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DannyXYZ last won the day on September 4 2021

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  1. Hello, for me it is not working to sorting the domain order on Packages --> Domain Option --> TLD pricing. I can move the position of the TLDs but after i reload the page the order is not saved. I can see in browser console (Firefox 93.0) the following: sorttlds The "XXX_csid" cookie will soon be rejected because it specifies either "None" or an invalid value for the "SameSite" attribute without using the "secure" attribute. Error: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data /app/views/admin/default/javascript/jquery-migrate.min.js jquery-migrate.min.map Error: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data /app/views/admin/default/javascript/jquery.qtip.min.js jquery.qtip.min.map The Logs shows this error: general.ERROR: Exception: AdminNv.d3.min.js.map is not a valid controller in /vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php:113 Stack trace: #0 /index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch() #1 {main} but this seems to be antother one.
  2. Hello, if you edit a service and you want to add an price override und you use comma, you will get error message: "The price override must be a number." This seems to be the same problem i reported here: https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/15801-renewal-price-must-be-a-number/ and what was fixed for configurable options with Blesta 5.1. But on Price override this is not fixed.
  3. Thank you
  4. No, it has also a price of 7,00 EUR
  5. If i on the site /plugin/domains/client_main/ or on the Dashboard (Widget) the price for Domains show 0,00 EUR: but if i look on /client/services/manage/XX/ the price is showing right.
  6. Hello, If i am logged in as client and click on the navigation on "Domains" (plugin/domains/client_main/) and then on "Manage" i get redirected to the Client Portal. Version: 5.2.0-b1
  7. The Sandbox is just for testing.
  8. Hello, i have some configurable options, that i use on more than one group. I have created a option logic rule on this groups, but i run into an problem with this: The Option logic just works only on one group. It is everytime the last group where i have saved the logic. If i save it on group a, it works only on group a, but not on b. If i save the option logic on group b, then it no more works on group a but on b. So is this intendet to be like this? Or do i have to create new optios for every group to get this work. What will be more work then, as it is easier to use same options one differnet groups.
  9. it is already: https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4433
  10. if i had known it is just an css thing, i had fixed it my self. Thank you for pointing this out. This works fine and it is solved now
  11. yes right, i use PHP 7.4 i tested it now also with PHP 7.3. The message is also logged under 7.3 in my case.
  12. It is randomly after a payment. In some cases balance shows 0,00 in some not, without any modification on the invoice. It is happen after a payment and the balance should not be cached, to show correctly on the PDF in my opinion.
  13. Hello, for the invoices i have the Invoice Cache Method enabled. On the most of the invoices (PDF Version) where the payments are listed, the balance is not reduced. So as example the invoice amount is 5,00 and the client has also paid 5,00, then the balance still show 5,00 and not 0,00. This seems to be a thing of the cache, but is this intended to be like this? As it then shows the wrong amount in this cases on the PDF Version all the time. See this screenshot to better understand what i mean: if i modify a invoice and have the checkbox for "Recache this invoice on update" enabled then the amount is correct then on the PDF. i am on Blesta Version 5.1.2.
  14. On the logs i can see this notice, but i donĀ“t know if this can have to do with this, but everytime i view a ticket, this message is logged: general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null {"code":8,"message":"Trying to access array offset on value of type null","file":"/vendors/blesta/parsedown/Parsedown.php","line":258}
  15. Hello, before i was on 5.0.4 now on 5.1.2. So at the moment, if threre is more text you can not read this text very good anymore. The E-Mail versions are fine and look good, but if you view the ticket in Blesta, you can not read the text as it all is line in line. So for me all this looks like this:
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