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Everything posted by HarrisonLILY

  1. Did you create the DB user? If so did you assign all the privileges to it?
  2. +1 I just had to do this, an hour of my life i won't get back! lol
  3. i'm all for this mod too
  4. +2 from me
  5. I can probably put you in touch with a few if you wanted
  6. that is exactly what i wanted cheers mate
  7. Just started creating some test packages and products (big thanks to CubicWebs) but was wondering about prices and currencies. i created a package using the universal module and put all the gumph in and selected 3 currencies (to see what happens more than anything else) but the text only shows on the main currency not on the others its blank. Do you need to enter pricing and terms for each currency or can you get it to use the main one currency (in this case GBP) and the exchange rates to show the equivalent in all the others? Seems odd to be able to pull in exchange rates but not have it update or maybe i'm missing the point which wouldn't be difficult to be honest! Any help and suggest as always most gratefully accepted and appreciated.
  8. There is an option in the billing section admin -> settings -> company -> billing -> coupons Hope that helps?
  9. I hope to use it for SSL and maybe domains but really wanted it to integrate software billing into it, sort of use it as a replacement for amember as it where.
  10. Has anyone used or indeed using Blesta for billing other products services apart from domain/hosting/ssl etc? I'm very interested in having one billing platform for everything. Apologies if this has already been covered had a look and couldn't find anything
  11. there's an option under packages -> groups -> edit then you can then select the type standard and add-on found it last night playing
  12. i was thinking about that last night but was too tired to bother, will give it a go later thanks
  13. i had a similar problem and ended up having to create an ini file in /etc/php5/conf.d with the line extension=mailparse.so then restart apache2 service seems i didn't fully install it!
  14. Nice write up mate, gives me a reference when I hit the template side of things
  15. thanks for all your help i seem to have got it working now using permissions 777, which is not something i usually like to do as always concerns me leaving a folder writable to everyone! but seems to prevent unwanted downloading which is what i wanted. thanks again
  16. i'm very interested integrating domainbox with blesta, maybe if i manage to get to grips with it a bit more give it a go myself!
  17. thanks for the swift reply i have managed to get the green tick now but it still give me the error? any ideas? cheers
  18. I have been trying to setup my site and after fighting with the pecl mailparser which i finally got working I now seem to be unable to upload files via the download manager. It keeps giving me the error The file could not be written. I think this must be a permissions or missing folder thing but can not for the life of me find any info on how to configure that? if someone could help be most grateful cheers
  19. thanks for the welcome guys looks an up and coming place
  20. Just signed up after purchasing my license day or so back. Hope to get my ar$e in gear and get my site up and running shortly but thought i'd say hi first
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