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Everything posted by mlsto

  1. Hello Instead of using a coupon I am using a Free Month package which cancels after the 30 days, I however notice a customer cannot upgrade to a paid plan this way when the 30 days are over, is there a way for the client to upgrade in their account or I have to do it manually. Thank you in advance.
  2. Worked perfectly, thank you very much BA
  3. Hello I do not think this works with V4 as I installed and the ticket was not created, tested and gave ticket # no number, there was no ticket in the client area also never got a notice or a ticket in the admin. Installed and had to revert back to Blesta as a client tried to contact but complained no ticket going through and wanted to know if giving support. Hope this can be updated. Thank you
  4. Thanks for the answer but there is no way to change, when you go to Manage>Change there are no options to change the package in the same plan, you can only change to a different plan not the same plan you are on, unless I am getting something wrong. Thank you
  5. Sorry for the come back but also notice that if you are in one plan and say monthly you cannot upgrade to say 3, 6 months or yearly in the same plan, you can only upgrade to the a plan not in that group. Is this correct, what if someone wants to upgrade to a different price or months in that same plan, it has to be done manually? Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks Michael Much appreciation
  7. Hello, Have a client who has a monthly account but downgraded to a lower yearly plan, the system downgraded them but no invoice was prepared, His invoice for the old plan is due in May, does that mean he will be charged the downgrade price in May and now be charged yearly? I have "Queue Service Changes Until Paid" ticked, shouldn't he have paid the plan fee before the system downgraded him. Thank you for any help on this.
  8. Seemed to have ruffed some feathers, it is not always about correctness but about business and how a few spoil so much for others.
  9. Hello Would like to block Countries from signing up, seems Africa is a serious headache for fraud, is this possible in Blesta. Thank you for any help on this.
  10. Thanks Michael Will check it out.
  11. What is the fraud record checker? Is this in Blesta?
  12. Since I have already made the move I have to put it down as an inconvenience but would be good if there was a way for it to work.
  13. Disregard this, I figured it out, I had the minimum score to review at 10 so anything above that would need a review. Sorry for the pain.
  14. Think I realized what happened, it is in review status, I am using FraudLabs, what does this mean I have to manually approve FraudLabs checks. It passed their checks but see I still have to release from review. Is this how it works with FraudLabs? Would appreciate help on this.
  15. Hello Have a client who just signed up and paid but no hosting account was created in his account. I had to manually create the account. When setting it up using the module it was already in the WHM, so the hosting was created but not in his Blesta account and the payment was taken but applied to no service. have no idea what happened here. Need to find out, any help would be appreciated.
  16. Yes one company. Gateway is empty. I know some use a different email in PayPal to their accounts, so does this mean I have to manually pay every subscription invoice. Should have know that before.
  17. Hello Completed the manual CE import but noticed a recurring payment from PayPal did not record. Not sure why, I did the redirect in the htaccess file so not sure what happened. Also there is no callback folder so is this correct? This what I used - Redirect 301 /plugins/gateways/paypal/callback.php /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ Any suggestions Thank you in advance
  18. mlsto

    Importing ClientExec

    Yes I know I will use the CE one. Thanks again
  19. mlsto

    Importing ClientExec

    Thanks Michael
  20. mlsto

    Importing ClientExec

    Further to the PayPal subscriptions do I put the full callback URL or keep as suggested Redirect 301 /modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ or Redirect 301 https://www.domain.com/clients/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php https://www.domain.com/clients/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ Thank you
  21. Thanks all, appreciate very much.
  22. Got it, Thanks
  23. I am thinking it thinks info@relogmail.com is supposed to be @gmail.com
  24. Mailgun looks interesting, can it be integrated into Blesta? Thank you
  25. Will request one, I think there should be an option to schedule how many per minute.
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