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Everything posted by Cody

  1. Update to 3.2.0-b3 and see if the issue persists. Also ensure that the currency you are processing is set to be processed by the gateway you have configured. Do this by checking that the clients' currency matches the selected currency for the gateway.
  2. Nice! Working on matching client theme?
  3. You should define your package price without tax, then set you tax rules to be tax inclusive.
  4. That screenshot is for 3.2 (currently in beta).
  5. We need more info on why that would be useful/beneficial to users for us to make a feature. Persuade us.
  6. Cody

    Release 3.2.0-B3

    Version 3.2.0-b3 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area. This is a BETA feature release. This release is not considered stable enough for production use. Please report any bugs in the 3.2 beta bug forum. PHP 5.5 Users Included in this release is a /hotfix-php5.5/ directory. Please use this directory to overwrite the default /blesta/app/app_controller.php, /blesta/app/app_model.php, and /blesta/app/models/license.php files. Please let us know how this hotfix works for you. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 3.2.0-b3. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  7. You may submit any contributions you'd like to us, and if we find it useful may include it in future releases. But it would be a violation of our License Agreement to modify our intellectual property and sell it (even to us). Of course, if you create an extension that doesn't use our intellectual property you are free to sell and distribute it however you want (we may even be interested in purchasing it). We provide dozens of extensions with Blesta for free in the hopes that third party developers will do the same, but we are not against anyone charging for their hard-earned work provided it doesn't use our intellectual property.
  8. Cody


    http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Clients.html#_get and/or http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Contacts.html#_get
  9. Cody

    View Pdf Invoice

    Moved to support. Try disabling the background/logo images on the PDF. If that doesn't help, give PHP more memory.
  10. Blesta assumes that when the EPP code is entered and accepted by the new registrar (module) that the domain transfer is complete. There are no checks to follow up and verify that a domain transfer was completed.
  11. Cody

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Thanks! We appreciate the positive feedback.
  12. Cody

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Glad to hear!
  13. I do hope you let us know about those aspects, as there may be things we can do.
  14. It's built into the order form. Create an order form with the Domain and Other type, then assign you domain registrar module to the form.
  15. Cody

    Change Paypal Buttons

    FYI, order forms and pay invoice pages have been completely reworked for version 3.2, taking into consideration feedback we've received regarding offline payments.
  16. Good points, electric. You've highlighted exactly why we've designed Blesta to be so modular and customizable. Of course, I'm always surprised when people say Blesta is basic or simple, or otherwise lacking in features when compared to some other systems. It makes me smile, knowing we did a good job with not overwhelming the user. But it also means we may not be conveying all of the features of Blesta to users that are used to systems that have cut corners. Take for example service terms. Most systems support one time, monthly, bimonthly, annually, and biannually. Blesta supports hundreds of thousands of possible terms! Other systems supporting only email delivery of invoices. Blesta supports email, fax, and postal mail (yes, invoices that actually fit into double-windowed envelopes and can be printed through Blesta or mailed directly from Blesta) Other systems have a basic API that was added as an after thought. Blesta's API automatically grows with every release, and with every plugin installed. Multi-company,... the list goes on. While I can definitely see how someone used to another system might notice some things currently unavailable, the net result is Blesta is more featureful overall; and growing daily.
  17. Cody

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Version 3.2.0-b2 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area. This is a BETA feature release. This release is not considered stable enough for production use. Please report any bugs in the 3.2 beta bug forum. PHP 5.5 Users Included in this release is a /hotfix-php5.5/ directory. Please use this directory to overwrite the default /blesta/app/app_controller.php, /blesta/app/app_model.php, and /blesta/app/models/license.php files. Please let us know how this hotfix works for you. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 3.2.0-b2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  18. You can add widgets to the client dashboard using the "widget_client_home" action. See http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Plugin+Actions
  19. In its entirety huh? We must have a different understanding of the definition of entirety. At any rate, considering the importer was designed for WHMCS version 5.2, I don't think it's such a surprise. They have been known to make superfluous changes in the past simply to negate our import scripts, that could very well be the case here.
  20. Yes, the license manager comes with a class and associated libraries that handles all integration. It also includes example code to show how to embed within your software.
  21. No, because the route must be processed before any other code is executed. You could, of course, use a plugin to modify /config/routes.php when installed, though probably best to just give user instructions to do so.
  22. If you're not seeing anything in the tabs Blesta isn't able to fetch the info from LogicBoxes. Check your module log.
  23. How do the records you inserted differ from those that Blesta inserted for the same transaction? Blesta will take the transactions.amount value for a particular transaction and apply transactions.amount-transaction_applied.amount (for a particular transaction) to invoices until transactions.amount-transaction_applied.amount is 0. If Blesta is indeed applying transactions that have already been applied, my guess is it's because from what Blesta can tell there are still amounts left to be applied.
  24. You don't have to do anything. The whois information comes straight from the registrar. If you update it in Blesta for the service then it will be reflected at the registrar. Not sure what you're expecting the cron job to do here...
  25. Whois info isn't stored in Blesta. Blesta will pull that down from LogicBoxes when you view/edit the whois information in Blesta.
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