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Everything posted by Cody

  1. Cody

    Smart Search

    Thanks for the report. Unfortunately these are intentional as it ensures that the smart search is fast and efficient. However, feel free to create a thread for each of these in the Feature Requests forum. Closing as not a bug.
  2. That's the problem. If setting up a trial on a local network, you need to create an alias for the installation and access it using that alias. You can do this by modifying the hosts file on your computer.
  3. Closing as not a bug in Blesta.
  4. Closing as not a bug. CORE-683 and CORE-684 address this issue by checking syntax of the template when editing and by allowing undefined variables in templates respectively.
  5. CORE-691 fixed in 3.0.1.
  6. Try updating /app/models/clients.php (line 89): $this->setCustomField($field->name, $client_id, isset($vars['custom']) && array_key_exists($field->name, $vars['custom']) ? $vars['custom'][$field->name] : null); to: $this->setCustomField($field->id, $client_id, isset($vars['custom']) && array_key_exists($field->name, $vars['custom']) ? $vars['custom'][$field->name] : null);
  7. We require more information. Please see How to Report a Bug.
  8. There are a number of issues with including tax in the unit prices. For example, if you set up 20 packages with 5 price points each and the tax rate changes from 19% to 35% you would have to update 100 different prices just to ensure that you're continuing to pass that extra 16% tax along to the customer instead of paying it yourself! But if you'd like to be able to enter unit prices that include tax, I encourage you to create a feature request. Closing as not a bug.
  9. The problem is you're entering your unit price as the price including tax. The amount you enter for the unit price should not include any tax. The tax is calculated and included on the line item in the invoice.
  10. Closing as not a bug. Please open a new thread with steps to duplicate if able to reproduce.
  11. There are a few existing tasks with regard to inclusive tax: CORE-652 - Order: Need to display service prices with any tax inclusive amounts CORE-650 - Tax Rules: Add option to control whether tax amount is displayed as inclusive or exclusive In come countries (VAT countries in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand) line items include tax however tax rates are still calculated exclusively (like sales tax). Blesta currently handles these just fine. However, in a number of countries (Sweden, for example) line items include tax and tax rates are calculated inclusively. Can you provide an example of what you mean? "Inclusive" means tax is included in the price. As with any bug report we need as much information as possible. Please see How to Report a Bug.
  12. Already fixed for 3.0.1 (CORE-682) Yes. The following in /config/blesta.php controls error reporting (if you upgraded from a beta version you'll need to add this line manually): Configure::errorReporting(0);
  13. The default date setting in Blesta is M d, Y (e.g. Aug 20, 2013). Changing the setting under [settings] > [Company] > [General] > [Localization] will only affect invoices created after that change is saved.
  14. If you don't want the tax number to be displayed, remove the tax number from [settings] > [Company] > [Taxes] > [basic Tax Settings].
  15. CORE-687 fixed in 3.0.1
  16. Added as CORE-687.
  17. Try the following: open /app/models/gateway_manager.php and change (line 244): if (substr($file, 0, 1) != "." && is_dir(COMPONENTDIR . "gateways" . DS . $file . DS . $gateway)) { to: if (substr($gateway, 0, 1) != "." && is_dir(COMPONENTDIR . "gateways" . DS . $file . DS . $gateway)) {
  18. Invoice padding wasn't ready for 3.0.0, so should have been removed during beta. CORE-681 fixed for 3.0.1 removes these settings. Will be added back in when the feature is fully supported.
  19. CORE-680 fixed in 3.0.1.
  20. In all likelihood it would be completely provider agnostic. You'd simply enter the authentication URL for each of the providers you wish to support, or perhaps check boxes from a set of supported (e.g. tested) ones.
  21. If we implement anything with OAUTH it'll work with any system that supports an OAUTH server (not just google).
  22. Still don't.
  23. If you see a blank page you can enable error reporting in /config/blesta.php. Change: Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then try to reproduce the problem.
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