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Everything posted by Cody

  1. Each license is tied to only a single IP address. Open a ticket if your dual hosted on IP4/v6 and we can add your additional IP.
  2. Doesn't look like you have error reporting enabled. But this sounds like it might be related to CORE-1077. If you have the email headers feel free to PM me or submit a ticket and we can confirm. The fix for CORE-1077 is the following change in /plugins/support_manager/vendors/mime_mail_parser/MimeMailParser.class.php From: if (in_array($disposition, $dispositions)) To: if (in_array($disposition, $dispositions) && isset($part['disposition-filename']))
  3. Also, you MUST run the cron manually in order to see the output from these modifications.
  4. In /plugins/support_manager/components/ticket_manager/ticket_manager.php This will tell you if an errors were thrown when connecting to or reading from the mail server. From: } catch (Exception $e) { // Ignore errors, continue on to the next department } To: } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTraceAsString(); die; } This will tell you if any messages were found on the mail server. From: foreach ($mailbox->searchMailbox($search_type) as $mail_id) { $email = new MimeMailParser(); To: foreach ($mailbox->searchMailbox($search_type) as $mail_id) { echo "\nfound message ID: " . $mail_id . "\n"; $email = new MimeMailParser();
  5. Blesta can't log everything it does, but it would certainly be nice to have an option that may be temporarily enabled to provide additional logging. This has already been discussed numerous times, and our answer is still the same. We can't provide verbose logging until we can make PHP 5.3 the minimum requirement for Blesta. With that said, however, if there is something in particular you'd like help debugging we can certainly walk you through that.
  6. Just FYI, in views it's always best to use: <?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "path/to/location/");?> base_uri contains the full path to the portal (either admin or client) and takes into consideration Routes.
  7. Cody

    Release 3.1.2

    Thanks! We appreciate bug reports. Every bug squished makes Blesta that much better.
  8. That is absolutely supported in Blesta. Each invoice can be queued for delivery in any of the available delivery methods. Each "billing" contact will receive a copy of the invoice in the selected delivery method. However paper invoices, since they are only addressed to the client, can only be sent to the address for the client (same goes for postalmethods).
  9. Cody

    Release 3.1.2

    Version 3.1.2 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area. This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.1.0. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes - Blesta Core - Version 3.1.2 ## Version 3.1.2 2014-02-26 ### Bug * [CORE-1050] - Import Manager: Blesta 2.5 migrator unknown column 'term' * [CORE-1056] - Creating a package with a one time term results in an error * [CORE-1058] - Client profile sidebar fields do not wrap if they lack white-space * [CORE-1059] - Client notes should display new lines * [CORE-1060] - Support Manager: Last Reply fails to sort descending * [CORE-1062] - Security: Some permissions not properly enforced * [CORE-1063] - Security: Add additional staff permissions * [CORE-1064] - Security: Staff not logged out after being made inactive * [CORE-1065] - Edit Package fails to save email content for newly installed languages * [CORE-1067] - Support Manager: Closed date not set when closing ticket * [CORE-1070] - Email log summary doubly encodes text ### Task * [CORE-1069] - Update build to include /uploads/system/ --- See all Change Logs.
  10. Cody

    Release 3.0.10

    Version 3.0.10 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area. This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.0.0. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes - Blesta Core - Version 3.0.10 ## Version 3.0.10 2014-02-26 ### Bug * [CORE-1062] - Security: Some permissions not properly enforced * [CORE-1063] - Security: Add additional staff permissions * [CORE-1064] - Security: Staff not logged out after being made inactive --- See all Change Logs.
  11. With a custom invoice template and a plugin, this is definitely possible. Though you will probably need pdftk so your invoice template can merge the documents together. In some cases you may not need anything more than a custom invoice template, which is able to fetch information regarding a specific service and include that data on the invoice template.
  12. A number of these features we have in mind for adding to the support manager. We're glad the community is able to provide features to users now, that we won't likely have available for a little while.
  13. I'm not able to duplicate this. 'type' comes from the type of phone number. This defaults to "phone". Clearly you have something going on where the type value isn't coming through.
  14. Thanks. Added CORE-1076.
  15. If you can provide a demonstration of the issue by pasting the email with all Headers, we can investigate and come up with a workable solution. As it is, I don't think we can use any of your proposed solutions.
  16. You will only receive a license invalid message if you attempt to access Blesta from a hostname, IP, or install path that is not registered for your license, or if the local license data has expired. You can force a revalidation by accessing /admin/license/. If that fails to work, you are likely accessing Blesta at a location not registered for you license. The solution then is to reissue your license. If when the cron runs the license becomes invalid it is likely because the system can not determine the hostname for your installation. The hostname is derived from the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] global variable. And, in the event that value is unavailable (which is usually the case when run via cron), the hostname is determined using the gethostbyaddr which requires that the server have the capability of performing DNS checks, and the IP address is a routable IP (i.e. NOT a local IP address). In this case, you may see an invalid hostname or IP address listed under your account for that license.
  17. That's only an option when creating payment accounts.
  18. This will only occur if the RSA string could not be decrypted because either: 1. The data is corrupt (stored improperly). 2. Your RSA key, or key pair, is corrupt. This can occur if you have modified the Blesta.system_key config setting in /config/blesta.php, or if you modified the private_key or public_key settings in company_settings table. Since this is related to a custom plugin, the issue is likely a result of something that plugin did. Obviously, we can't help you with debugging custom plugins.
  19. Moved to support.
  20. Services are provisioned and managed through Modules, so it's simply a matter of using the correct module to interface with the service you're wishing to provide.
  21. Cody

    Release 3.1.1

    Make sure you overwrite all of your files.
  22. Ah... already CORE-894.
  23. CORE-1056 has been fixed for 3.1.2. Hotfix below: /app/models/packages.php From: if ($term != "" || $pricing_id == "") To: if ($term != "" || $pricing_id == "" || !is_numeric($pricing_id))
  24. Based on this flow, what you're looking for is a custom plugin that allows users with certain services the ability to upload images for those services. Plugin docs here.
  25. Until there are drop-in plugins for Wodpress, Joomla, and Drupal, integrating will require knowledge of programming, or access to someone with knowledge of programming to perform the integration.
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