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Everything posted by mlsto

  1. That is what I did, sorry should not have shortened it here, this is what I put: Domain - testwheel.info (told me test is not a domain) Email: info@relogmail (told me not email address)
  2. There seems to be a few issues when adding accounts, not sure but it seems Blesta has what it believes domains and email accounts should be because it did not allow me to add the following: Domain - testwheel (told me test is not a domain) Email: @relogmail (I am thinking it thinks I mean @gmail) How can I bypass these restrictions. Thank you
  3. These are my limits, 30 a minute would get me blocked - 19 emails per minute using PHP and 9 emails a minute using SMTP.
  4. Hello It looks like when you use mass mailer it sends all emails one time which can get me blocked. Is there a way to use it say sending a few emails per minute. Thank you
  5. I got it worked out Thank you
  6. Michael Thanks for the answer, let me get a video and get back. Looks like all emails I send not going, tried resending but gives the error. Appreciate
  7. Hello Testing some emails to clients but they are not going through, I am getting this message: "The email failed to send due to a configuration issue." I am using PHP Mail. Can someone help with this. Thank you in advance
  8. Understand. Thanks again
  9. Got it, thank you. Other question, as I am manually adding clients I do not want the system to bill them as I still have CE live, I want to start the billing when I close CE. What would be a good way to do this in Blesta. Also can Blesta terminate accounts after a certain period of time after a service is cancelled? Thanks again
  10. Hello Paul A bit confused I am seeing two setting in the auto cancel one to schedule and one to cancel the service. If the core does it already then I do not need have it being done twice or getting it wrong. Thank you
  11. Thank you very much Michael. That answers my question.
  12. Hello I have decided to go ahead with Blesta as getting issues with CE. I have a few more questions as I am adding clients manually. Is there a difference between the Cancel Service in the "Invoice and Charge Options" and the "Auto Cancel" Plugin? Also as I am using a Non-Merchant (PayPal and 2Checkout) account do I still need to enable the Credit Card in the Accepted Payment Types? Thank you for any help on this.
  13. Thanks evolvewh, appreciate That's great that he is upgrading it, from what I have seen from the new Blesta I love it but want to give clients a good experience and the cpanel extended is a good selling point, purchased it from Module Gardens years ago and was a great addition (my old days of Whmcs). I will definitely move Paul when all is ready with the module. Will keep checking to see when there is an update. Thanks again, great support and service here.
  14. Thanks Michael and Paul, Yes the cpanel one is just the login (like CE) but the extended really gives you more options but only working with a few options, well for me. Thanks all but think at this time I will stay with CE, I will ask the author about these restrictions, if it can work I will move as really would like these to work. Thanks again
  15. Thanks Paul, I have all that I was just seeking how a client can manage their cpanel in the blesta dashboard. It seems from what I can see that a lot of features do not work in cpanel extended, you can only view and change a few things. Getting errors or cannot retrieve that information or blank pages with it, so that maybe the issue. I will have to use your other cpanel. One of the main reasons I wanted to switch was for cpanel extended but see that is a no go.
  16. Thanks Michael So then the cpanel cannot be managed in blesta. How does the cpanel get hooked up in blesta if I cannot import it, doesn't that defeat the purpose.
  17. Hello I have started manually adding accounts from ClientExec setup but have a few questions. I am using cPanel extended and notice it will not work as it needs the cpanel accounts imported, how can I import the cpanel accounts into Blesta. Does the normal cPanel module import accounts? The clients cPanel account cannot be managed in Blesta unless it is imported or setup. So the cpanel account can be imported do I use the module or not as I do not want to add a new cpanel account for the client. When I setup an account service should I create an invoice while setting it up or it will create a new invoice when the service is due. Thank you for any answers to these.
  18. mlsto

    Order Form Setup

    Disregard figured it out
  19. mlsto

    Order Form Setup

    It is not showing as I want so think I am doing something wrong. See here: https://sluhosting.com/clients/order/config/preconfig/domain_web_hosting_services Please let me know.
  20. mlsto

    Order Form Setup

    Thanks Michael So if I do it this way I do not need two order forms I can just use one? Thanks again
  21. Hello I notice that the email address in the email templates are showing like this: billing@www.mydomain.com How do I correct this. Thank you
  22. mlsto

    Order Form Setup

    Sorry for all the questions but trying to remember Blesta and do a new setup. I setup two order forms one for web hosting and one for domains but I want it to show differently, I want when you go to order first you see the domain form and if you do not want to order a domain you click "Skip, Order Other Items" and it goes to the web hosting order form. Can't seem to get it to show this way. Is the a way to do it this way? Thank you for any help on this.
  23. Will have to bypass for now. Thanks Michael
  24. Yes, what I though, hope comes soon. Thanks domaingood
  25. Hello As different domains have different prices what is the best way to setup domain services. I am thinking setting up a package for each one would be much like one for .com, one for .net and one for .org or this is how it has to be? Thanks in advance.
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