of a sudden wanting to sell their unbranded licenses? It seems out of the ordinary to see such an increase of something that people are happy with to want to get rid of said license. Curiosity kills the cat I know, but I am pretending to be Simon to bring him back!
  5. Here! here! I concur!
  6. If you look at it from a customer service standpoint - not everyone is computer savvy. There are customers which would log in and see the word "Cancelled" and totally panic and jump on the phone and call or send an angry ticket. This, in turn prompts you - the company to assure your now upset customer that their service is indeed fine. (nevermind the fact that they can view their site and use it and probably were just on it) Having the ability to manually price adjust an existing service is what I am looking for, or at least a work around. I have one customer which is one of those that would call if they saw something like this (Not an angry call though). Here is their scenario: They paid several months in advanced so we had a running Credit on the books for them. Their credit ran out this month and left them with a small balance. That is fine and good. No problem there. BUT....going in and looking at their invoice, I saw that when I set up their account in Blesta, I didn't remember to change the price manually at the time the service was placed in the system. (Migrating from other software than Blesta). I went into his invoice to adjust the amount billed so they could see that their credit was there (I have a referall credit), and Blesta promptly complained that since a credit was already applied, no further credits could be done. (I changed the invoice price).
  7. This is similar to the thread posted here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/941-how-to-change-payed-to-free-service/ I need to be able to manually adjust the price for a few clients. I know I can add a new service for them without the module, have Blesta not send an email, and then cancel the old service, but this does become 'messy' as we then have a 'cancelled' service that the customer will see when they log in causing confusion. Is there a way to manually adjust the price for a service for a customer without having to do this or do a hard edit in the database table? The structure you have in the Database isn't exaclty as logical as I'd like, but I am willing to delve into it..
  8. I can't wait to see this for everyone. My main site is responsive, and to have Blesta the same way...YES!!!
  9. During the middle of this month, I am moving away from Cloudflare as I won't be needing them anymore. I transferred my domain to a registrar which I thought would be good about handling vanity nameservers, but they weren't so once the transfer restriction delay passes, I am moving to a new registrar to fix this. I will see if that helps then as far as the non-updating widgets.
  10. I do have caching set up - but the thing is -it would have not changed as the dashboard would not have changed it's layout from day 1 of being installed (V.3.). Also, since it is using a cached version, it would not reflect whatever glitch happened. On a semi-related note and maybe this might be an issue - My System Overview Widget is wrong - It has not refreshed any data since I migrated. In other words, I created a test order, let it go pending as a customer in my test account. I then cancelled the pending order, but it still shows as a Pending order in the system. Also, active users are showing as myself (as a customer, myself as the admin and another client which i KNOW has never logged in and was me testing her login - Long Story Short - my hosting mostly consists of clients I have done web design for and set up their billing accounts for them too). This has not changed in the last couple of weeks. All other widgets work fine though.
  11. I had to cancel my license for Blesta with a resller of yours as they only had the 2.5 licences and I am using the 3.x version now and of course those licenses don't work. As my trial is about to expire for 3.x in less than a couple of weeks, I wanted to know if Blesta is going to still be working with Resellers for v. 3 or are things moving toward in house licensing? I am fine ordering through here, but before I jumped ship completely with them on this, I wanted to check.
  12. No templates were harmed in this installation. I did change the colors from the system settings, but no hard coding or editing.
  13. Now this is just wierd....reloaded the page and it was back to normal. Funny thing is, I cleared cache, used different browsers etc to see if it was my issue before I made this post. I turned off hotlink protection in Cloudflare (where I am holding the site's DNS until later in September). Went back to the dashboard and refreshed, it still didn't load right. I highly doubt Blesta would be hotlinking so I am not counting the Cloudflare hotlink protection as a culprit. I then went in about 5 minutes ago and refreshed the page, and is loading the way it should.
  14. Fixed hotlink issue,. Sorry about that.
  15. Everything worked good up until this morning when I looged in to check an invoice in the admin end. My dashboard is now missing items: When I try to configure it, all .CSS is lost. Every area works otherwise including the client area. Any ideas as to what might have gone wrong?
  16. Would this in effect add a new line after the output then? Don't know why but cPanel's update cron output looks better to me but it might just be the double lines they add in it too:
  17. I was wondering if there was a way to customize the Cron output email that is sent. Currently, we have the following: I typically rely on this to watch for past due notices, or other items which we wouldn't normally get a notice on via email. Is there a way to at least add some line breaks or divide things by section?
  18. Firefox for me all the way on the desktop here and at work. IE for testing my sites Chrome for testing my sites Occasionally I use Opera, but haven't in a long time. I prefer Firefox because of the extensions and mostly because I have used it since v 1.5
  19. I have made some changes to the Real Teal theme mostly to make the logo fit in the header, but IMHO, looks great with it. Then, the same edit for my logo on the client side. Nothing special, but I do think the themes are pretty nice now that you can edit them directly (color wise). As a suggestion though, perhaps making the logo fit better without having to edit the css would be a nice function. (If only, this could be made larger for the forum)
  20. V. 3.0 Not sure now if this is yet another issue on my end, but in exploring the new system - discovered that if I go to Manage a client's service from their services table, and click on the Manage link, it returns a blank white page. This happens with every client with 1 service on up.
  21. Hi Paul - Both server and mysql time are correct and in sync. I am in Pacific Time Zone so everything is checking fine and accurate across my phone, server and sql time zone. ---EDIT--- Logged in just now and re-enabled two-factor once more and tested login, worked fine, nothing changed except server rollover to new day (Midnight now).
  22. Blesta 3.0 Admin Section - My information---> I activated two-factor time based authentication, scanned the qr code with my phone, and it integrated itself with my Gauth app. (I use this also for other services and it works fine). I logged out of my account and tried logging in, it asked for the code which I put in from the phone and it didn't like it and returned me back to my login page with no error message or code. I tried with a new code when it cycled to a new one and same issue. I had to go into the users table to toggle that off so I could get back into the admin section.
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