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Everything posted by medfordite

  1. Well now this has morphed into something different from my original problem, here it is anyway: With an Existing User With NO services already (my test account) and debug off: Retrieving Package information, No Packages found for this User UNDER INPUT: bow.captainhost.net|createAccount a:6:{s:6:"domain";s:10:"arjor1.com";s:5:"email";s:23:"test@example.com";s:8:"username";s:6:"arjor1";s:8:"password";s:3:"***";s:4:"plan";s:1:"1";s:8:"reseller";i:0;} UNDER OUTPUT: bow.captainhost.net|createAccount O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:8:"response";s:11:"no_packages";s:3:"log";s:0:"";} With Existing User With NO services already (my test account) and debug ON: Retrieving Package information, No Packages found for this User UNDER INPUT: bow.captainhost.net|createAccount a:6:{s:6:"domain";s:10:"arjor1.com";s:5:"email";s:16:"test@example.com";s:8:"username";s:6:"arjor1";s:8:"password";s:3:"***";s:4:"plan";s:1:"1";s:8:"reseller";i:0;} UNDER OUTPUT: bow.captainhost.net|createAccount O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:8:"response";s:11:"no_packages";s:3:"log";s:0:"";} I tested this with a known account that I have (my personal one) with packages, and am getting the same no packages error.
  2. yes
  3. Tyson - thanks for the reply. Basically, Blesta is trying to provision the account on the Interworx server. When it does, I get the error I described in my original post. So, to make this work, I have to tell it not to use the module when creating an account. Then, go in to Interworx and manually create it there.
  4. Anyone know anything about how to fix this?
  5. Similar to Cubicwebs issue, but different: I did a test order for a bogus domain (let's assume for a minute a customer is going to buy their domain, but not through me and has yet to buy it but is getting their hosting set up scenario) I get the following error: status] => 11 [payload] => There was a problem validating the form. Please see details below. domain: "example.com" This is not a valid option Usage: domain --SPITS OUT ALL DOMAINS PIPED-- ) getResponse Results (Line: 304) stdClass Object ( [status] => error [response] => reported_error There was a problem validating the form. Please see details below. domain: "example.com" This is not a valid option Usage: domain domain --SPITS OUT ALL DOMAINS PIPED-- Where I say --SPITS OUT ALL DOMAINS PIPED-- this is basically domain1.com|domain2.com|domain3.com...etc... I am not sure what form is trying to validate at this point. I obviously can set up accounts manually though in Interworx.
  6. Thank you Cubicwebs and Tyson- I had a space in the API key which I didn't catch from the copy/paste. Fixed that and now it appears to be functioning perfectly!
  7. Any update on this? I think it would be fantastic to get something like this on the Android. Also, if/when Blesta Boostraps, is this going to change things or are you doing all this through API Calls? One thing I can tell you is I don't know if I would pay a monthly fee for the app/plugin. But, I know I'd be down for a one/off payment. There is a company called Digital Ocean which I have used in the past (and still do to a point), that a person made a plugin for their system using the API's. The developer charged something like $3.99 and it does come in handy for rebooting a server, building a new one etc... Just something to ponder in your price models.
  8. I set up an account with Bitpay, enabled the module, and doing some testing - I hit the pay with Bitpay button and it didn't go anywhere after a short bit of activity in a page load or traffic going outbound. Since I don't have any bitcoins to play with, I wasn't able to see if this would at least go there to let me know it was working. Does the system go in and send an API call to bitpay and upon clearing, it posts payment invisibly? I am assuming that the bitpay module goes by the logged in e-mail address as well? Also, does the plugin convert to BTC from the default currency? I didn't see it change so that piqued my curiosity as well.
  9. medfordite

    Release 3.1.0-B2

    I just installed it fresh of course and am very glad to see the Bitpay added, as well as Google Checkout. I'm excited to see this go live into production ready so I can migrate over to it and start advertising all of the new things I have added to the hosting that I haven't disclosed yet to my customers and John Q. Public.
  10. medfordite

    Curious Issue

    No, it works fine there. Cubic - I sent you a PM so you can see it in action for your browser. Go ahead and disregard. I found the solution. UTF-8 apparently is not a default for Interworx and I had to assign it to my Blesta Directory to make it work through Siteworx - .htaccess settings.
  11. medfordite

    Curious Issue

    Using Firefox 26.0, I get the same in Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m, Opera version 18.0.1284.68 and IE 11. I think that should cover all the most common browsers.
  12. medfordite

    Curious Issue

    I can't really articulate this other than showing what I am talking about. When an alert comes up, I get this character in the upper right corner. I'm not sure if it is because of character encoding being wrong in the server (I'm at a loss at the moment on how to check it). But if it is something like that, then it should be an easy fix. I moved from cPanel to Interworx if that helps for the control panel and think it might be that.
  13. Okay - Can we address this question then? I still haven't gotten a direct answer from anyone about this and am suspecting it isn't possible.
  14. What version of WHMCS are you importing from? They might have dropped a column depending on the version. I am basing this on your error: [1] => importPackages: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'term' in 'field list' on line 124 Like others are suggesting is that if you are getting an "Already" exists type of error, this means there is a duplicate somewhere. Also, remember that 3.1 is not ready for production so it may have issues. If you are wanting to run Production, you might want to drop down to 3.0.7 which is the most current release at the moment.
  15. I tried that - but...it blanked out my client area upon page load for some reason. If I have my custom template view in a directory called "cdefault" in the /app/views/client/ Is there an easier way to call that particular view from a hyperlink once the client is logged in? I am wanting to have both views available. One for those clients who wish to log in with a unified view and the others who have my main directory bookmarked right now for billing.
  16. Cody - This is good to see. But in the mean time until 3.2 comes out: Is there a way to call the custom client template/views that I create with the stripped out menu etc from an external source like WordPress? In other words - something like http://www.example.c...template=custom This is what I am wanting to attempt (Mocked up somewhat - I already have it embedded via a Wrapper and the menu at the moment is a copy/paste until I integrate that part).
  17. I looked at that and while I know it is still a work in progress, I was trying to move away from having the Blesta Menu as part of the integration as shown in their demos. I worked on it quite a bit last night and have nailed down quite a bit of integration to my liking, but am now at the main question of being able to call up the modified template by URL if at all possible. The modified template will have the menu stripped out, logo stripped out "Return to Portal and LogOut" removed.
  18. Since 3.0 I haven't seen where we can build a new template that sits as default for the customer other than copying the existing one, renaming the default to something else and then making the the new one the default. What I am wanting to do is start doing an integration into Wordpress, not in the way that has been suggested before, but more in a of "wrapping" the content, while I know this isn't a good way for SEO or Responsiveness, this is a pet project of mine to see if it can be done. As part of this, I am wanting to strip out Blesta's top menu, and create links in WP of my own for the customer when they are logged in. This would help make it more "Fluid" in the whole design aspect. The next thing I want to do is strip out the top logo and "Return to Portal" and "LogOut" button, so basically we would have the Client area's contents embedded in the "Wrapper". I am aware of the whole API call setup and so forth for Blesta and that there is a Work in Progress right now for some integration into Wordpress, but again, a pet project of mine and API just doesn't really make sense to me anyway, I've tried and never gotten the hang of it. Is there a way to call the custom client template/views that I create with the stripped out menu etc from an external source like WordPress? In other words - something like http://www.example.com/blesta/?template=custom I don't want to start mashing around with the customizations and make them default.
  19. This is an interesting read - for a company that sells these, they actually admit to a flaw in their design - or at least the exposure to it publicly. http://www.yubico.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Security-Evaluation-v2.0.1.pdf On Page 12 of their documentation found here, they say that the code generated cannot be reused (http://www.yubico.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/YubiKey-Manual-v3_1.pdf): Now, I am not nieve enough to think that the code cannot be tossed out forever in spite of what I said, but in the lifetime given the fact that the total number of calculations and generations required to re-generate the same code would probably outlive the device cycle. You can test the Yubikey login acceptance with the same code over a period of several days or weeks or months by copying it into notepad or whatever you want to store it in, and paste it, you will not be able to authenticate it as it has already been used. There are known Yuibkey emulators online for download that you can use to pretend to be one and probably authenticate, but this is only limited to knowing the first 12 digits of a target's key. Yubikey is aware of this and have implemented hardware and software countermeasures against this to further authenticate the key against their servers. (Or yours if you want to host one for yourself). What I was trying to get at with the Google Authenticator was my surprise that on two devices synced to Google, but a second or two apart, the code will "move" from one device to the other. So, this negates the unique ability for the codes to be used one time.
  20. Anyone? I have figured out that it is the interworx Module. In comparison to the cPanel module - it doesn't show you the domain names under the account(s). Also, it appears to be incomplete. When I did tie in an account to the system, the control panel link for the customer to login is all wrong. It points to https://:2443. Obviously that won't work. There were no areas in the setup to tell the module what the actual IP to be tied to were. NEVER MIND! I got it sorted out- I do have to manually re-add everyone's service for each account in order for it to tie directly into Interworx. After that, the labels show properly.
  21. Any ideas now? Not getting the blank page anymore after a day. But, the other thing is now, when I try to edit the customer package, it doesn't show a field for a domain name. So, would guess this is an Interworx Module thing perhaps? I used that at least before when I used the cPanel module to manage multiple hosting accounts under customers. ( to ensure I was working on the correct domain name)
  22. This would be Part 2 I guess. Now that I have managed to tie in the API into Blesta, I am now unable to find a facility or otherwise to import my existing accounts from Interworx into Blesta. I still have "record" of the accounts from cPanel (After I mistakenly uninstalled the cPanel module hastily), but can't go in and edit them or do anything with the instances. Will I need to add the services for my customers again? If I do this though, I get a blank page where the add services stuff is after I choose the package. I am suspecting at this point, some sort of a bad migration from cPanel and can re-install Blesta, but I don't want to take that road just yet.
  23. Well now... That was Easy! ----
  24. To further iterate on this, I have tried both the server IP and the live URL to see if this makes any difference and it didn't.
  25. Anyone? This is holding up a few transactions at the moment which I would prefer to be automatic. Curl SSL is enabled also.
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