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Everything posted by Reeckz

  1. Hey, I'm a TCAdmin user, if this is still a thing, I'd be more than happy to help you out with some testing
  2. I'd love to see this added. Would be really useful.
  3. Awesome, thanks! What version of blesta is this? 3.2?
  4. I'm not sure this is a feature already, but I haven't been able to find it so here goes. I'd be great to have a feature that allowed us to simply block all business from certain countries: IE. Brazil / India. Alternatively something like pulling said countries orders out of the automatic queue and leave them for manual review.
  5. That'd be great.
  6. Give it a "grace period" of like 1-2 minutes before sending the email. So if it's edited it'll email the edited version. Also it wouldn't affect the need for it. Generally when i receive an email stating you've got a response on ticket id: XYZ I just click the link, I don't bother reading the reply below it.
  7. Currently there's no way to enforce Two-Factor Authentication for staff accounts. The way i see it working: When creating a new staff account, you get the option to force the account to setup two-factor. The on the first login of said staff account he/she is presented with the QR / Key and needs to enter two keys.
  8. I'd be very happy with the ability to edit tickets. I have a bad habit of missing typos when using some sort of editor, so i often don't realize it before hitting the "reply" button. =/
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