Not idiot, but realist.
The price come to table like API do, but from feeds, if you take a look to "other guys" have something like a folder named "feeds" with a few files inside, each file do a proposite.
for example, using feed
<script language="javascript" src="feeds/productpricing.php?pid=1¤cy=1"></script>
will give the valor of "product 1"
The follow feeds help alot, and I believe will help other people, like "us the users", why I need hacks, and disable security features, like a simple "form" for domain search?
Or something, for using "embed" forms, here (blesta foruns) I find alot of topics ask, how can I embed a domain form? how can I embed a product price?
I'am rational, why I need use API, code and more more and more?
Blesta is a amazing product, but have some defice usability of the product from the point of "us the common user".
Is not because of that, I go away, but is my opinion, and I believe more blesta users like to see it implement.