I am tying to change a direct admin password via the module and keep getting
Make sure the password contains the following: At least 12 characters, at least 1 upper-case character A-Z, at least 1 lower-case character a-z, at least 1 number 0-9, and at least 1 special character from the set: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_` {|};
Make sure the password contains the following: At least 12 characters, at least 1 upper-case character A-Z, at least 1 lower-case character a-z, at least 1 number 0-9, and at least 1 special character from the set: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_` {|}
The password i need to use is 10 characters and includes upper/lower characters and the @ symbol.
Could you tell me how I can reduce the minimum character length / force the password to be saved in Blesta.
DirectAdmin has accepted the password find when I tried to change it via the admin pages.
Thank you