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  1. Did you try this https://github.com/Flexusma/blesta-keyhelp-integration
  2. Thanks, how we can bypass contact form (ticket) ?
  3. Done it, It is working well. Can we do similar procedure with contact form? When someone send as message via contact form, how it can automatic open ticket in Blesta?
  4. Hello, I try to do same. How i can make my html form working with csrf? I have found this on some guy web site (and it is working well). <!-- Domain search area --> <div class="searchbox"> <div class="container"> <h2>Start your journey..</h2> <form method="post" action="https://domain.net/order/config/preconfig/Domains" class="disable-on-submit"> <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="248b07ad391603435ea84a7bc7a29b5ed6f57ab87e090bb13835f61d6468026b" /> <div class="input-group"> <input name="domain" value="" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="mydomain.com" > <div class="input-group-append"> <button class="btn btn-primary" input type="submit"><img src="assets/images/search.png" /> Search</button> </div> </div> </form> Here is example of my form: (how i can make it to use csrf) ? <form action="" method="POST" class="domain-search-form"> <input type="search" placeholder="Enter Address" id="domain-search"> <div class="select-group"> <select name="domainList"> <option value="com" selected>.com</option> <option value="net">.net</option> <option value="io">.io</option> <option value="info">.info</option> <option value="store">.store</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </div> </form>
  5. You can link paysera visa card with paypal, as paypal accept only visa for receive money in some EU countrys.
  6. Hello, Any updates here? Regards
  7. Thank you Paul, Request is open HERE
  8. Thanks Paul, But if reseller have own base of client, or email hosting is used by more users, how we can unblock some of them? Is it possible to make some security check? Don't allow all ip adreses to be unblocked? There must be different reasons why ip get block in cpanel firewall.
  9. Hello, I just install this plugin: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/IP+Unblocker But my form look like this: How we can paste ip adress inside box? This is very important.
  10. boka003

    [Theme] Cloud

    It will be nice, if this theme get compatabile with 5.0 ?
  11. Hello, This module use default blesta system for inovices? Today, i have log in as client, and see this: http://prntscr.com/vanjsi There is no invoice send. Where i can find this option for sending inovices? Thank you
  12. I just test it on HostBill and it work's fine. This is how they setup connection to API: http://prntscr.com/u3x66g Account ID and Secret word API username and password is user who have api rights in 2checkout control panel. And for transaction recording they have Callback URL. After payment is made, user will be redirected to this url. http://prntscr.com/u3x74k
  13. Hello Paul, Only log that i have is this one in /logs_blesta/ [2020-08-19 18:00:03] general.WARNING: E_WARNING: unlink(/tmp/__tcpdf_66ad91846c97dc180b2d457d19e955b0_imgmask_alpha_a31239d3efb889df0d12b3b969c749f6): No such file or directory {"code":2,"message":"unlink(/tmp/__tcpdf_66ad91846c97dc180b2d457d19e955b0_imgmask_alpha_a31239d3efb889df0d12b3b969c749f6): No such file or directory","file":"/home/clientwebarena/public_html/vendors/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf.php","line":7801} There us nothing in modules: http://prntscr.com/u3a9nw or in getway http://prntscr.com/u3a9v3 Can you please tell me how i can check is server supports TLS 1.2 via CURL and Apache ? Yes, i use secret word, here is my setup: http://prntscr.com/u3aerq http://prntscr.com/u3aff2 Is it possible to have this credit card page with paypal: https://www.paypal.com/merchantapps/appcenter/acceptpayments/checkout ? I using 2checkout only for credit card payments Thank you!
  14. Hello, I am facing the same problem as the guys in this thread: I would love to change the 2checkout, but stripe and other services do not support Bosnia and Herzegovina. https://stripe.com/global I’m not sure if I can make a virtual bank account that I can link to stripe
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