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  1. With 5.0.4 and last updated version it works like a charm.
  2. Hello Guys, any news regarding a QuickBooks Online Module/Plugin for Blesta?
  3. Love to see that someone is doing something for Xero. Don't miss Quickbooks and Sage too
  4. Yes we are deploying a new web site , and plan to start selling some hosting packages along with the low cost domain extensions included, but can't find a solution with Blesta system until now. I think it's a very important aspect.
  5. sorry to write you here, but... are the VIP subscription packages updated for 5.0.x ? Many seems not, wrote you months ago about but no answer. Would be nice to have compatibility and version and date of new release on download page/package list, i've seen so many modules doesn't support 5.0.x yet (had to delete them to migrate to 5.0.x!) Still no answer by ticket on your website.
  6. Hello @Blesta Addons, that's already done. I know that before need to uninstall from panel. After removing it from init and structure and htaccess file frontend works, but backend still not. can't browse packages clients etc as links point to the client portal. Btw it's insane I wrote you by ticket 4 days ago and no answer, and now on forum after a while. And it's not answered yet....
  7. Hello, after upgrading to 4.11.2 successfully can't delete a plugin, even tried to do Uninstall and remove also manually from directory . Tried to contact also blesta-addons @Blesta Addons, but after 4 days no reply yet. And this plugin is not updated yet. See in attach. I prefer to not use anymore plugins or modules that require modifications to Blesta files anymore as things stop to work and when it happens, plugin developer doesn't answer for days weeks months. That's insane! @Blesta Addons last time answered after several days or weeks ... I can't wait weeks!
  8. Why after 4 days a ticket is not answered and not read on blesta-addons?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vedova


      Yes you're right... they answered me a week later :) 


    3. niyo


      How did you get a response? the ticket system doesn't work so i tried messaging him on this forum but didn't hear back...?

    4. Blesta Addons

      Blesta Addons

      we have tickets and w have replied to all  of them, we can delay in response but we response.


  9. any news around this payment gateway with last Blesta version?
  10. @Paul Hope these can help you too https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/technicalInformation.html https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/data/dataset/vies-vat-information-exchange-system/resource/abc8dd3b-fd78-4433-96af-d5e54873ad35 Could be of your interest too https://www.phpclasses.org/package/10161-PHP-Validate-VAT-number-using-VIES-API.html https://ar.al/1401/
  11. Oh I can say the same for US Sales Tax too, man ... but the principle is the same as your (new) Economic Nexus A part of this, you should be aware that sometimes specific VAT VIES country system go offline for maintenance , and so the VIES check cannot be done. That's because in EU VAT VIES system is decentralised and updated on a 24hrs (almost) basis. Again, when calculating the VAT Rate-Country almost two pieces of information must be matching the customer details. Eg. Customer IP + Phone Number, Customer IP + Address, Customer IP + Credit Card issue country ... so also a Phone number verification, must be made if you want to use that number as a tax residence proof, of course. Hope this can help. Woocommerce for example do that.
  12. It's ok about VAT MOSS needs, but regarding EU requirements would be nice to have _ONLY_ if them can be disabled for non-EU Customers otherwise people not feeling on will leave in a glance at checkout. I think people don't expect that. Also processors / banks ask to have these rules on terms / refund policy only. Remember that consent has not only to check but if you request it like this, you have to save it somewhere and logging it too! About VAT MOSS and VIES requests please vote here and add your concerns too! 1. https://requests.blesta.com/topic/vies-check-and-vat-rate-update-support 2. https://requests.blesta.com/topic/vat-moss-complete-support
  13. yes the problem was starting on June 3rd it's not a 24Hrs question, of course. BTW Thank you.
  14. uh? where I have to modify it so?
  15. ok thanks , seems to be a little insane but works, btw regarding Order Forms order? How can I change it as well?
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