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  1. Yeah, mcrypt is deprecated, but it's still a major module what people use. However, most providers are still not ready for openssl-encrypt, so I think we need to wait a while. (And for developers, I think it will be good to dual-support mcrypt and openssl-encrypt :D)
  2. CWP has recently (actually it's been a while) announced a User Panel, which is available at port :2082 (Non-SSL), :2083 (SSL). However, Blesta provides a link (when we click Go To Panel(I guess)) to the Admin Panel, where the client cannot login anymore. It will be good to change the link for the client from 2030/2031 to 2082/2083.
  3. It is STRONGLY advised to not post your license key here..
  4. Yes it is. I'll be glad to have it.
  5. Hi, I am willing to make a Korean Translation version of Blesta, but I'm having a trouble on finding the option on translate.blesta.com. I will be glad if the option is added. Thanks!
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