Latest Version 1.1.3
Part 1 of BlestaCRM Bundle Clients (Overview Data)
Top Clients Due
Top Clients Credit
Top Clients By Income (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today)
Top Clients By Services (Active, Suspended, Canceled, Pending)
Top Clients by Country The total number of active services per country in map format, as well as total active unique clients per country in a table beneath the map.
Credits Reviewer All the credits that you issued to clients between two dates you specify.
New Customers The total number of new customers, orders, and complete orders for the current year and compares each of these to the previous year on the graph.
Services & Packages (Overview Data)
Top Active Services (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today)
Top Canceled Services (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today)
Top Packages by Income (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today)
Top Packages by Sold (Overall, This Year, This Month, This Week, Today)
Packages Unordered (Packages never ordered by term)
Daily Performance A daily activity summary for a given month. Data in this report includes Completed Orders, New Invoices, Paid Invoices, Opened Tickets, Ticket Replies and Cancellation Requests.
Monthly Orders A breakdown of the number of units sold of each product per month per currency. This allows you to see your most profitable products.
Promotions Usage Usage statistics for each promotional code to see how often clients have used each promo code.
You can download it from here : Click Here
Any suggestion or bug report is welcome, we had test the plugin on our system and it works well (based on 1 currency)