Mr @aliman this is the second time you call us unethical and this is rude by your side let me clear this for you .
folder permissions are affected by your server configs. it is has nothing to do with our module,
we did our best to help you and we answer your tickets and since the first tickets we point you strait for the problem and we told you the javascript file is not accessible by web server and it should be accessible, and we point you for a few things to check if you don't know how to do it then that's not our fault .
even your htaccess was one of the points and you ask us to check it for you and we did thought it is not our problem to check your htaccess but we offer help with open arms , and finally after loads of tickets and you make us lose plenty of time to checking your issue with no success we tell you we can check your server for a fee , and because of that you call us unethical ,
also sound you didn't read our TOS which clearly stated the bellow :
Abuse towards our staff or other clients on our network is not tolerated. Your account and all associated will be suspended pending termination after review.
if you keep using this kind of words and speech we will terminate your account and suspend your license .
ask with respect if you have any issue with the module and we will be more than happy to fix it but if you don't know how to setup things on your server that's not our responsibility . @Paul is it allowed to call people (unethical) on Blesta forums ?